is a lightweight template tool for infrastructure configuration.
It aims to create easy-to-read configuration template in short time.
inserts the key/value to Go-Template file.
The key/value can be specified from the command line option, TOML, JSON, and environment variables.
is a command-line application.
Usage is as follows,
$ syringe --help
syringe [options] <template> [<backend>...]
Application Options:
-b, --backend= Backend type (default: toml) [$SY_BACKEND]
--debug Enable debug logging [$SY_DEBUG]
--delim-left= Template start delimiter (default: {{) [$SY_DELIML]
--delim-right= Template end delimiter (default: }}) [$SY_DELIMR]
-h, --help Show this help
-v, --variable= Set key/values (format key:value)
--version Show version information
Insert the value to the template file specified by <template>
The value can be defined by -v, --variable
flag and <backend>
-v, --variable
flag and <backend>
file can be specified multiple times.
+-------------------------+ +-----------+ +------------+
| 1. Stdin from pipe |----->| | | |
+-------------------------+ | | | |
| | | |
+-------------------------+ | | Insert | Golang | Merged string +----------+
| 2. <backend> or Env var |----->| Key/Value |-------->| Template |--------------->| Stdout |
+-------------------------+ | Table | | <template> | +----------+
| | | |
+-------------------------+ | | | |
| 3. -v, --variable flag |----->| | | |
+-------------------------+ +-----------+ +------------+
type can be specified by -b, --backend
You can specify the type of following.
- env
- json
- toml (default)
Go-Template delimiter is {{
and }}
by default.
If you want to change the delimiter, please specify --delim-left
and --delim-right
The function of the following, you can call in the template.
Run the external command and insert the results to the template.
This configuration was generated at {{exec "date +%Y-%m-%d"}}
This configuration was generated at 2016-05-02
Convert the IP address to Network address.
You can specify either the prefix length and subnet mask.
{{toNetwork "" ""}}
Convert the Subnet mask to Prefix length.
{{toPrefixLen ""}}
Convert the Prefix length to Subnet mask.
{{toSubnetMask "24"}}
Installing syringe
is way too easy.
It have no external dependencies.
Please download from RELEASE PAGE.
- Fork (
- Create a feature branch
- Commit your changes and run
go fmt ./...
- Rebase your local changes against the master branch
- Run test suite with the
go test ./...
command and confirm that it passes - Create new Pull Request
syringe is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See LICENSE for the full license text.