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1. 定位

  • 无人车定位的精度范围需要限制在10厘米以内,但是GPS的定位精度误差在10—50米范围不等,所以仅仅依靠GPS是不够的,还需要使用传感器和全球高精度地图进行定位。把观察的参照物和高精度地图比照,如果配对成功,把自己的坐标系转换为全球高精度坐标系,确定自己的位置。

  • 一维世界的定位模型







    #Given the list motions=[1,1] which means the robot 
    #moves right and then right again, compute the posterior 
    #distribution if the robot first senses red, then moves 
    #right one, then senses green, then moves right again, 
    #starting with a uniform prior distribution.
    p=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
    world=['green', 'red', 'red', 'green', 'green']
    measurements = ['red', 'green']
    motions = [1,1]
    pHit = 0.6
    pMiss = 0.2
    pExact = 0.8
    pOvershoot = 0.1
    pUndershoot = 0.1
    def sense(p, Z):
        for i in range(len(p)):
            hit = (Z == world[i])
            q.append(p[i] * (hit * pHit + (1-hit) * pMiss))
        s = sum(q)
        for i in range(len(q)):
            q[i] = q[i] / s
        return q
    def move(p, U):
        q = []
        for i in range(len(p)):
            s = pExact * p[(i-U) % len(p)]
            s = s + pOvershoot * p[(i-U-1) % len(p)]
            s = s + pUndershoot * p[(i-U+1) % len(p)]
        return q
    for i in range(2):
        p = sense(p, measurements[i])
        p = move(p, motions[i])
    print p  

2. 马尔可夫定位

  • 使用普通的贝叶斯定位,六个小时积累的数据量


  • 我们必须解决两个问题

    1. 每一次的测量更新都需要从大量的数据进行计算,这对于实时定位是行不通的。
    2. 数据量是随时间递增的,会越来越大。
  • 使用贝叶斯定位滤波或马尔可夫定位可以解决如上的问题


    1. 贝叶斯概率,
    2. 全概率
    3. 马尔可夫假设。




    计算先验概率p(xt|z1:t-1, u1, m),运动模型,和sebastian所讲的卷积是一样的,使用全概率公式(连续的使用积分,不连续使用累加和):



    1. 因为我们已经知道xt-1状态,过去的观察z1:t-1和u1:t-1将不会提供更多的信息去预测xt,假设当前状态xt只和上一个状态xt-1相关,从而实现了递归的结构,所以p(xt|xt-1,z1:t-1, u1:t, m)可以简化为p(xt|xt-1, zt, ut, m)。
    2. 因为预测xt-1的时候,还不知道ut,所以p(xt-1|z1:t-1, u1:t, m)可以简化为p(xt-1|z1:t-1, u1:t-1, m)。




  • normalized probability density function (PDF)

    #ifndef HELP_FUNCTIONS_H_
    #define HELP_FUNCTIONS_H_
    #include <math.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std;
    class Helpers {
    	constexpr static float STATIC_ONE_OVER_SQRT_2PI = 1/sqrt(2*M_PI) ;
    	float ONE_OVER_SQRT_2PI = 1/sqrt(2*M_PI) ;
    	static float normpdf(float x, float mu, float std) {
    	    return (STATIC_ONE_OVER_SQRT_2PI/std)*exp(-0.5*pow((x-mu)/std,2));
    #endif /* HELP_FUNCTIONS_H_ */
  • 运动模型,也是预测模型(根据上一步xt-1每一个位置的先验值和高斯分布,通过卷积运算,计算下一步xt每一个位置状态值,其实和之前sebastian讲的卷积运算是一样的)

