Currently is in development. The same as rest/get, but uses UOAuth instead of basic authorization. User permissions are defined based on UOAuth/roles response on access token.
Returns result set of multi-entity query to ASA database. Entities are joined with database defined foreign keys or with user defined conditions. Result set contains fields of last entity in query. Uses the basic http authentification. User permissions are the same as for a database user.
Any option can be passed as http-header or http-variable. When specifying an option as http-variable, a colon must be added to its name. (i.e.:distinct:=yes)
- authorization - UOAuth access token (for arest service)
- page-size - rows per page, default 10
- page-number - page number from the beginning of a result set, default 1
- order-by - specify a field the result set will be ordered by, default field is 'id' if the result set contains one, otherwise no "order by" clause will be applied
- columns - comma separated list of the columns to return in a result set, default '*'
- order-dir - direction of an 'order by' clause, default is 'desc'
- distinct - if 'yes' distinct clause applies to query
- long-values - if 'yes', shows long binary values in the output. Default is 'no'. When 'id' or 'xid' attribute is set explicitly for the last entity in the query or a long binary column exactly defined in the 'columns' option
../rest/get/<owner1>.<entityName1>[/[<entity expression>[&<entity expression>...]]]
[/<owner2>.<entityName2>...][?<common filter expression>|<option>=<value>[&...]]
entity expression:
integer - value of 'id' column
guid - value of 'xid' column
<column name><logical operator><value>
- filter expression for entity. Supported logical operators: =, <, >, <=, >=, %= (sql 'like' operator)
<entity - n column name>``[``..]<entity column name>
- user defined join condition. n - number of entity left in url then current.
n equals count of ` between column names.
- common filter expression: applies to all entity in the query which have column with name specified
<column name><logical operator><value>
- Filters defined through variables applies to all entity in query which have column witn name =
Supported logical operators is =, <, >, <=, >=, = <list of comma separated values>
(sql 'in' operator)
xml with rows of last entity in query
<response xmlns="" xid="0000" ts="2013-01-30 15:30:08.919"
cts="2013-01-30 15:30:08.716" servername="SERVER" dbname="database" host="HOST">
<d name="dbo.someTable2" xid="0000">
<integer name="id">10</integer>
<string name="name">Unit</string>
<datetime name="ts">2009-04-29 15:40:29.733</datetime>
probable sql (depends on specific data model):
select t2.filed1 … t2.fieldN from dbo.someTable t1 join dbo.someTable t2 on t1.PK = where = 10 order by desc
url: `../rest/get/dbo.someTable/field1>=100&field2%=cat%&field3=1
probabale sql:
select t1.filed1 … t1.fieldN from dbo.someTable t1 where t1.field1 >= 100 and t1.field2 like 'cat%' and t1.field3 = 1 order by desc
url: `../rest/get/dbo.someTable/17dd84a7-e99b-4d42-a153-a5f9d0454388
probable sql:
select t1.filed1 … t1.fieldN from dbo.someTable t1 where t1.xid = '17dd84a7-e99b-4d42-a153-a5f9d0454388'
probable sql:
select t2.filed1 … t2.fieldN from dbo.someTable t1, dbo.someTable2 t2 where t1.field3 = t2.field4 and t2.field1 = 1 and > '2013-01-01' and > '2013-01-01'