Mobile Skin for MediaWiki
You can see screenshots here:
Author: Wesley Ellis ([email protected])
Required Version: Mediawiki v1.16
- skin preferences
- mobile editor?
- better buttons
- TOC collapse automatically
- TOC styling
- Rich Text buttons do not work
- RTL probably doesn't work
Add the following to your LocalSettings.php:
// Include jQuery
function wfIncludeJQuery() {
global $wgOut;
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfIncludeJQuery';
If you'd like for this skin to be enabled automatically when a user visits the site using a mobile device (including Android, iPhone/iPad and Blackberries) please add the following to LocalSettings.php
# to set default skin for mobile devices
if(stristr($ua,"Mobile")||stristr($ua,"iPad")||stristr($ua,"iPhone")||stristr($ua,"iPod")||stristr($ua,"BlackBerry")||stristr($ua,"Opera Mini")||stristr($ua,"Opera Mobile")||stristr($ua, "Opera Mobi")||stristr($ua,"Nokia")){
$wgDefaultSkin = "pocket";
place 40px x 200px png banner for your site in the folder and call it banner.png
There is a link the footer to a page containing copyright, FAQ, etc... information that will point at $SiteName:MobileAbout . Please make sure it exists
This code is released under GPLv3. See the file named copying for the full license