Official PHP client for Elasticsearch.
The most advanced browser fingerprinting library.
Postman Collection for the Twitter API v2
Open source social sign on PHP Library. HybridAuth goal is to act as an abstract api between your application and various social apis and identities providers such as Facebook, Twitter and Google.
Latest Erlang/OTP releases packaged as a zero dependency RPM, just enough for running RabbitMQ
Open source RabbitMQ: core server and tier 1 (built-in) plugins
🚀 A modern, high-performance, native PHP coroutine engine.
CloudMoe Windows 10/11 Activation Toolkit get digital license, the best open source Win 10/11 activator in GitHub. GitHub 上最棒的开源 Win10/Win11 数字权利(数字许可证)激活工具!
AI 助手全套开源解决方案,自带运营管理后台,开箱即用。集成了 ChatGPT, Azure, ChatGLM,讯飞星火,文心一言等多个平台的大语言模型。支持 MJ AI 绘画,Stable Diffusion AI 绘画,微博热搜等插件工具。采用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 实现。
Graceful is a Go package enabling graceful shutdown of an http.Handler server.
Graceful restart & zero downtime deploy for Go servers.
A repository to host examples and tutorials for Gin.
汇集了自己平时所看的一些电子书籍,包括前端(JavaScript、CSS、Vue、React、Node)、Android、Spring Boot、Spring Cloud、云原生、DevOps等
codeteenager / fe-ebook
Forked from Christine233/Ebook电子书籍,新的电子书仓库为:
【🔞🔞🔞 内含不适合未成年人阅读的图片】基于我擅长的编程、绘画、写作展开的 AI 探索和总结:StableDiffusion 是一种强大的图像生成模型,能够通过对一张图片进行演化来生成新的图片。ChatGPT 是一个基于 Transformer 的语言生成模型,它能够自动为输入的主题生成合适的文章。而 Github Copilot 是一个智能编程助手,能够加速日常编程活动。
A modern redis management tool on the web,if you like it, please give the author a star to encourage them.
Authenticator generates 2-Step Verification codes in your browser.
📻Terminal/ssh/telnet/serialport/RDP/VNC/sftp client(linux, mac, win)
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