Plugin to make those annoying mistyped capitalised commands go away!
Now you don't have to worry if you accidentally hit :Wq
- it will act just like :wq
No messing with remappings or abbrevations either!
Commands fixed
If a command for the abbrevations listed above already exist they will not be
overwritten unless you add the following your .vimrc
let g:commandcaps_override = 1
This will make commandcaps override any commands that have been mapped before
this script gets run. This issue may occur when used in conjunction with
vim-eunuch which also has a command on
I recommend installing using Vundle:
Add Bundle 'takac/vim-commandcaps'
to your ~/.vimrc
and then:
- either within Vim:
- or in your shell:
vim +BundleInstall +qall