A modern configuration converter based on Protobuf (proto3).
Simply add the following import to your code, and then go [build|run|test]
will automatically fetch the necessary dependencies:
import "github.com/tableauio/tableau"
go install github.com/tableauio/tableau/cmd/tableauc@latest
- Convert Excel/CSV/XML/YAML to JSON/Text/Bin.
- Use Protobuf to define the structure of Excel/CSV/XML/YAML.
- Use Golang to develop the conversion engine.
- Support multiple programming languages, thanks to Protobuf (proto3).
- Importer:
- imports a Excel/CSV file to a in-memory book of Table sheets.
- imports a XML/YAML file to a in-memory book of Document sheets.
- Parsers:
- protogen: converts Excel/CSV/XML/YAML files to Protoconf files.
- confgen: converts Excel/CSV/XML/YAML with Protoconf files to JSON/Text/Bin files.
- Exporter:
- protogen: exports a tableau.Workbook to a proto file.
- confgen: exports a protobuf message to a JSON/Text/Bin file.
- Protoconf: a dialect of Protocol Buffers (proto3) extended with tableau options, aimed to define the structure of Excel/CSV/XML/YAML.
See official document: Design.
Goto Protocol Buffers v21.12, choose and download the correct platform of protoc, then install by README.
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/[email protected]