This is a Ruby/Rails-community-driven vimrc and aimed to help you to experience Vim in easy and comfortable ways.
- Continuous maintenance by the community
- Adorable key-bindings
- Providing Plugin set and basic ways to use them
Clone this repository in anywhere you like:
$ git clone
Just run the setup script:
$ cd /path/to/vimrc # <= cd to where you clone the repository
$ ./setup # <= Run the setup script
We use vim-plug
for plugin management, so you should install it before continue.
$ curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
Start Vim.
$ vim
Setup plugins.
Just run the setup script again and follow the instructions:
$ ./setup
If you find some troubles with reading vimrc
by every section is folded. Just type zR
, then all foldings are open, or hit Space
to open each folding.
By default, Leader key is mapped to Space
The following additional coloschemes are available:
Add the theme you prefer in ~/.vimrc.local
, like:
colorscheme molokai
See the website for each colorscheme for details.
Indent styles for major filetypes are defined in .vim/after/ftplugin
. When you don't like them and want to change them, it's the recommended way to overwrite them in .vimrc.local
instead of directly modify these files:
If you want to change HTML indent size from 2 spaces to 4 spaces, add the following to .vimrc.local
augroup HTML
autocmd FileType html set tabstop=4
autocmd FileType html set shiftwidth=4
autocmd FileType html set softtabstop=4
augroup END
You can prettify a JSON buffer by invoking :PrettyJson
It uses jq
by default and fallbacks to use Python 2.x if jq
is not available.
You can also prettify a part of a buffer as a JSON by specifying range. Like this :'<,'>PrettyJson
vim-airline provides nice looking status line. Visit for details.
Also, you can change vim-airline theme via vim-airline-themes by setting let g:airline_theme='<theme name>'
in ~/.vimrc.local
, e.g.:
let g:airline_theme='simple'
You can find the full list ofg themes on
The unite is a plugin which can search and display information from arbitrary sources like files, buffers or recently used files.
A few things at least you have to know about Unite are:
: to "unite" recently opened files<Leader>ub
: to "unite" buffers<Leader>ufp
: to "unite" find files in the project (e.g. for files in git repository)<Leader>ugp
: to "unite" grep files in the project (e.g. from files in git repository)- ag will be used as grep source if available
For more information, visit or :help unite
unite-rails is a unite plugin for rails.
A few things at least you have to know about unite-rails are:
: to "unite" models<Leader>rc
: to "unite" controllers<Leader>rv
: to "unite" views<Leader>rh
: to "unite" helpers
For more information, visit or :help unite-rails
unite-outline is a unite plugin for current buffer outline view.
: to "unite" outline into right window which is not close.
For more information, visit or :help unite-outline
If you use Turnip, unite-turnip will help you.
Type :Unite turnip
to list existing turnip steps.
For more information, visit .
Denite.nvim is to unite all interfaces for NeoVim/Vim. Maybe Unite will be replaced with Denite in near future because the plugin author of Unite states that active development of Unite has stopped.
However, for the moment Denite.vim is an optional choice as it does not have enough sources (like unite-rails)
and maybe still has many breaking changes, so you have to explicitly configure your ~/.vimrc.preset
uncommenting let g:load_denite = 1
A few things at least you have to know about Denite are:
- It requires Neovim or Vim 8.0+ with if_python3
: to move to next line<C-k>
: to move to previous line<Leader>ur
: to "denite" recently opened files<Leader>ub
: to "denite" buffers<Leader>ufp
: to "denite" find files in the project (e.g. for files in git repository)- It is alomost the same as CtrlP
: to "denite" grep files in the project (e.g. from files in git repository)- ag will be used as grep source if available
For more information, visit or :help denite
denite-rails is a denite source for rails.
A few things at least you have to know about denite-rails are:
: to "denite" dwim (Do What I Mean)- This is maybe the most useful command which lists files related to the current buffer
: to "denite" model files<Leader>rc
: to "denite" controller files<Leader>rv
: to "denite" view files<Leader>rh
: to "denite" helper files<Leader>rt
: to "denite" test files
For more information, visit
Easymotion brings you to the location you want really fast.
The one thing at least you have to know about easymotion is:
: then type any character for the word you want to move to
For more information, visit or :help easymotion
vim-easy-align is a simple, easy-to-use Vim alignment plugin.
A few things at least you have to know about vim-easy-align are:
- Select lines to align in visual mode
: to start easy-align- enter delimiter for aligning
dolor = sit
amet = consectetur
Select lines then ga
then =
lorem = ipsum
dolor = sit
amet = consectetur
This is also very useful for markdown tables:
- Select table to align in visual mode
: to start easy-align- enter
to target all columns - enter delimiter for aligning
Select lines then ga
then *|
key | value | note
-- | -- | --
key1 | value1 | note1
key22 | value22 | note22
key333 | value333 | note333
For more information, visit or :help easyalign
A few things at least you have to know about NERDTree are:
: to toggle NERDTreeI
: to toggle displaying hidden filesReturn
: to open file/directory- Displays Git status with nerdtree-git-plugin
For more information, visit or :help NERDTree
previm is a plugin for Realtime preview (Markdown only for the moment).
The one thing at least you have to know about previm is:
: to preview markdown in a web browser
For more information, visit or :help previm
open-browser-github is a plugin to open current file (or issue, etc.) in GitHub.
