Copyright 2014 Usmar A. Padow (amigojapan) [email protected]
please bare with the voice for first video, the voice improves after in the second video:
second video, better voice and demonstrates how you program in BlindOE
video showing voice internlay replay chat
ollama ai now available with BlindOE
BlindOS is an Operating Environment System designed specifically for the blind: the goals of this project are: -to make a multi-platform system(Windows, Mac, or Linux) that is easy to use for blind people to use their computers withought needing to learn brile -to enable computer programming for blind people. -This project also has a second focus which is making itself reprogrammable by blind people, and allowing to make new applications for it by blind people
Programs: (in order of importance) BlindOE (the operation environment, similar to bash) -this program helps people manage their files and start programs
-line_edutor.lua (offers an easy line editor, the reason for a line editor is so that the whole document does not need to be synthesized into speech just to correct one mistake, this tool can be used for programming too,simple version could just have a shortcut for repeating the previous line, and a way to retype it.
-voice internet relay chat
for windows: first download and install virtual box from here
download debian 12 Bookworm amd64 from here
install debian 12 Bookworm on virtual box untested instructions can be found here
install Guest Additions for linux, untested instructions can be found here
then follow the following insturctions for linux:
on linux:(developed and tested on Linux mint and debian 12 bookworm)
on mint preciede every apt-get with sudo
on debian open a termianl and do
enter your root password you set during debian installation
apt-get update
apt-get install git
apt-get install flite
apt-get install lua5.3
apt-get install liblua5.3-dev
apt-get install luarocks
luarocks install luasocket
luarocks install luafilesystem
apt-get install lua-posix
curl | sh
ollama run llama2
(on debian only) type exit
clone this repo
git clone
cd BlindOS
edit tmpDir="/home/amigojapan/projects/BlindOS/tmp" in settings.lua. it must be a full absolute path to BlindOS/tmp
once you have been able ot execute it this way, you will want to do the following back in bash
chmod +x ./
and run it like this
pip3 install vosk
vosk-transcriber -i rec.wav -o rec.txt
—up to here most things have been implemented
To do:
0). need to add a feture to editor to move chuncks of code aroudn in a file, like move lines form line 20 to line 30 to line 15
1). Blind Menu (a kind of desktop for those who prefer to use a menu rather than commands, works kind of like a menu on the telephone)
2). BlindWEB (A web client that accesses a group of webpages designed specifically for the blind), this will also allow people to host their own applications made for BlindOS on the web
3). Blind Mail Client
4). Blind Music Player
5). Blind App Downloader(package manager)
Other applications for the blind are welcome and will be added to BlindOS
known bugs:
FIXED-virc quits qith Excess Flood after flooding PONG for some reason
running as ./ sometimes ends up with an eternal loop of just entering and quitting from BlindOE