opencodez-samples Public
Forked from pavansolapure/opencodez-samplesThe code repository for Opencodez. Here at this git, we are trying to share code for Java, Python, PHP, Oracle and any new technology we try our hands and feel it can add value.
Java UpdatedDec 9, 2019 -
kubernetes-the-hard-way Public
Forked from kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-wayBootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 26, 2019 -
nginx-certbot Public
Forked from wmnnd/nginx-certbotBoilerplate configuration for nginx and certbot with docker-compose
Shell MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2019 -
spring-boot-examples Public
Forked from ityouknow/spring-boot-examplesabout learning Spring Boot via examples. Spring Boot 教程、技术栈示例代码,快速简单上手教程。
Java UpdatedMay 18, 2019 -
docker-spark-cluster Public
Forked from mvillarrealb/docker-spark-clusterA simple spark standalone cluster for your testing environment purposses
Dockerfile UpdatedMay 15, 2019 -
tutorials Public
Forked from eugenp/tutorialsThe "REST With Spring" Course:
Java MIT License UpdatedMay 5, 2019 -
google-maps-react Public
Forked from fullstackreact/google-maps-reactCompanion code to the "How to Write a Google Maps React Component" Tutorial
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 28, 2019 -
react-in-patterns Public
Forked from krasimir/react-in-patternsA free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used while developing with React.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 1, 2018 -
sound-redux Public
Forked from andrewngu/sound-reduxA Soundcloud client built with React / Redux
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 28, 2018 -
spring-mvc-test-examples Public
Forked from pkainulainen/spring-mvc-test-examplesJava UpdatedMay 31, 2016 -
Library Public
Forked from vpreethamkashyap/LibraryRefrence_Books_PDFfiles
HTML UpdatedMay 29, 2016 -
opensource Public
Forked from programthink/opensource【编程随想】收藏的开源项目清单
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedApr 11, 2016 -
hwdecode-demos Public
Forked from gbeauchesne/hwdecode-demosTest programs to address various HW video decoding APIs like Broadcom Crystal HD, VA-API, VDPAU and XvBA
C UpdatedApr 2, 2015 -