    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <vector>
    #include "helpers.h"
    using namespace std;
    std::vector<float> initialize_priors(int map_size, std::vector<float> landmark_positions, float position_stdev);
    float motion_model(float pseudo_position, float movement, std::vector<float> priors,
                       int map_size, int control_stdev);
    int main() {
        //set standard deviation of control:
        float control_stdev = 1.0f;
        //set standard deviation of position:
        float position_stdev = 1.0f;
        //meters vehicle moves per time step
        float movement_per_timestep = 1.0f;
        //number of x positions on map
        int map_size = 25;
        //initialize landmarks
        std::vector<float> landmark_positions {5, 10, 20};
        // initialize priors
        std::vector<float> priors = initialize_priors(map_size, landmark_positions,
        //step through each pseudo position x (i)    
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map_size; ++i) {
            float pseudo_position = float(i);
            //get the motion model probability for each x position
            float motion_prob = motion_model(pseudo_position, movement_per_timestep,
                                priors, map_size, control_stdev);
            //print to stdout
            std::cout << pseudo_position << "\t" << motion_prob << endl;
        return 0;
    //TODO, implement the motion model: calculates prob of being at an estimated position at time t
    float motion_model(float pseudo_position, float movement, std::vector<float> priors,
                       int map_size, int control_stdev) {
        //initialize probability
        float position_prob = 0.0f;
        for (int i=0;i<map_size;i++){
            float next_position = float(i);
            float distance = pseudo_position-next_position;
            float transition_prob = Helpers::normpdf(distance,movement,control_stdev);
            position_prob += transition_prob * priors[i];
        return position_prob;
    //initialize priors assumimg vehicle at landmark +/- 1.0 meters position stdev
    std::vector<float> initialize_priors(int map_size, std::vector<float> landmark_positions,
                                         float position_stdev) {
    //initialize priors assumimg vehicle at landmark +/- 1.0 meters position stdev
        //set all priors to 0.0
        std::vector<float> priors(map_size, 0.0);
        //set each landmark positon +/1 to 1.0/9.0 (9 possible postions)
        float normalization_term = landmark_positions.size() * (position_stdev * 2 + 1);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < landmark_positions.size(); i++){
            int landmark_center = landmark_positions[i];
            priors[landmark_center] = 1.0f/normalization_term;
            priors[landmark_center - 1] = 1.0f/normalization_term;
            priors[landmark_center + 1] = 1.0f/normalization_term;
        return priors;
  • 观察模型

  • 使用马尔可夫假设,简化观察模型



  • 整合

  • 观察模型概率计算




  • 观测模型的实现流程

    1. 测量在100米范围内,车辆前进的方向的地标到车距离,zt。
    2. 计算在地图上,地标的位置减去车的当前位置,获得伪距离,zt*,注意使用升序排列。
    3. 配对伪距离和最近的测量距离,比如上图中19和5。
    4. 使用norm_pdf(observation_measurement, pseudo_range_estimate, observation_stdev) 计算每一个配对点概率值
    5. 返回概率的乘积。
  • 下面是代码实现

    1. 计算为距离范围计算代码,返回为距离向量

      #include <iostream>
      #include <algorithm>
      #include <vector>
      #include "helpers.h"
      using namespace std;
      //set standard deviation of control:
      float control_stdev = 1.0f;
      //meters vehicle moves per time step
      float movement_per_timestep = 1.0f;
      //number of x positions on map
      int map_size = 25;
      //define landmarks
      std::vector<float> landmark_positions {5, 10, 12, 20};
      std::vector<float> pseudo_range_estimator(std::vector<float> landmark_positions, float pseudo_position);

      int main() {
      // step through each pseudo position x (i) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map_size; ++i) { float pseudo_position = float(i); // get pseudo ranges std::vector pseudo_ranges = pseudo_range_estimator(landmark_positions, pseudo_position);

           //print to stdout
           if (pseudo_ranges.size() >0) {
               for (unsigned int s = 0; s < pseudo_ranges.size(); ++s) {
                   std::cout << "x: " << i << "\t" << pseudo_ranges[s] << endl;
               std::cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
       return 0;


      std::vector pseudo_range_estimator(std::vector landmark_positions, float pseudo_position) {

       //define pseudo observation vector:
       std::vector<float> pseudo_ranges;
       //loop over number of landmarks and estimate pseudo ranges:
       for (unsigned int l=0; l< landmark_positions.size(); ++l) {
           float range_l = landmark_positions[l] - pseudo_position;
           if (range_l > 0.0f) {
       //sort pseudo range vector:
       sort(pseudo_ranges.begin(), pseudo_ranges.end());
       return pseudo_ranges;


    2. 观察模型

      //observation model: calculates likelihood prob term based on landmark proximity
      float observation_model(std::vector<float> landmark_positions, std::vector<float> observations, 
                              std::vector<float> pseudo_ranges, float distance_max,
                              float observation_stdev) {
          //initialize observation probability:
          float distance_prob = 1.0f;
          //run over current observation vector:
          for (unsigned int z=0; z< observations.size(); ++z) {
              //define min distance:
              float pseudo_range_min;
              //check, if distance vector exists:
              if(pseudo_ranges.size() > 0) {
                  //set min distance:
                  pseudo_range_min = pseudo_ranges[0];
                  //remove this entry from pseudo_ranges-vector:
          //no or negative distances: set min distance to a large number:
          else {
              pseudo_range_min = std::numeric_limits<const float>::infinity();
              //estimate the probabiity for observation model, this is our likelihood: 
              distance_prob *= Helpers::normpdf(observations[z], pseudo_range_min,
          return distance_prob;
    3. 整合实现代码

