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WIP: narrowing in on repair problems due to double-write errors 2
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slfritchie committed Feb 10, 2016
1 parent a7f42d6 commit 3bd5758
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Showing 5 changed files with 45 additions and 16 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/machi_chain_manager1.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1909,7 +1909,7 @@ react_to_env_C100_inner(Author_latest, NotSanesDict0, _MyName,
S2 = S#ch_mgr{not_sanes=NotSanesDict, sane_transitions=0},
case orddict:fetch(Author_latest, NotSanesDict) of
%% ?V("\n\nYOYO ~w breaking the cycle of:\n current: ~w\n new : ~w\n", [_MyName, machi_projection:make_summary(S#ch_mgr.proj), machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest)]),
?V("\n\nYOYO ~w breaking the cycle insane-freq=~w by-author=~w of:\n current: ~w\n new : ~w\n", [_MyName, N, Author_latest, machi_projection:make_summary(S#ch_mgr.proj), machi_projection:make_summary(P_latest)]),
?REACT({c100, ?LINE, [{not_sanes_author_count, N}]}),
react_to_env_C103(P_newprop, P_latest, P_current_calc, S2);
N ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1937,7 +1937,8 @@ react_to_env_C103(#projection_v1{epoch_number=_Epoch_newprop} = _P_newprop,
?REACT({c103, ?LINE,
[{current_epoch, P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number},
{none_projection_epoch, P_none#projection_v1.epoch_number}]}),
io:format(user, "SET add_admin_down(~w) at ~w =====================================\n", [MyName, time()]),
io:format(user, "SET add_admin_down(~w) at ~w TODO current_epoch ~w none_proj_epoch ~w =====================================\n", [MyName, time(), P_current#projection_v1.epoch_number, P_none#projection_v1.epoch_number]),
%% io:format(user, "SET add_admin_down(~w) at ~w =====================================\n", [MyName, time()]),
machi_fitness:add_admin_down(S#ch_mgr.fitness_svr, MyName, []),
io:format(user, "SET delete_admin_down(~w) at ~w =====================================\n", [MyName, time()]),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2985,9 +2986,9 @@ perhaps_verbose_c111(P_latest2, S) ->
true ->
%% TODO put me back: case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose,
%% S#ch_mgr.opts) of
case true of
case proplists:get_value(private_write_verbose,
S#ch_mgr.opts) of
%% case true of
true when Summ2 /= Last2 ->
put(last_verbose, Summ2),
?V("\n~s ~p uses plain: ~w \n",
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/machi_cr_client.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -299,16 +299,20 @@ do_append_head3(NSInfo, Prefix,
case ?FLU_PC:append_chunk(Proxy, NSInfo, EpochID,
Prefix, Chunk, CSum, Opts, ?TIMEOUT) of
{ok, {Offset, _Size, File}=_X} ->
io:format(user, "CLNT append_chunk: head ~w ok\n ~p\n hd ~p rest ~p epoch ~P\n", [HeadFLU, _X, HeadFLU, RestFLUs, EpochID, 8]),
do_wr_app_midtail(RestFLUs, NSInfo, Prefix,
File, Offset, Chunk, CSum, Opts,
[HeadFLU], 0, STime, TO, append, S);
{error, bad_checksum}=BadCS ->
io:format(user, "CLNT append_chunk: head ~w BAD CS\n", [HeadFLU]),
{reply, BadCS, S};
{error, Retry}
when Retry == partition; Retry == bad_epoch; Retry == wedged ->
io:format(user, "CLNT append_chunk: head ~w error ~p\n", [HeadFLU, Retry]),
do_append_head(NSInfo, Prefix,
Chunk, CSum, Opts, Depth, STime, TO, S);
{error, written} ->
io:format(user, "CLNT append_chunk: head ~w Written\n", [HeadFLU]),
%% Implicit sequencing + this error = we don't know where this
%% written block is. But we lost a race. Repeat, with a new
%% sequencer assignment.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,26 +391,32 @@ do_wr_app_midtail2([FLU|RestFLUs]=FLUs, NSInfo,
CSum, Opts, Ws, Depth, STime, TO, MyOp,
#state{epoch_id=EpochID, proxies_dict=PD}=S) ->
Proxy = orddict:fetch(FLU, PD),
io:format(user, "CLNT append_chunk: mid/tail ~w\n", [FLU]),
case ?FLU_PC:write_chunk(Proxy, NSInfo, EpochID, File, Offset, Chunk, CSum, ?TIMEOUT) of
ok ->
io:format(user, "CLNT append_chunk: mid/tail ~w ok\n", [FLU]),
do_wr_app_midtail2(RestFLUs, NSInfo, Prefix,
File, Offset, Chunk,
CSum, Opts, [FLU|Ws], Depth, STime, TO, MyOp, S);
{error, bad_checksum}=BadCS ->
io:format(user, "CLNT append_chunk: mid/tail ~w BAD CS\n", [FLU]),
%% TODO: alternate strategy?
