Tags: szaydel/uthash
Bump version to 2.0.1 to justify a release tag. v2.0.1 is API-incompatible with v2.0.0. Yes, this isn't what semver.org says you ought to do. But I'm considering this a "bugfix" on top of a "premature release" of v2.0.0; v2.0.0 added new functionality under "incorrect" names and failed to bump the version number in package.json, both of which defects are rectified in this release. v2.0.1 is API-compatible with the v1.9.9.1 release tag, in that the only API breaks are in features introduced after that tag was made.
Merge pull request troydhanson#69 from fperrad/20160506_lint 20160506 lint