Releases: talbring/SU2
Releases · talbring/SU2
- Feature incompressible ale @cvencro (su2code#767)
- Restructuring CTransfer files @rsanfer (su2code#769)
- Mesh Quality Metrics @economon (su2code#778)
- Bug fix for vertex traction computation (new method) in incompressible flows. @rsanfer (su2code#785)
- New CGNS Mesh Reader @economon (su2code#728)
- Fix path in Makefile which causes autotools builds to fail. @TobiKattmann (su2code#782)
- Remove CMultiphysicsZonalDriver @oleburghardt (su2code#776)
- Elastic mesh solver and AD-wrapped code @rsanfer (su2code#760)
- Topology optimization improvements @pcarruscag (su2code#752)
- Feature sst sust @vdweide (su2code#765)
- Renaming PHYSICAL_PROBLEM to SOLVER @talbring (su2code#756)
- Fixing Design Variable Indices to be consistent @jayantmukho (su2code#757)
- Dry Run Mode @talbring (su2code#734)
- Introducing Meson Build System @talbring (su2code#745)
- Fix driver/config restructure bug @pcarruscag (su2code#751)
- Xcode update @jtlau (su2code#750)
- Small fix affecting MPI+MG+RANS @pcarruscag (su2code#744)
- Updating Xcode project after file division. @economon (su2code#732)
- Multizone Config Update @talbring (su2code#715)
- Move/rename linear algebra files @pcarruscag (su2code#729)
- Add missing term to strain magnitude for 2D @clarkpede (su2code#670)
- Refactor convective numerics @pcarruscag (su2code#691)
- CSysMatrix cleanup and performance improvements @pcarruscag (su2code#700)
- Restructure CVariable files @pcarruscag (su2code#725)
- Fix for Q-criterion @economon (su2code#704)
- fixing CUSP numerics @WallyMaier (su2code#705)
- Fix travis. @talbring (su2code#720)
- Limiter related fixes @pcarruscag (su2code#718)
- Eliminate Mac compiler warnings. @davetaflin (su2code#702)
- Removing python 2.7 from test matrix @talbring (su2code#709)
- Memory fix + release script update @economon (su2code#708)
- Add a Codacy badge to @codacy-badger (su2code#710)
- Update driver_direct_singlezone.cpp @rsanfer (su2code#707)
- cleaning up config_template.cfg issue su2code#682 @WallyMaier (su2code#686)
- TecIO fix required to compile with GCC version 9 @davetaflin (su2code#692)
- Remove Dead Code 3 @economon (su2code#701)
- Complete FE (structural) support for 3D + refactoring of CElement + bug fixes @pcarruscag (su2code#681)
- adding large residual check @WallyMaier (su2code#697)
- Update @rsanfer (su2code#695)
- Remove Dead Code 2 @economon (su2code#699)
- Solution Verification Framework @economon (su2code#672)
- Single-zone adjoint driver @rsanfer (su2code#671)
- Feature ffd box in CGNS format @MicK7 (su2code#674)
- Feature hom @vdweide (su2code#676)
- Remove Dead Code 1 @economon (su2code#677)
- Changing a short to a long to avoid problems on large periodic markers @economon (su2code#678)
- Templated Linear Solvers @pcarruscag (su2code#653)
- MPI Point-to-Point Refactoring + New Periodic BC @economon (su2code#652)
- adding a reynolds number check @WallyMaier (su2code#669)
- Update of codi and medi @talbring (su2code#660)
- Adapt new periodic bc for turbo-vertex @salvovitale (su2code#666)
- Moved complex overloads for mac to inline from cpp. @economon (su2code#664)
- Fix AD compilation of parallel Tecplot binary output. @davetaflin (su2code#665)
- Reduce memory footprint FEA problems @rsanfer (su2code#663)
- Develop @davetaflin (su2code#656)
- Refactor Linear Solvers @pcarruscag (su2code#650)
- Bugfix BC sym plane (compr. and incompr. solver) @TobiKattmann (su2code#657)
- Fix given displacement BC's of FEA solver and CElasticityMovement @pcarruscag (su2code#658)
- adding implicit check to prevent segfault @WallyMaier (su2code#654)
- Release v6.2.0 @economon (su2code#641)