      #include <iostream>
      #include <algorithm>
      #include <vector>
      #include "helpers.h"
      using namespace std;
      std::vector<float> initialize_priors(int map_size, std::vector<float> landmark_positions,
                                            float position_stdev);
      float motion_model(float pseudo_position, float movement, std::vector<float> priors,
                          int map_size, int control_stdev);
       //function to get pseudo ranges
      std::vector<float> pseudo_range_estimator(std::vector<float> landmark_positions, 
                                                 float pseudo_position);
       //observation model: calculates likelihood prob term based on landmark proximity
       float observation_model(std::vector<float> landmark_positions, std::vector<float> observations, std::vector<float> pseudo_ranges, float distance_max, float observation_stdev);

      int main() {

       //set standard deviation of control:
       float control_stdev = 1.0f;
       //set standard deviation of position:
       float position_stdev = 1.0f;
       //meters vehicle moves per time step
       float movement_per_timestep = 1.0f;
       //set observation standard deviation:
       float observation_stdev = 1.0f;
       //number of x positions on map
       int map_size = 25;
       //set distance max
       float distance_max = map_size;
       //define landmarks
       std::vector<float> landmark_positions {3, 9, 14, 23};
       //define observations vector, each inner vector represents a set of observations
       //for a time step
       std::vector<std::vector<float> > sensor_obs {{1,7,12,21}, {0,6,11,20}, {5,10,19}, {4,9,18},
                                       {3,8,17}, {2,7,16}, {1,6,15}, {0,5,14}, {4,13},
                                       {}, {}, {}};
       // initialize priors
       std::vector<float> priors = initialize_priors(map_size, landmark_positions,
       //initialize posteriors
       std::vector<float> posteriors(map_size, 0.0);
       //specify time steps
       int time_steps = sensor_obs.size();
       //declare observations vector
       std::vector<float> observations;
       //cycle through time steps
       for (unsigned int t = 0; t < time_steps; t++){
           if (!sensor_obs[t].empty()) {
               observations = sensor_obs[t]; 
          } else {
               observations = {float(distance_max)};
           //step through each pseudo position x (i)
           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map_size; ++i) {
               float pseudo_position = float(i);
               //get the motion model probability for each x position
               float motion_prob = motion_model(pseudo_position, movement_per_timestep,
                               priors, map_size, control_stdev);
               //get pseudo ranges
               std::vector<float> pseudo_ranges = pseudo_range_estimator(landmark_positions, 
               //get observation probability
               float observation_prob = observation_model(landmark_positions, observations, 
                                                      pseudo_ranges, distance_max, 
               //calculate the ith posterior
               posteriors[i] = motion_prob * observation_prob;
           posteriors = Helpers::normalize_vector(posteriors);
           priors = posteriors;
           for (unsigned int p = 0; p < posteriors.size(); p++) {
                   std::cout << posteriors[p] << endl;  
       return 0;


      //observation model: calculates likelihood prob term based on landmark proximity float observation_model(std::vector landmark_positions, std::vector observations, std::vector pseudo_ranges, float distance_max, float observation_stdev) {

       //initialize observation probability:
       float distance_prob = 1.0f;
       //run over current observation vector:
       for (unsigned int z=0; z< observations.size(); ++z) {
           //define min distance:
           float pseudo_range_min;
           //check, if distance vector exists:
           if(pseudo_ranges.size() > 0) {
               //set min distance:
               pseudo_range_min = pseudo_ranges[0];
               //remove this entry from pseudo_ranges-vector:
       //no or negative distances: set min distance to a large number:
       else {
           pseudo_range_min = std::numeric_limits<const float>::infinity();
           //estimate the probabiity for observation model, this is our likelihood: 
           distance_prob *= Helpers::normpdf(observations[z], pseudo_range_min,
       return distance_prob;


      std::vector pseudo_range_estimator(std::vector landmark_positions, float pseudo_position) {