A few things at least you have to know about open-browser-github are:
: to open current file's URL in GitHub:'<,'>OpenGithubFile
: to open current file's URL in GitHub with highlight:OpenGithubFile path/to/file
: to open a specific file in GitHub:OpenGithubProject
: to open current resipotory top page in GitHub:OpenGithubIssue
: to open current repository issue list in GitHub:OpenGithubIssue 1
: to open current repository issue (or pull request) #1 in GitHub:OpenGithubPullReq
: to open current repository pull request list in GitHub:OpenGithubPullReq 1
: same as:OpenGithubIssue 1
For more information, visit or :help openbrowser-github
caw is a comment plugin.
The one thing at least you have to know about caw is:
: to comment/uncomment
For more information, visit or :help caw
vim-anzu is a search plugin that displays current match/total matches.
A few things at least you have to know about vim-anzu are:
to start search then hitn
- current match/total matches are displayed in vim-airline
are also worked as anzu search
For more information, visit or :help anzu
A few things at least you have to know about vim-over are:
: then input a substitute command like%s/foo/bar/g
, whoa!- vim-over requires Vim 7.3 or above and compiles with
- Since Vim which comes with OS X does not have
, you might have to install Vim via Homebrew
- Since Vim which comes with OS X does not have
For more information, visit or :help over
vim-better-whitespace is a plugin which causes all trailing whitespace characters (spaces and tabs) to be highlighted.
A few things at least you have to know about vim-better-whitespace are:
: to toggle whitespace highlighting on/off (on by default):StripWhitespace
: to clean all extra whitespaces
CtrlP is a full path fuzzy file etc finder for vim.
Ctrl + p
: open ctrlp, then show magaged files viagit ls-files
For more information, visit or :help ctrlp
[Advanced] Since CtrlP also provides the ways to customize matcher/file listup command, you can change them if you want by modifying ~/.vimrc.preset
- if you want to use cpsm as the matcher, uncomment
let g:load_cpsm = 1
vim-blockle is block syntax toggle plugin.
: Convert{ ... }
intodo ... end
and vice versa.
For more information, visit or :help blockle
vim-wakatime is a plugin for WakaTime. It requires to sign up WakaTime and input API key. If you want to use it, uncomment let g:load_wakatime = 1
in ~/.vimrc.preset
For more information, visit
vim-migemo is a plugin for migemo (cmigemo) search. It requires cmigemo (When using OS X, you can install it via brew install cmigemo
to start migemo search- You can search a word with "Okurigana" by using upper characters (e.g. 'jikkouSuru' for '実行する')
For more information, visit
Neomake is a plugin for asynchronous :make
Although Neomake has quite a few builtin configuration by default (including rubocop
), you are also able to add a specific maker in accordance with its file type. Say if you want to use eslint
on the javascritpt
files, you can add the following lines to ~/.vimrc.local
let g:neomake_javascript_enabled_makers = ['eslint']
For more information, visit or :help neomake
Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin. You can use it as an alternative option to static code analysis plugin (Neomake by default). If you want to use it, uncomment let g:load_synstastic = 1
in ~/.vimrc.preset
For more information, visit or :help syntastic
This plugin is a tool for dealing with pairs of "surroundings." Examples of surroundings include parentheses, quotes, and HTML tags. They are closely related to what Vim refers to as |text-objects|. Provided are mappings to allow for removing, changing, and adding surroundings.
Details follow on the exact semantics, but first, consider the following examples. An asterisk (*) is used to denote the cursor position.
Old text | Command | New text ~ |
"Hello *world!" |
ds" |
Hello world! |
[123+4*56]/2 |
cs]) |
(123+456)/2 |
"Look ma, I'm *HTML!" |
cs"<q> |
<q>Look ma, I'm HTML!</q> |
if *x>3 { |
ysW( |
if ( x>3 ) { |
my $str = *whee!; |
vllllS' |
my $str = 'whee!'; |
For more information, visit or :help surround
The Neosnippet plug-In adds snippet support to Vim. Snippets are small templates for commonly used code that you can fill in on the fly. You can choose snippets with the neocomplcache / neocomplete interface.
- Open Ruby file (
) - Input
then select a snippet candidate Ctrl + k
to expand a selected snippet- Enter a method name and press
Ctrl + k
again to select the next input
The other few things at least you have to know about Neosnippet are:
- You can see all defaut built-in snippet list here
- If you want to add new snippets, add
For more information, visit or :help neosnippet
vimwiki constructs wiki in local. Default dir for wiki is ~/vimwiki
and file extension is markdown in this setting.
If you want to use vimwiki, uncomment let g:load_vimwiki = 1
in ~/.vimrc.preset
: Open wiki home~/vimwiki/
This plugin works with calendar-vim. Press Enter
on calendar view, Create a new wiki ~/vimwiki/diary/
and open it.
- Press
on a some word, make it link style. Then PressEnter
again, create new page for it and open it. - Press
on check list, toggle check on/off
For more information, visit or :help vimwiki
If you would rather set the vimwiki location other than the default ~/vimwiki
, add the below settings to ~/.vimrc.local
(change path
to any location you want) .
let g:vimwiki_list = [{
\ 'path': '/path/to/directory/you/prefer',
\ 'syntax': 'markdown', 'ext': '.md'
There is no need to leave vim for viewing calendar.
: Vertically-split calendar<Leader>caL
: Horizontally-split calendar
For more information, visit or :help calendar
Auto Ruby formatter for vim via rufo. If you want to enable auto formatting by default, install rufo
gem and add the below line to your ~/.vimrc.local :
let g:rufo_auto_formatting = 1
: Run formatting:RufoOn
: Enable auto formatting:RufoOff
: Disable auto formatting
For more information, visit .