Logistics is the backbone of New Eden upon which everything else rests.
If, like me, you enjoy the idea of being a space trucker then this is the the career path for you!
This is an attempt at documenting what I learn as I progress as a hauler in EVE Online so that hopefully it will help others looking for the same information.
Hauling is somewhat of a niche profession and it can be difficult to find information that is detailed, exhaustive and friendly to newcomers of the game.
If you're new to hauling there are some things you want to get an understanding of, and set up before you move on to the rest of this guide so go ahead and read the essentials before continuing with the rest of this guide!
I've tried to make this guide as linear as possible, so that you know where to start and what to move towards next.
That being said, you're of course free to pick and chose what fits you the best.
I am in no way an expert on these matters and I do not claim to be right, nor that what's written here is the best way to go about things. But this is what I've learned both on my own and with the help of all the friendly, talented and knowledgable players that I've run into!
If you encounter something inaccurate or incomplete that you want to contribute to, feel free to make a pull request or send me an EVE mail in game!
// Cyramica
Learn some of the essential information needed to start your career as a hauler, including client settings and insta dock bookmarks!
Learn about contracts, how to filter them, what a good contract looks like and how to spot scams.
Some ships are better or more useful than others when it comes to hauling.
Here you'll find the natural progression of what ships to use.
Planning your skills in EVE can be a real jungle. Find out what's necessary to get here.
The starting point for all new pilots. These are weak but easy to fly.
Blockade Runners are fast ships that can fit covert ops cloaking devices, but they can't carry much cargo and they have a weak hull.
The bread and butter of most haulers. With a mid sized cargo hold and a great potential for tanking high damage.
Read about Deep Space Transports
Freighters are the iconic space whales hauling giant crates of freight from one high sec system to another.
The big brothers to freighters, these technological marvels can use their jump drives to get directly from one station to the next without having to pass through jumpgates, making them ideal for low sec and null sec hauling.
Contract alts are optional characters that can be used for an extra layer of security if you don't want the contract issuer to know the name of your pilot.
Webbing alts are characters used to reduce a Freighters maximum speed so that they will jump to warp faster.
They are not necessesary but highly recommended.
Cyno alts are mandatory characters for any Jump Freighter pilot in order to light a beacon for their ship to jump to.
The main shipping lines between the major trade hubs.
EVE is full of its own expressions that can be difficult to understand. Here I'll try to compose a list of some of the more common words and abbreviations that you might encounter.
A helpful collection of links to tools, videos and other things related to hauling in EVE Online.