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Sulu Translations Bundle

This package provides a Sulu admin panel for managing your website translations.

The package includes a custom Symfony translation provider which stores your translations in a database.



composer require tailrdigital/sulu-translations-bundle

Register the bundle

Make sure the bundle is activated in config/bundles.php:

Tailr\SuluTranslationsBundle\SuluTranslationsBundle::class => ['all' => true]

Register new admin routes

You need to manually register the failed queue admin controller routes in the file config/routes_admin.yaml.

# config/routes_admin.yaml

  resource: '@SuluTranslationsBundle/Presentation/Controller/Admin'
  type: attribute
  prefix: /admin/api

Add node dependency

Register an additional module in your admin's node dependencies via assets/admin/package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "sulu-translations-bundle": "file:../../vendor/tailrdigital/sulu-translations-bundle/assets/admin"

Make sure to load the additional node module in your admin's assets/admin/index.js or assets/admin/app.js file:

import 'sulu-translations-bundle';

Recompile your admin assets

cd /app/assets/admin
npm install
npm run watch


Configuring the provider

You have to add the database provider to the Symfony translator configuration. This is an example configuration for the config/packages/translation.yaml file.

# config/packages/translation.yaml

                dsn: 'database://default'
                domains: [ 'messages' ]
                locales: [ 'en', 'fr', 'nl' ]

Doctrine DBAL connection

The hostname in the DSN is actually your Doctrine DBAL connection name: database://<dbal_connection_name>. If you want to store your translations in a separate database (preferred), you could configure a new DBAL connection and use the connection name in the DSN of the database translation provider.

If you are using your default DBAL connection you probably want to configure doctrine.dbal.schema_filter so your migrations doesn't try to drop the tailr_translations table.

        url: '%env(DATABASE_URL)%'
        schema_filter: '/^(?!(other_prefix_|tailr_translations))/'

Export format

If you want to export your translations via the administrator panel, you should define the format or extension which is used for your translation files.

# config/packages/sulu_translations.yaml

  export_format: 'csv'


Make sure you've set the correct permissions in the Sulu admin for this package. Go to Settings > User Roles and enable the permissions (tailr_translations) you need. Afterwards you could find the translations view/panel via Settings > Manage translations.


First make sure the database table tailr_translations is created by running the command below.

bin/console tailr:sulu-translations:setup

If you don't have local translations files (e.g. CSV) you can generate them by using the command below.

bin/console translation:extract --force --domain=messages --format=csv <locale>

Once you have local translation files, you can export them to the database by using command below.

bin/console translation:push tailr_database 

Next you can update the translations via the Sulu admin panel.

Once you are done, you can export the translations back to the translations files by using the command below or clicking the Export translations button via the Sulu admin panel.

bin/console translation:pull tailr_database --force --format csv

After pulling the translations, you may need to clear the cache(s).

bin/console cache:clear
bin/websiteconsole cache:clear

Known limitations

Only tested and used with CSV and YAML format.


A bundle for managing translations inside Sulu admin







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