Tools in bash script for every day requirements.
~$ download <url>
<url> - Full url of the file to be downloaded.
If the download has stopped.
~$ download
'download' command creates a .log file in current directory,
this file is used to resume the download again. it uses 'curl'
command to download.
~$ ll <dir>
It will display ls -lh
~$ ll -a <dir>
It will display ls -lha
It is just for my convienence on OSX.
~$ server <dir_path>
This will start SimpleHTTPServer is given directory.
~$ server
Without directory path, it will start SimpleHTTPServer
at previously used location.
~$ tree *
Prints in tree style excluding hidden files.
~$ tree .
Prints in tree style includig hidden files.
~$ sync-dir <source-directory> <destination-directory>
<destination-directory> can be ssh connection.
i.e. ssh [email protected]:/root/backup
Save your private productivity scripts inside private_bin/* folder.