Get data. Thanks to them for their awesome project.
- Python3
- Optional, required for onchain data only:
- An Infura API key (or another Web3 provider).
export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID=1234abcd...
Tested on Linux.
usage: [-h] [-d OUTPUT_DIR] [-i DNA_FILE] [-r] [-o CSV_FILE] [-n] [-w] [ids [ids ...]]
Display Luchadores infos
positional arguments:
ids List of Luchadores Id (defalut: get them all)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d OUTPUT_DIR generate svg images and save it in folder
-i DNA_FILE get id,adn from an ordered csv file (default lucha_id_to_dna.csv)
-r use with '-d'. Saves svg file in an human readable format (parsed and indented by xml lib
-o CSV_FILE saves data into a file
-n get names onchain (requires WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID exported)
-w display owner (requires WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID)
Download the project and open a terminal in src cd src
All the data needed is in src, except the data that may change ie the Lucha's name and its owner.
So -n
and -w
arguments needs a WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID
env var and an internet connexion.
Get stats for Luchadores 6 88 999 10000:
./ 6 88 999 10000
Name : attrs count (owner and/or name if asked)
spirit cape torso arms mask mouth bottoms boots
Color codes ...
--- Luchador #6 --- 3 attrs -- --------
- Classic - Gloves Classic - - -
base: #d22f94 alt: #e0369f eyes: #7fa53b skin: #50270e
--- Luchador #88 --- 2 attrs -- --------
Jaguar - - - - - - Two Tone
base: #1c49d8 alt: #1da951 eyes: #4e2906 skin: #bd7e47
--- Luchador #999 --- 5 attrs -- --------
Bull Hooded Shirt - Split - Tights -
base: #d22f94 alt: #1da951 eyes: #844f1d skin: #b97a50
--- Luchador #10000 --- 3 attrs -- --------
- - - Left Band Bolt - Tights -
base: #d22f94 alt: #9511d2 eyes: #844f1d skin: #3a1b09
For all Luchadores, just ./
Export a proper csv containing all specificities:
./ -o output.csv
Format: id,owner,name,spirit,cape,torso,arms,mask,mouth,bottoms,boots,base,alt,eyes,skin
Last but not least, generate the svg (image) file for Luchador 7509 (which is exactly ImageData
stored onchain) in /tmp:
./ -d /tmp 7509
Use the above command with -r
to get an human readable format, parsed and indented.
Once again, only Infura is supported, you must have an (free) account, create a key and export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID=put_here_your_key
. You can now get the current owner and the Lucha's name if any.
Extract all the available data to generate an up-to-date luchadores.csv as you'll find in this present repository : ./ -o ../luchadores.csv -wn
If the -o file.csv
flag is used (in both tools), we can explore the output with VisiData vd file.csv
Quick intro :
- arrows to navigate in the columns
- sort:
- search in column:
- frequency table:
- back/quit:
- doc
prints, creates a .csv with all the
builds lucha_id_to_dna.csv from the onchain eventGenerateLuchador
. You'll have no need as the file is provided in ./src, and immutable yet since all 10,000 Lucha are
autonomous and gets data onchain. Slow since it makes many onchain queries, it is a POC, my first script.
Quick usage in an example:
# grep ^4502 lucha_id_to_dna.csv
# # Only the 12 last are useful ---------------------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^
Python 3.8.10 (default, Jun 2 2021, 10:49:15)
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from luchadores import Lucha
>>> dna=705040670684
>>> lucha = Lucha(lucha_id=4502, dna=dna)
>>> print(lucha)
Luchador4502 Colors(ebebf7/2854e6 eyes: 3b6ba5 skin: 5a3214) Attrs: OrderedDict([('spirit', None), ('cape', None), ('torso', None), ('arms', 'Gloves'), ('mask', 'Arrow'), ('mouth', None), ('bottoms', 'Tights'), ('boots', None)])
>>> lucha.to_svg()
"<svg id='luchador4502'[...]