- Convergence criteria for mesh deformation @economon (su2code#623)
- Minor bugfixes @clarkpede (su2code#649)
- Refactor viscous numerics @clarkpede (su2code#626)
- LLVM Warnings + Heat Flux Re-dim. @economon (su2code#637)
- Update issue templates @economon (su2code#647)
- AUSM+ -up2 solver implementation @aeroamit (su2code#631)
- Fix spurious values in FSI adjoint @pcarruscag (su2code#615)
- Sliding mesh for incompressible flows + Cleaning of transfer routines @rsanfer (su2code#638)
- SU2_DOT Interface @economon (su2code#625)
- This is a read_target_file_AD commit @jaspe55 (su2code#600)
- Fixed bug in the ADT for extreme cases @vdweide (su2code#640)
- Feature warnings sizeof @vdweide (su2code#639)
- Fine-tuning of Scott Imlay's TecIO update @davetaflin (su2code#636)
- Fix FSI fluid traction interpolation @pcarruscag (su2code#597)
- Feature xcodefix @jtlau (su2code#634)
- Table output on screen @talbring (su2code#633)
- Custom Fluid Models via Polynomial Fits @economon (su2code#624)
- Incompressible Pressure Inlet and Mass Flow Outlet BCs @economon (su2code#621)
- feature_AUSMplusup @aeroamit (su2code#629)
- Feature sst uq @jayantmukho (su2code#570)
- Fix bug in restart of dynamic meshes with turbulence models @rsanfer (su2code#618)
- Discrete adjoint functionality for heat solver @oleburghardt (su2code#619)
- Fix multizone def @cvencro (su2code#617)
- Reformatting Driver structure @rsanfer (su2code#585)
- Fix sign error in viscous Jacobian @clarkpede (su2code#612)
- Structural topology optimization @pcarruscag (su2code#595)
- Feature fixing fsi adjoint @pcarruscag (su2code#616)
- Feature buffet @bmunguia (su2code#614)
- Add instance layer to SU2_DOT @oleburghardt (su2code#613)
- Disable TecIO on travis @talbring (su2code#611)
- Fixed the initial guess for the Newton algorithm for the parametric c… @vdweide (su2code#608)
- changed wall distance calculation to look for nearest element, not nearest node @jayantmukho (su2code#605)
- Reversed the sequence of y+ and muT for Tecplot output files @vdweide (su2code#607)
- avoid calls to blas routines when the data type is not compatible @pcarruscag (su2code#603)
- Updated Xcode projects @economon (su2code#602)
- Feature hom @vdweide (su2code#565)
- Bug fix for incompressible restarts @economon (su2code#601)
- Fix configure @economon (su2code#586)
- Tecplotszl @ScottImlay (su2code#558)
- Collection of bug fixes @economon (su2code#598)
- Moving the reference files for file diff regressions to the code repo. @economon (su2code#589)
- Feature pre-accumulation for the structural solver @pcarruscag (su2code#592)
- Feature rbf @pcarruscag (su2code#555)
- Fix Commands for SOL_FSI, SOL and GEO in SU2_PY/SU2/run/ @Patschke (su2code#579)
- Remove legacy Poisson & Wave solvers @rsanfer (su2code#573)
- Fix linear elasticity discrete adjoint @pcarruscag (su2code#571)
- Let's add the contributor covenant @economon (su2code#590)
- Efficiency improvements for sorting + loading of grid information. @economon (su2code#576)
- Feature bugfix @rsanfer (su2code#588)
- Fix NTS duplicate calc @clarkpede (su2code#577)
- Feature error message @vdweide (su2code#574)
- Change dynamic viscosity in FD hybrid central / upwind blending to kinematic viscosity @clarkpede (su2code#575)
- Feature directdiff obj @cvencro (su2code#569)
- Bugfix SU2_SOL segfault for multiple zones @TobiKattmann (su2code#572)
- Integrate MKL option for performance improvement on Intel Architectures. @costat (su2code#543)
- Bug fix @ghost (su2code#563)
- ParaView Binary Output @economon (su2code#562)
- Bug fix for inlet profiles when two adjacent inlets share a vertex. @economon (su2code#560)
