Starred repositories
tangmhmhmh / K-Lane
Forked from kaist-avelab/K-LaneThe World's First Large Scale Lidar Lane Detection Dataset and Benchmark
tangmhmhmh / irl-maxent
Forked from qzed/irl-maxentMaximum Entropy and Maximum Causal Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning Implementation in Python
Code for hierarchical imitation learning and reinforcement learning
Implementations of selected inverse reinforcement learning algorithms.
This resource implements a deep neural network through Numpy, and is equipped with easy-to-understand theoretical derivation, mainly for the in-depth understanding of neural networks. 神经网络模型的理论证明与基…
tangmhmhmh / Theoretical-Proof-of-Neural-Network-Model-and-Implementation-Based-on-Numpy
Forked from yuanxiaosc/Theoretical-Proof-of-Neural-Network-Model-and-Implementation-Based-on-NumpyThis resource implements a deep neural network through Numpy, and is equipped with easy-to-understand theoretical derivation, mainly for the in-depth understanding of neural networks. 神经网络模型的理论证明与基…
中国大学MOOC《机器人操作系统入门》代码示例 ROS tutorial
Thesis Project: Apply Deep Q-Network to develop an Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Control agent.
Project for M633: Implementations of Q-learning and Reinforcement Learning