       //define pseudo observation vector:
       std::vector<float> pseudo_ranges;
       //loop over number of landmarks and estimate pseudo ranges:
           for (unsigned int l=0; l< landmark_positions.size(); ++l) {
               //estimate pseudo range for each single landmark 
               //and the current state position pose_i:
               float range_l = landmark_positions[l] - pseudo_position;
               //check if distances are positive: 
               if (range_l > 0.0f) {
       //sort pseudo range vector:
       sort(pseudo_ranges.begin(), pseudo_ranges.end());
       return pseudo_ranges;


      //motion model: calculates prob of being at an estimated position at time t float motion_model(float pseudo_position, float movement, std::vector priors, int map_size, int control_stdev) {

       //initialize probability
       float position_prob = 0.0f;
       //step over state space for all possible positions x (convolution):
       for (unsigned int j=0; j< map_size; ++j) {
           float next_pseudo_position = float(j);
           //distance from i to j
           float distance_ij = pseudo_position-next_pseudo_position;
           //transition probabilities:
           float transition_prob = Helpers::normpdf(distance_ij, movement, 
           //estimate probability for the motion model, this is our prior
           position_prob += transition_prob*priors[j];
       return position_prob;


      //initialize priors assumimg vehicle at landmark +/- 1.0 meters position stdev std::vector initialize_priors(int map_size, std::vector landmark_positions, float position_stdev) { //initialize priors assumimg vehicle at landmark +/- 1.0 meters position stdev

       //set all priors to 0.0
       std::vector<float> priors(map_size, 0.0);
       //set each landmark positon +/1 to 1.0/9.0 (9 possible postions)
       float normalization_term = landmark_positions.size() * (position_stdev * 2 + 1);
       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < landmark_positions.size(); i++){
           int landmark_center = landmark_positions[i];
           priors[landmark_center] = 1.0f/normalization_term;
           priors[landmark_center - 1] = 1.0f/normalization_term;
           priors[landmark_center + 1] = 1.0f/normalization_term;
       return priors;



3. 运动模型

  • 自行车模型


  • 角速度和速率


  • 定位 VS 传感器融合

  • Roll Pitch 和Yaw





  • Odometry



4. 粒子滤波

  • 直方图滤波,卡尔曼滤波和粒子滤波的对比

  • 机器人世界

  • 随机生成1000个粒子向量


    N = 1000
    p = []
    #enter code here
    for i in range(1000):
    print len(p)



    for i in range(N):
        x = p[i]
        p[i] =  x.move(0.1, 5)
  • 给每一个粒子设置一个权重(重采样,很重要)







