Sync Parameter is an extension to Burp Suite that provides a sync function for CSRF token parameter.
It's very easy. On Sync tab, just set up Encoding and Sync rules.
Encoding - This is encoding.
Sync requests based on the following rules: - If this is on, Sync function is enabled.
Enabled - If this is checked, a rule of the record is enabled.
Host - Target host.
Name - Target request parameter name.
Name(Req) - Target request parameter name. (You DO NOT NEED to set Name(Req) when request parameter name you want to sync is the same as name attribute in response.)
Value - You do not have to set this. This value will be automatically updated when synchronized.
If this responds HTML which has input element with name attribute "csrf_token", value field is updated with the csrt_token value.
Then if requests to has request parameter with with name "csrf_token", the value is updated with the value of Sync tab table record.
![Sample Configuration] (img1.png)