{reply, BadCS, S};
{error, Retry}
when Retry == partition; Retry == bad_epoch; Retry == wedged ->
io:format(user, "CLNT append_chunk: mid/tail ~w error ~p\n", [FLU, Retry]),
do_wr_app_midtail(FLUs, NSInfo, Prefix,
File, Offset, Chunk,
CSum, Opts, Ws, Depth, STime, TO, MyOp, S);
{error, written} ->
io:format(user, "CLNT append_chunk: mid/tail ~w WRITTEN\n", [FLU]),
%% We know what the chunk ought to be, so jump to the
%% middle of read-repair.
Resume = {append, Offset, iolist_size(Chunk), File},
do_repair_chunk(FLUs, Resume, Chunk, CSum, [], NSInfo, File, Offset,
iolist_size(Chunk), Depth, STime, S);
{error, trimmed} = Err ->
io:format(user, "CLNT append_chunk: mid/tail ~w TRIMMED\n", [FLU]),
%% TODO: nothing can be done
{reply, Err, S};
{error, not_written} ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -933,6 +943,7 @@ update_proj2(Count, #state{bad_proj=BadProj, proxies_dict=ProxiesDict,
NewProxiesDict = ?FLU_PC:start_proxies(NewMembersDict),
%% Make crash reports shorter by getting rid of 'react' history.
P2 = P#projection_v1{dbg2=lists:keydelete(react, 1, Dbg2)},
io:format(user, "CLNT PROJ: epoch ~p ~P upi ~w ~w\n", [P2#projection_v1.epoch_number, P2#projection_v1.epoch_csum, 6, P2#projection_v1.upi, P2#projection_v1.repairing]),
S#state{bad_proj=undefined, proj=P2, epoch_id=EpochID,
members_dict=NewMembersDict, proxies_dict=NewProxiesDict};
_P ->
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/machi_flu1_append_server.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ handle_call(Else, From, S) ->
handle_cast({wedge_myself, WedgeEpochId},
#state{flu_name=FluName, wedged=Wedged_p, epoch_id=OldEpochId}=S) ->
if not Wedged_p andalso WedgeEpochId == OldEpochId ->
io:format(user, "FLU WEDGE 2: ~w : ~w ~P\n", [S#state.flu_name, true, OldEpochId, 6]),
true = ets:insert(S#state.etstab,
{epoch, {true, OldEpochId}}),
%% Tell my chain manager that it might want to react to
Expand All @@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ handle_cast({wedge_state_change, Boolean, {NewEpoch, _}=NewEpochId},
undefined -> -1
if NewEpoch >= OldEpoch ->
io:format(user, "FLU WEDGE 1: ~w : ~w ~P\n", [S#state.flu_name, Boolean, NewEpochId, 6]),
true = ets:insert(S#state.etstab,
{epoch, {Boolean, NewEpochId}}),
{noreply, S#state{wedged=Boolean, epoch_id=NewEpochId}};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,8 +179,13 @@ handle_append(NSInfo,
Prefix, Chunk, TCSum, Opts, FluName, EpochId) ->
Res = machi_flu_filename_mgr:find_or_make_filename_from_prefix(
FluName, EpochId, {prefix, Prefix}, NSInfo),
io:format(user, "FLU NAME: ~w + ~p got ~p\n", [FluName, Prefix, Res]),
case Res of
{file, F} ->
case re:run(F, atom_to_list(FluName) ++ ",") of
nomatch ->
io:format(user, "\n\n\t\tBAAAAAAA\n\n", []), timer:sleep(50), erlang:halt(0);
_ -> ok end,
case machi_flu_metadata_mgr:start_proxy_pid(FluName, {file, F}) of
{ok, Pid} ->
{Tag, CS} = machi_util:unmake_tagged_csum(TCSum),
Expand Down
27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions src/machi_flu_filename_mgr.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ find_or_make_filename_from_prefix(FluName, EpochId,
when is_atom(FluName) ->
N = make_filename_mgr_name(FluName),
gen_server:call(N, {find_filename, EpochId, NSInfo, Prefix}, ?TIMEOUT);
gen_server:call(N, {find_filename, FluName, EpochId, NSInfo, Prefix}, ?TIMEOUT);
find_or_make_filename_from_prefix(_FluName, _EpochId, Other, Other2) ->
lager:error("~p is not a valid prefix/locator ~p", [Other, Other2]),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,18 +143,19 @@ handle_cast(Req, State) ->
%% the FLU has already validated that the caller's epoch id and the FLU's epoch id
%% are the same. So we *assume* that remains the case here - that is to say, we
%% are not wedged.
handle_call({find_filename, EpochId, NSInfo, Prefix}, _From, S = #state{ datadir = DataDir,
epoch = EpochId,
tid = Tid }) ->
handle_call({find_filename, FluName, EpochId, NSInfo, Prefix}, _From,
S = #state{ datadir = DataDir, epoch = EpochId, tid = Tid }) ->
%% Our state and the caller's epoch ids are the same. Business as usual.
File = handle_find_file(Tid, NSInfo, Prefix, DataDir),
io:format(user, "FMGR ~w LINE ~p\n", [FluName, ?LINE]),
File = handle_find_file(FluName, Tid, NSInfo, Prefix, DataDir),
{reply, {file, File}, S};