    # Please only modify the indicated area below!
    from math import *
    import random
    landmarks  = [[20.0, 20.0], [80.0, 80.0], [20.0, 80.0], [80.0, 20.0]]
    world_size = 100.0
    class robot:
        def __init__(self):
            self.x = random.random() * world_size
            self.y = random.random() * world_size
            self.orientation = random.random() * 2.0 * pi
            self.forward_noise = 0.0;
            self.turn_noise    = 0.0;
            self.sense_noise   = 0.0;
        def set(self, new_x, new_y, new_orientation):
            if new_x < 0 or new_x >= world_size:
                raise ValueError, 'X coordinate out of bound'
            if new_y < 0 or new_y >= world_size:
                raise ValueError, 'Y coordinate out of bound'
            if new_orientation < 0 or new_orientation >= 2 * pi:
                raise ValueError, 'Orientation must be in [0..2pi]'
            self.x = float(new_x)
            self.y = float(new_y)
            self.orientation = float(new_orientation)
        def set_noise(self, new_f_noise, new_t_noise, new_s_noise):
            # makes it possible to change the noise parameters
            # this is often useful in particle filters
            self.forward_noise = float(new_f_noise);
            self.turn_noise    = float(new_t_noise);
            self.sense_noise   = float(new_s_noise);
        def sense(self):
            Z = []
            for i in range(len(landmarks)):
                dist = sqrt((self.x - landmarks[i][0]) ** 2 + (self.y - landmarks[i][1]) ** 2)
                dist += random.gauss(0.0, self.sense_noise)
            return Z
        def move(self, turn, forward):
            if forward < 0:
                raise ValueError, 'Robot cant move backwards'         
            # turn, and add randomness to the turning command
            orientation = self.orientation + float(turn) + random.gauss(0.0, self.turn_noise)
            orientation %= 2 * pi
            # move, and add randomness to the motion command
            dist = float(forward) + random.gauss(0.0, self.forward_noise)
            x = self.x + (cos(orientation) * dist)
            y = self.y + (sin(orientation) * dist)
            x %= world_size    # cyclic truncate
            y %= world_size
            # set particle
            res = robot()
            res.set(x, y, orientation)
            res.set_noise(self.forward_noise, self.turn_noise, self.sense_noise)
            return res
        def Gaussian(self, mu, sigma, x):
            # calculates the probability of x for 1-dim Gaussian with mean mu and var. sigma
            return exp(- ((mu - x) ** 2) / (sigma ** 2) / 2.0) / sqrt(2.0 * pi * (sigma ** 2))
        def measurement_prob(self, measurement):
            # calculates how likely a measurement should be
            prob = 1.0;
            for i in range(len(landmarks)):
                dist = sqrt((self.x - landmarks[i][0]) ** 2 + (self.y - landmarks[i][1]) ** 2)
                prob *= self.Gaussian(dist, self.sense_noise, measurement[i])
            return prob
        def __repr__(self):
            return '[x=%.6s y=%.6s orient=%.6s]' % (str(self.x), str(self.y), str(self.orientation))
        def eval(r, p):
          # 粒子的最小均方误差
          sum = 0.0;
          for i in range(len(p)): # calculate mean error
              dx = (p[i].x - r.x + (world_size/2.0)) % world_size - (world_size/2.0)
              dy = (p[i].y - r.y + (world_size/2.0)) % world_size - (world_size/2.0)
              err = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
              sum += err
          return sum / float(len(p))
      myrobot = robot()
      myrobot = myrobot.move(0.1, 5.0)
      Z = myrobot.sense()
      N = 1000
      T = 10 #Leave this as 10 for grading purposes.
      p = []
      for i in range(N):
          r = robot()
          r.set_noise(0.05, 0.05, 5.0)
      print eval(myrobot, p)
      for t in range(T):
          myrobot = myrobot.move(0.1, 5.0)
          Z = myrobot.sense()
    p2 = []
      for i in range(N):
          p2.append(p[i].move(0.1, 5.0))
      p = p2
      # 计算权重
      w = []
      for i in range(N):
      # 从采样
      p3 = []
      index = int(random.random() * N)
      beta = 0.0
      mw = max(w)
      for i in range(N):
          beta += random.random() * 2.0 * mw
          while beta > w[index]:
              beta -= w[index]
              index = (index + 1) % N
      p = p3
      # 评估粒子滤波
      print eval(myrobot, p)
  • 实现粒子滤波


       * print_samples_sol.cpp
       * Print out to the terminal 3 samples from a normal distribution with
       * mean equal to the GPS position and IMU heading measurements and
       * standard deviation of 2 m for the x and y position and 0.05 radians
       * for the heading of the car. 
       * Author: Tiffany Huang
      #include <random> // Need this for sampling from distributions
      #include <iostream>
      using namespace std;
      // @param gps_x 	GPS provided x position
      // @param gps_y 	GPS provided y position
      // @param theta		GPS provided yaw
      void printSamples(double gps_x, double gps_y, double theta) {
      	default_random_engine gen;
      	double std_x, std_y, std_theta; // Standard deviations for x, y, and theta
      	// TODO: Set standard deviations for x, y, and theta
      	 std_x = 2;
      	 std_y = 2;
      	 std_theta = 0.05;
      	// This line creates a normal (Gaussian) distribution for x
      	normal_distribution<double> dist_x(gps_x, std_x);
      	// TODO: Create normal distributions for y and theta
      	normal_distribution<double> dist_y(gps_y, std_y);
      	normal_distribution<double> dist_theta(theta, std_theta);
      	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
      		double sample_x, sample_y, sample_theta;
      		// TODO: Sample  and from these normal distrubtions like this: 
      		//	 sample_x = dist_x(gen);
      		//	 where "gen" is the random engine initialized earlier.
      		 sample_x = dist_x(gen);
      		 sample_y = dist_y(gen);
      		 sample_theta = dist_theta(gen);	 
      		 // Print your samples to the terminal.
      		 cout << "Sample " << i + 1 << " " << sample_x << " " << sample_y << " " << sample_theta << endl;
      int main() {
      	// Set GPS provided state of the car.
      	double gps_x = 4983;
      	double gps_y = 5029;
      	double theta = 1.201;
      	// Sample from the GPS provided position.
      	printSamples(gps_x, gps_y, theta);
      	return 0;
  • 预测,和之前使用的预测模型一致

