Service accepts XML data in format and store it in the database tables. Empty post returns setting for "STGeotracking" iOS application, based on defaults or UOAuth role "STGTSettings" data.
- ch.entity - entity data
- ch.relationship - relationships between the entities from ch.entity
- ch.attribute - parsed attibutes for entityes
ch.createSP(@entity long varchar default null) - creates the stored procedure with owner 'ch' and name = @entity. Procedure result set is parsed entity fields for all record in the table ch.entity named @entity.
ch.createView(@entity long varchar default null) - creates the view with owner 'ch' and name = @entity. View represents parsed entity fields for all record in the table ch.entity named @entity.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<post xmlns="">
<d name="Entity1" xid="13C8B00D-2D73-470A-B97C-6F0FAC11290B">
<date name="date">2013-04-19 07:32:45 +0000</date>
<string name="name">Name</string>
<d name="Entity2" xid="A49E11BF-2450-4A08-BAC7-CF31199C464E"/>