〻 bibliography ︙ gists ︙ itch.io 𒑱
- 📚 Keep reading the literature
- 🤔 Keep asking questions
- 🏰 Keep building your independence
— R1NaNo, a poster from academia.stackexchange
Conjecture 1. Github's profile readme is the perfect location for dumping links.
Участник Атомик Хак 2.0 (июнь 2024 г.)
Аспирантка (ИТМО, искусственный интеллект)
В прошлом делала приложения для айфончиков и всякие другие штуки
;; about-me.lisp
(defclass maria (software-developer data-scientist new-age-neo-hippie lisp-geek)
((editors :initform '(:nvim :emacs :vs-code))
:initform '(:python :scheme :lua :swift :typescript))
:initform '(:mathematics :machine-learning :computer-graphics :compilers :philosophy))
(hobbies :initform '(:composing-music :journaling :hiking :meditation :singing :poetry))))
(defmethod likes-p ((os t) (self maria))
(defmethod likes-p ((os (eql :windows)) (self maria))
Browse papers on these websites daily and you will become... read more
- ⭐️arXiv.org — the one and only.
- OpenReview.net
- ProjectEuclid — mathematics and statistics.
- ACM Digital Library — computer science papers.
- Papers With Code — apparently these papers have code.
- Hugging Face Daily Papers
- Litmaps, search for scientific papers.
These blogs have shaped me
- Schemescape, static site generators, programming languages, deno, game development.
- ⭐️fuzzy notepad, I adore her.
- Blogscroll, a collection of blog links, fun to browse.
- Melos Han-Tani, gamedev stuff mostly.
- flak
- hereket
- dotat
- Aleksandra T.Ma's blog, ML and stuff
- ⭐️Parenthetically Speaking — Racket guy
- ⭐️Maggie Appleton — "makes visual essays about programming, design, and anthropology"
- FrostKiwi's Secrets — computer graphics
- Stephen Brennan — C, stacks, pointers, etc
- Lei Mao - Senior Deep Learning Systems Engineer at NVIDIA
⦿ ◀
Maria's Secret Stash of Extra Links
Congratulations! You found it
📝 Notable READMEs
- CLAide, a ruby lib for building CLI interfaces. Simply adorable.
- The iconic CrackLib README
𑁣 Important links
- Free for Developers, free services for developers, from CI/CD to IDEs.
- Eureka Alert, science news.
- Stack Roboflow, a Q&A website of the future.
- Timecube, a very good explanation of how time works.
- WebVM — run Linux on the web page. Customizable via Dockerfiles.
- Mark Watson's own free books repo, take a look if you're interested in AI and Common Lisp.
- Janet for Mortals (a real book).
- WTF Auto Layout? - a unanswered question many a philosopher did pursue.
- LLDB cheatsheet
- TheOuterLinux
🍏 Apps I like (macOS only)
- ⭐️Keka, a file archiver.
- Mountain Duck, mount cloud storage as a disk.
- Image2icon, generate icons for iOS and macOS apps.
- NetIQuette, a network monitor.
- ZipMounter, mount your archives as volumes.
🧠 Formerly Greatest ML Links Of Existence
🪩 NeurIPS News