  • 根据地标和车辆的测量数据,更新车辆的当前位置




  • 计算预测误差:

  • 把观察数据转换为地图坐标




    **注意:我们需要转换的是粒子的观察坐标到map上 **





    import numpy as np
    # define coordinates and theta
    x_part= 4
    y_part= 5
    x_obs= 2
    y_obs= 2
    theta= -np.pi/2 # -90 degrees
    # transform to map x coordinate
    x_map= x_part + (np.cos(theta) * x_obs) - (np.sin(theta) * y_obs)
    # transform to map y coordinate
    y_map= y_part + (np.sin(theta) * x_obs) + (np.cos(theta) * y_obs)
    print(int(x_map), int(y_map)) # (6,3)

  • 联合


  • 计算粒子滤波的权重




    import math
    # define inputs
    sig_x= 0.3
    sig_y= 0.3
    x_obs= 6
    y_obs= 3
    mu_x= 5
    mu_y= 3
    # calculate normalization term
    gauss_norm= (1/(2 * np.pi * sig_x * sig_y))
    # calculate exponent
    exponent= ((x_obs - mu_x)**2)/(2 * sig_x**2) + ((y_obs - mu_y)**2)/(2 * sig_y**2)
    # calculate weight using normalization terms and exponent
    weight= gauss_norm * math.exp(-exponent)
    print(weight) # should be around 0.00683644777551 rounding to 6.84E-3


