wasavi is an extension for Chrome, Opera and Firefox. wasavi transforms TEXTAREA element of any page into a VI editor, so you can edit the text in VI. wasavi supports almost all VI commands and some ex commands.
wasavi is underdevelopment. Any bug report or feature request is welcomed.
wasavi supports some ex commands. This is the output of
:set all
Vim's incremental search
wasavi online app. Open this link on a browser that has wasavi extension. wasavi will launch automatically. Then you can read and write files at your Dropbox account.
Currently, wasavi is available for following browsers only. Select your browser and click the link. Standard extension installation procedure of your browser will follow. These extensions are hosted at the addons store of their respective browser.
Latest development releases can be downloaded from this link.
Source code is hosted at Github.
Opera does not support DOM3 Composition Event therefore input via IME is not available.
Focus TEXTAREA and press Ctrl+Enter
To quit wasavi press ZZ
or :q
or :wq
or any other VI quit command.
Put wasavi_mediator.js in your Vimperator plugin directory, for example, ~/.vimperator/plugin
or %HOME%\vimperator\plugin
This plugin will control the pass-through mode of Vimperator according to the state of wasavi.
On wasavi online app, enter :ignorekeys add ^http://wasavi\\.appsweets\\.net/
in Vimperator. Then Vimperator will always use pass-through mode for the online app. ignorekeys
settings is stored automatically therefore you will not have to reenter it.
Install wasavi extension and open the link to wasavi online app. wasavi will start automatically. You can use ex commands :read
, :write
, :edit
or :file
to access your Dropbox files. You will have to authorize wasavi via OAuth to access Dropbox.
Please create an issue on wasavi issue tracker
- to maximize the wasavi:
:set fullscreen
or:set fs
- to restore the wasavi:
:set nofullscreen
or:set nofs
- to change a color theme:
:set theme=blight
or:set theme=charcoal
- to modify initial settings:
open preference wasavi extension (or enter
on wasavi), and edit "exrc" textbox. - abbreviate syntax is
displays all the abbreviations currently registered.:abbreviate [clear]
clears all the abbreviations.:abbreviate lhs
displays the abbreviation corresponding to lhs.:abbreviate lhs rhs
registers a abbreviation which expands lhs to rhs.
- map syntax is
displays all the mappings currently registered.:map [clear]
clears all the mappings.:map lhs rhs
registers a rule which translates lhs to rhs. Its translation is recursive.:map [noremap] lhs rhs
also registers, but it is non-recursive.:map
targets the normal mode mappings. On the other hand,:map!
targets the insert mode.
- j k ^ $ moves cursor by physical row, on the other hand,
gj gk g^ g$ moves by wrapped row. To swap the behavior:
:set jkdenotative
- f/F/t/T extension for Japanese: these commands recognizes reading (ro-ma ji
expression) of hiragana, katakana, and kanji. For example,
will place a cursor on '漢'.
- [count] operation [count] motion
- [count] operation [count] range-symbol
- [count] operation-alias
- [count] motion
- [count] scroll-command
- [count] edit-command
- : ex-command
c y d > < gq
cc yy dd >> << C Y D gqq
- + ^ <home> $ <end> % | comma(,) ; _ / ? ' ` ( ) { } [[ ]] <enter> 0 j k h l ^N ^P ^H <down> <up> <left> <right> <space> w W b B e E gg gj gk g^ g$ gi G H M L f F t T n N
Vim text objects (range symbol)
- a" a' a` a[ a] a{ a} aB a< a> a( a) ab aw aW ap as
- i" i' i` i[ i] i{ i} iB i< i> i( i) ib iw iW ip is
^U ^D ^Y ^E ^B ^F <pageup> <pagedown> z<enter> z. zz z-
x X <delete> p P J period( . ) u ^R ~ ^L ^G m @ q r R a A i I o O & s S ZZ
abbreviate copy delete edit file global join k map mark marks move options print put quit read redo s & ~ set registers to unabbreviate undo unmap version v write wq xit yank > < @ *
ex commands to specify address are fully supported.
absolute line number, relative line number, regal expression.
wasavi also accepts offset.
^@ ^D ^H ^T ^U ^V ^W
^@ is actually ctrl+space
^D accepts the last ^ and 0.
- ^A: move cursor to top of line
- ^B: back
- ^E: move cursor to end of line
- ^F: forward
- ^H: delete a character
- ^N: next history
- ^P: previous history
- ^U: delete whole line
- ^V: literal input
- ^W: delete a word
- multiple level undo/redo
- incremental search
- range symbols (aka, Vim text objects)
- register
is used to access system clipboard) - auto-reformat in input mode, and reformat operator (gq command) on the state of textwidth > 0
- options: iskeyword, incsearch, smartcase, undolevels, quoteescape, relativenumber, textwidth