- Restarted FGMRES was running to max iters instead of restart frequency. @pcarruscag (su2code#557)
- ParMETIS int64 @economon (su2code#561)
- Bugfix DiscAdjFluid: DualTimeStepping 1st order @TobiKattmann (su2code#554)
- Bug Fixes @economon (su2code#546)
- Fixed default setting and typos in @erangit (su2code#548)
- Add Instance Layer @rsanfer (su2code#528)
- Feature wall functions @ghost (su2code#530)
- Release v6.1.0 @economon (su2code#540)
- Bug fixes @ghost (su2code#541)
- SU2_DEF Improvements, Bug Fixes, Clean Up @economon (su2code#535)
- Feature fileprofile @economon (su2code#516)
- Merge v6.0.1 from upstream into our fork @clarkpede (su2code#20)
- Fix partitioning @economon (su2code#513)
- Feature preconditioning @economon (su2code#514)
- v6.0.1 @economon (su2code#525)
- General cleanup and update naming in structural classes @rsanfer (su2code#522)
- Bug fixing @ghost (su2code#519)
- Fix some discrepancies in @erangit (su2code#520)
- Memory fixes. @economon (su2code#517)
- Native CHT functionality @oleburghardt (su2code#505)
- Fix a few memory issues (use of unitialized values and memory leaks) @clarkpede (su2code#510)
- Fix config_template.cfg for options that appear twice (Version 6) @erangit (su2code#511)
- Release v6.0.0 @economon (su2code#509)
- Revert "Fix a few memory issues in 6.0.0" @economon (su2code#508)
- Fix a few memory issues in 6.0.0 @clarkpede (su2code#507)
- Extend custom python BC to include Euler/NS and turbulence variables. @clarkpede (su2code#503)
- Removed compiler warnings @vdweide (su2code#506)
- Feature multi obj update @hlkline (su2code#494)
- Quote executable invocations on Windows to make them run. @ArneBachmann (su2code#332)
- Small changes @ghost (su2code#497)
- Change the integer type in periodic node sorting @clarkpede (su2code#504)
- Fix bug in Jacobian for SST Source Term @clarkpede (su2code#491)
- Overhauled node sorting in periodic geometry to be less buggy @clarkpede (su2code#500)
- Fixed bug in green gauss gradient computations for periodic boundaries @talbring (su2code#496)
- Add option to disable element reorientation @drewkett (su2code#162)
- Fix for Gradient Projection @talbring (su2code#498)
- Feature ddes @EduardoMolina (su2code#490)
- Update codi/medi @talbring (su2code#495)
- Fixed possible infinite loop in mesh adaptation @clarkpede (su2code#492)
- Fixed bug in ADT @vdweide (su2code#493)
- Tutorials folder @talbring (su2code#485)
- Replacing AdjointMPI with Medi @talbring (su2code#473)
- Fix set force proj vector @bmunguia (su2code#482)
- Geometry cutter (post-processing) @ghost (su2code#484)
- Some improvements to the incompressible solver @talbring (su2code#472)
- Py2 and Py3 support @petebachant (su2code#424)
- Coupled FSI-Adjoint solver implementation @rsanfer (su2code#452)
- Temporarily reduce regression test runtime @talbring (su2code#480)
- HB source term preconditioning @jhowison (su2code#445)
- Feature polar : addition of dummy parameters to @erangit (su2code#461)
- Feature cte cl (bug) @ghost (su2code#464)
- Automatic calculation of the semi-span value @ghost (su2code#458)
- Improved cte. CL mode @ghost (su2code#455)
- Bug-fix in the axi-symmetric source term. @vdweide (su2code#456)
- Specification of wall function treatment per individual marker @vdweide (su2code#435)
- Spatial discretization renaming @ghost (su2code#451)
- Modifications to enable compilation under Windows with MINGW @vdweide (su2code#450)
- Feature ILU(n) @ghost (su2code#448)
- Grid deformation improvements @ghost (su2code#444)
- Fix for crash in deallocation of connectivity @talbring (su2code#442)
- Fixing Warnings @ghost (su2code#440)
- Compiler warnings @vdweide (su2code#441)
- Limiters improv...