##Please be aware we are still in alpha many things are not user friendly yet## ###If you would like to contribute please see bottom of readme### Blogular is a blog app that is built to have a ultra fast user interface and uses very little resources on the server.
Made to run on low memory environments such as the Rasberry Pi.
Blogular blogs are realtime persisted chat rooms(alpha) See the the example at http://dunami.biz. Please be aware connection is slow due to the host (AppFog) not supporting web sockets. So your name will not show on the list for a few seconds after login.
To get started at the moment we only have a command line install:
cd directoryToInstallTo
git clone https://github.com/ray-garner/Blogular.git
cd Blogular
sudo npm install
Then install mongodb and start up mongo then...
cd Blogular
node app
And your running.
Go to your browser and post a blog.
####Administrating your site ####
At the moment you have to type in
to get to the admin section of your site. ** IT IS NOT USER FRIENDLY YET **
We are using the latest Javascript stack tech
angularJS nodeJS etc...
Help us make an awesome fast super-hip lightweight blog.
Some things to implement:
Facebook/Twitter login ie OAuth
Admin panel user friendliness.
Code clean up.
Threaded comments.
Overall U.I. (blogs)
Downloadable Theme system.
Fork it love it do what you need share it with the community.