handle_call({find_filename, EpochId, NSInfo, Prefix}, _From, S = #state{ datadir = DataDir, tid = Tid }) ->
handle_call({find_filename, FluName, EpochId, NSInfo, Prefix}, _From, S = #state{ datadir = DataDir, tid = Tid }) ->
%% If the epoch id in our state and the caller's epoch id were the same, it would've
%% matched the above clause. Since we're here, we know that they are different.
%% If epoch ids between our state and the caller's are different, we must increment the
%% sequence number, generate a filename and then cache it.
io:format(user, "FMGR ~w LINE ~p\n", [FluName, ?LINE]),
File = increment_and_cache_filename(Tid, DataDir, NSInfo, Prefix),
{reply, {file, File}, S#state{epoch = EpochId}};

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,13 +206,15 @@ list_files(DataDir, Prefix) ->
make_filename_mgr_name(FluName) when is_atom(FluName) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(FluName) ++ "_filename_mgr").

handle_find_file(Tid, #ns_info{name=NS, locator=NSLocator}=NSInfo, Prefix, DataDir) ->
handle_find_file(FluName, Tid, #ns_info{name=NS, locator=NSLocator}=NSInfo, Prefix, DataDir) ->
N = machi_util:read_max_filenum(DataDir, NS, NSLocator, Prefix),
{File, Cleanup} = case find_file(DataDir, NSInfo, Prefix, N) of
[] ->
io:format(user, "HFF: 1\n", []),
{find_or_make_filename(Tid, DataDir, NS, NSLocator, Prefix, N), false};
[H] -> {H, true};
[H] -> io:format(user, "HFF: 2 ~s\n", [H]),{H, true};
[Fn | _ ] = L ->
io:format(user, "HFF: 3 ~p\n", [L]),
"Searching for a matching file to prefix ~p and sequence number ~p gave multiples: ~p",
[Prefix, N, L]),
Expand All @@ -231,8 +234,12 @@ find_or_make_filename(Tid, DataDir, NS, NSLocator, Prefix, N) ->

generate_filename(DataDir, NS, NSLocator, Prefix, N) ->
{A,B,C} = erlang:now(),
TODO = lists:flatten(filename:basename(DataDir) ++ "," ++ io_lib:format("~w,~w,~w", [A,B,C])),
{A,B,C} = erlang:now(),
RN = case process_info(self(), registered_name) of
[] -> [];
{_,X} -> re:replace(atom_to_list(X), "_.*", "", [{return, binary}])
TODO = lists:flatten([RN, ",", io_lib:format("~w,~w,~w", [A,B,C])]),
{F, _} = machi_util:make_data_filename(
NS, NSLocator, Prefix,
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion test/machi_ap_repair_eqc.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -196,12 +196,15 @@ change_partition(Partition,
%% Don't wait for stable chain, tick will be executed on demand
%% in append oprations
_ = tick(S),


%% Generators

num() ->
choose(2, 5).
%% TODO:put me back
%% choose(2, 5).

cr_count(Num) ->
Num * 3.
Expand Down

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