  • 最终项目核心代码

     * particle_filter.cpp
     *  Created on: Dec 12, 2016
     *      Author: Tiffany Huang
    #include "particle_filter.h"
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cmath>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iterator>
    #include <random>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include "map.h"
    using namespace std;
    // 根据初始位置,初始化粒子滤波器
    void ParticleFilter::init(double x, double y, double theta, double std[]) {
      // 在原GPS值上,加上高斯噪声
      normal_distribution<double> norm_x(x, std[0]);
      normal_distribution<double> norm_y(y, std[1]);
      normal_distribution<double> norm_theta(theta, std[2]);
      default_random_engine generator;
      // 设置总共粒子的数量为100,把生成的粒子放到列表
      num_particles = 100;
      for (auto& p : particles) {
        p.x = norm_x(generator);
        p.y = norm_y(generator);
        p.theta = norm_theta(generator);
        p.weight = 1.0;
      // 设置所有粒子已经初始化完成
      is_initialized = true;
    void ParticleFilter::prediction(double delta_t, double std_pos[], double velocity, double yaw_rate) {
      // TODO: Add measurements to each particle and add random Gaussian noise.
      // NOTE: When adding noise you may find std::normal_distribution and std::default_random_engine useful.
      default_random_engine generator;
      normal_distribution<double> norm_x(0, std_pos[0]);
      normal_distribution<double> norm_y(0, std_pos[1]);
      normal_distribution<double> norm_theta(0, std_pos[2]);
      // 根据上一时刻的状态,预测下一时刻的状态
      for (auto & p : particles) {
        if (fabs(yaw_rate) > 0.001) {
          p.x += velocity / yaw_rate * (sin(p.theta + yaw_rate * delta_t) - sin(p.theta));
          p.y += velocity / yaw_rate * (cos(p.theta) - cos(p.theta + yaw_rate * delta_t));
          p.theta += yaw_rate * delta_t;
        } else {
          p.x += velocity * delta_t * cos(p.theta);
          p.y += velocity * delta_t * sin(p.theta);
        // 加上高斯噪声
        p.x += norm_x(generator);
        p.y += norm_y(generator);
        p.theta += norm_theta(generator);
     * 数据联合(预测点和测量点)
    void ParticleFilter::dataAssociation(std::vector<LandmarkObs> predicted, std::vector<LandmarkObs>& observations) {
      // TODO: Find the predicted measurement that is closest to each observed measurement and assign the
      //   observed measurement to this particular landmark.
      // NOTE: this method will NOT be called by the grading code. But you will probably find it useful to
      //   implement this method and use it as a helper during the updateWeights phase.
      // 遍历每一个测量点,把它归属于最近的地标点
      for (auto & obs : observations) {
        double mindist = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
        for (auto & pre : predicted) {
          double result = dist(obs.x, obs.y, pre.x, pre.y);
          if (result < mindist) {
            mindist = result;
     * 使用多元高斯更新权重
    void ParticleFilter::updateWeights(double sensor_range, double std_landmark[], const std::vector<LandmarkObs> &observations,
                                       const Map &map_landmarks) {
      // TODO: Update the weights of each particle using a mult-variate Gaussian distribution. You can read
      //   more about this distribution here:
      // NOTE: The observations are given in the VEHICLE'S coordinate system. Your particles are located
      //   according to the MAP'S coordinate system. You will need to transform between the two systems.
      //   Keep in mind that this transformation requires both rotation AND translation (but no scaling).
      //   The following is a good resource for the theory:
      //   and the following is a good resource for the actual equation to implement (look at equation
      //   3.33
      for (auto & p : particles) {
        // 计算当前粒子sensor_range范围内的地标点
        std::vector<LandmarkObs> predicted;
        for (const auto& lm : map_landmarks.landmark_list) {
          double result = dist(p.x, p.y, lm.x_f, lm.y_f);
          if (result < sensor_range) {
            LandmarkObs markObs = LandmarkObs { lm.id_i, lm.x_f, lm.y_f };
        // 把测量值坐标转换为地图坐标
        std::vector<LandmarkObs> observationsmap;
        for (const auto & obs : observations) {
          LandmarkObs tmp;
          tmp.x = p.x + cos(p.theta) * obs.x - sin(p.theta) * obs.y;
          tmp.y = p.y + sin(p.theta) * obs.x + cos(p.theta) * obs.y;
        // 对于每一个观察值,计算地图上最近的地标是哪一个
        dataAssociation(predicted, observationsmap);
        // 对每一个观察值,转换到地图坐标,使用多元高斯计算权重
        p.weight = 1.0;
        for (const auto &obs_m : observationsmap) {
          LandmarkObs landmark;
          for (auto & pre : predicted) {
            if ( == {
              landmark = pre;
          //Map::single_landmark_s landmark =;
          double gauss_norm = 1 / (2 * M_PI * std_landmark[0] * std_landmark[1]);
          double exponent = pow(obs_m.x - landmark.x, 2) / (2 * pow(std_landmark[0], 2))
                          + pow(obs_m.y - landmark.y, 2) / (2 * pow(std_landmark[1], 2));
          p.weight *= gauss_norm * exp(-exponent);
    void ParticleFilter::resample() {
      // TODO: Resample particles with replacement with probability proportional to their weight.
      // NOTE: You may find std::discrete_distribution helpful here.
      // 把粒子滤波的权重建立一个权重数组
      int particles_size = particles.size();
      vector<double> weights;
      for (int i = 0; i < particles_size; i++) {
        Particle particle = particles[i];
      // 根据新建的权重数组,进行重采样,
      // discrete_distribution会根据其中每个粒权重定义为wi/S,即第i个粒子的权重除以所有n个权重之和
      discrete_distribution<> d(weights.begin(), weights.end());
      default_random_engine generator;
      std::vector<Particle> new_particles;
      for (int i = 0; i < particles_size; i++) {
        int index = d(generator);
      particles = new_particles;
    Particle ParticleFilter::SetAssociations(Particle& particle, const std::vector<int>& associations,
                                             const std::vector<double>& sense_x, const std::vector<double>& sense_y) {
      //particle: the particle to assign each listed association, and association's (x,y) world coordinates mapping to
      // associations: The landmark id that goes along with each listed association
      // sense_x: the associations x mapping already converted to world coordinates
      // sense_y: the associations y mapping already converted to world coordinates
      particle.associations = associations;
      particle.sense_x = sense_x;
      particle.sense_y = sense_y;
      return particle;
    string ParticleFilter::getAssociations(Particle best) {
      vector<int> v = best.associations;
      stringstream ss;
      copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(ss, " "));
      string s = ss.str();
      s = s.substr(0, s.length() - 1);  // get rid of the trailing space
      return s;
    string ParticleFilter::getSenseX(Particle best) {
      vector<double> v = best.sense_x;
      stringstream ss;
      copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<float>(ss, " "));
      string s = ss.str();
      s = s.substr(0, s.length() - 1);  // get rid of the trailing space
      return s;
    string ParticleFilter::getSenseY(Particle best) {
      vector<double> v = best.sense_y;
      stringstream ss;
      copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<float>(ss, " "));
      string s = ss.str();
      s = s.substr(0, s.length() - 1);  // get rid of the trailing space
      return s;









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