Load Balance is program for performing load balancing of Xnavis code. It analyzes the input mesh and produces bsplit and cutter inputs for a well-balanced parallel simulation.
The program is written in pure Fortran (standard 2003, with the only exception of convert open specifier that is not standard).
Load Balance is develop with Intel Fortran Compiler (12.x or higher). The makefile has a help message:
make help
Make options of Load Balance code
Compiler choice: COMPILER=intel => default
COMPILER=gnu => GNU gfortran
COMPILER=intel => Intel Fortran
Compiling options
DEBUG=yes(no) => on(off) debug (default yes)
F03STD=yes(no) => on(off) check standard fortran (default yes)
OPTIMIZE=yes(no) => on(off) optimization (default no)
OPENMP=yes(no) => on(off) OpenMP directives (default no)
Provided Rules: default=loadbalance => compile the code
help => printing this help message
loadbalance => compile the library
cleanobj => cleaning compiled object
cleanmod => cleaning .mod files
cleanmsg => cleaning make-log massage files
clean => running cleanobj, cleanmod and cleanmsg
cleanall => running clean and cleanexe
tar => creating a tar archive of the project
doc => building the documentation
To compile in debug mode:
make DEBUG=yes
To compile in production mode:
make DEBUG=no OPTIMIZE=yes
Load Balance has a help message that is echoed if it is called without command line arguments:
Load balancing for Xnavis
loadbalance [-swt [arg]]
-i input_file_name
-np #procs (default 8)
-be => big endian bits ordering
-le => little endian bits ordering (default)
-pf prime_factor_list (default=[3,2]); "-" separated value => e.g. -pf 9-7-5-3-2
-b balancing_tolerance (default 3.0%)
-imax maximum_balancing_iteration (default 1000)
-mgl number_of_multi-grid_levels (default 4)
-save_blk_his => save splitting history of each original block (default no)
-save_lvl_lis => save level block list for each level (default no)
loadbalance -i cc.01 ! little endian input file and 8 procs
loadbalance -i cc.01 -np 64 -pf 7-5-3-2 ! particular prime factors list
loadbalance -i cc.01 -np 16 -be ! big endian input file and 16 procs
loadbalance -i cc.01 -np 32 -b 2. ! maximum admissible unbalance factor of 2%
loadbalance -i cc.01 -np 16 -imax 100 ! maximum number of balancing iterations set to 100
loadbalance -i cc.01 -np 32 -save_blk_his ! save block splitting history for each original block
- Complete documentation.
The Load Balance program is an open source project, it is distributed under the GPL v3. Anyone is interest to use, to develop or to contribute to Load Balance is welcome.