Releases: taosdata/TDengine
Releases · taosdata/TDengine
Behavior change and compatibility
- feat: suppport tmq subscription with ONLY META in JDBC
- feat: support multiple-line SQL editor in Grafana
- feat: add support for VARBINARY/GEOMETRY in ODBC
- feat: support TDengine with ODBC dirver in Excel
- feat: taosX agent use specific port range in local connection
- enh: websocket handle consumer error when tmq polled nothing
- enh: JDBC add support for unsigned integers
- enh: expose global.written_concurrent configuration for kafka/mqtt/csv in Explorer
- enh: support integration with TDgpt in community version
- enh: support BinaryRowData type in flink
- enh: in stmt2 SQL statements, the LIMIT clause supports the use of ? as a parameter placeholder
- enh: enable compression via websocket in taosX backup
- enh: ODBC support SQL_ROWSET_SIZE in SQLSetStmtAttr
- enh: expose num.of.consumers/writters configurations in Explorer
- enh: Add connector files to the macOS installation package.
- enh: handle errors when poll result is null in rust connector
- enh: tsbs support csv output format
- enh: add Classified Connections Counts table in TDinsight
- enh: use consist float precision in explorer and tao shell
- enh: flink table support update/delete
- enh: taosX agent will resume connection when taosX server disconnected for long time
- fix: explorer support signup email with dot
- fix: flock syscall error on aws cloud storage in taosAdapter
- fix: modify boolean tag values in sub-tables results in erroneous metadata from data subscriptions.
- fix: allow spaces in columns of csv in explorer datain
- fix: resolved the issue of high CPU usage by the stmtbind thread when the system is in an idle state
- fix: health state tick to idle when no data consumed
- fix: fix security issues in JDBC sample code
- fix: fix upgrade compaibility issue of taosX
- fix: ODBC core when set SQL_ATTR_TXN_ISOLATION with SQLSetConnectAttr
- fix: received/processed_messages should be reset when task rerun
- fix: when restoring data using taosX, it may crash if the database is not specified
- fix: when creating a database, the keep_time_offset options supports suffixes h (hours) and d (days) for time values
- fix: potential deadlocks while drop stream
- fix: failed to write data in a dual-replica database when a single dnode is disconnected from the network
- fix: when querying the information_schema.ins_tables table, a "Sync leader is unreachable" error may be triggered if the Leader of the mnode changes.
- fix: the time-filtering query results involving composite primary keys were incorrect after data compact
- fix: when the join condition of the primary key column is not a simple equality condition, it may lead to incorrect JOIN results
- fix: error caused by cursor.fetchmany with custom length in python taosws
- fix: the issue where the "show grants" command returned an incorrect number of columns
- fix: unexpected backup points before schedule executing
- fix: taosX task does not restart after interrupted
- fix: jdbc select server_version() caused mem high-usage
- fix: when using the WHERE tbname IN () statement, executing LAST query may cause taosd crash if the subtables filtered out do not belong to the same super table
- fix: after taosd exits abnormally and is restarted, if the WAL that has not been written to the data file is too large, it may cause an OOM error during startup
- fix: when using interp interpolation, if the select list contains string constants or string tags, the returned string content may be incomplete.#29353
- fix: when performing a JOIN query on a super table, using a subquery as the right table may lead to missing results
- fix: syntax error while use DISTINCT and ORDER BY together.#29263
- fix: when using the CAST function to convert a floating-point number to a binary and then performing a comparison, the result may be inaccurate due to loss of precision#29382
- fix: after upgrading from version 3.3.4 to 3.3.5, the taosd service fails to start properly if the configured charset does not exist in the system
- fix: websocket api timing field should not be negtive
- fix: duplicates backup points in taosX
- fix: configuration item s3BucketName was incorrectly set as a global variable, leading to failures while file uploads to S3.
What's Changed
- readme refactor by @feici02 in #29529
- update readme by @feici02 in #29547
- Merge latest codes from main branch by @flyingangel2013 in #29563
- docs: update the structure for testing readme by @feici02 in #29580
- docs: add note for tsbs test by @tomchon in #29581
- doc: fix error in doc. by @hjxilinx in #29583
- doc: add Chaos Test to README and update some functions by @jiajingbin in #29587
- enh: remove stt_trigger limitation of community version. by @hzcheng in #29582
- ci:modify test readme by @tomchon in #29588
- fix(query)[TS-5907]: skip some decompressTest sub-cases on machines without AVX2 support by @JinqingKuang in #29586
- Docs/chr1 readme by @tomchon in #29589
- ci:modify test readme by @tomchon in #29590
- ci:modify test readme by @tomchon in #29591
- jdbc update to 3.5.2 by @sheyanjie-qq in #29592
- docs/optimize the description in "BALANCE VGROUP LEADER".md by @yu285 in #29577
- update README structure for support linux/win/mac platforms by charles by @tomchon in #29469
- fix/insert-when-2-replicas by @cadem in #29595
- enh: merge contrib test by @guanshengliang in #29593
- conditionally bypass some specific unit tests by @freemine in #29443
- fix(stream): adjust the free stream meta position and check the close flag by @hjxilinx in #29598
- enh: elapsed sma by @facetosea in #29578
- Update release note for in office web by @feici02 in #29606
- docs(flink): modify source name by @menshibin in #29607
- enh:[TD-32588]refactor stmt-async-bind loop usleep to Producer Consumer Model by @Pengrongkun in #29611
- doc:update flink connector version by @menshibin in #29619
- fix(rpc):use tsApplyMemoryAllowed to control memory alloc while apply msg. by @xiao-77 in #29618
- fix:[TD-33570]return same error code by @Pengrongkun in #29610
- Fix:[td-33582] stmt get dont add errcode by @Pengrongkun in #29614
- Update by @liuyq-617 in #29604
- Update by @WhiteFirry in #29605
- Update by @WhiteFirry in #29620
- docs: add Tableau usage documentation by @menshibin in #29624
- Fix merge errors from pr 29618. by @xiao-77 in #29627
- docs: modify ODBC data source configuration jump by @menshibin in #29628
- fix:[TD-33556] tmq close elegantly to avoid invalid read in TD-32585 by @wangmm0220 in #29613
- Update by @JackDong66 in #29630
- test:alter branch build by @happyguoxy in #29631
- fix:[TS-5941] fix interpolate varchar/nchar data error by @Simon9997 in #29634
- test: check default expire time by @kailixu in #29621
- fix: invalid subtable in tbname list by @dapan1121 in #29626
- enh: support ? in limit clause by @dapan1121 in #29633
- jdbc add unsigned data types support by @sheyanjie-qq in #29636
- fix(stream): check the checkpoint-report transId and checkpointId by @hjxilinx in #29615
- add chinese README by charles by @flyingangel2013 in #29647
- enh: refactor telemetry scripts by @jiajingbin in #29617
- fix:[TD-33600] windows error if taos exist without connection by @wangmm0220 in #29646
- enh: accelerate tsdb snapshot when data are all in stt file by @hzcheng in #29645
- fix: add table meta validation error and debug log by @dapan1121 in #29651
- enh(analysis): enable community edition to support anodes. by @hjxilinx in
Behavior change and compatibility
- feat: taosX now support multiple stables with template for MQTT
- enh: improve taosX error message if database is invalid
- enh: use poetry group depencencies and reduce dep when install taosdata/taos-connector-python#251
- enh: improve backup restore using taosX
- enh: during the multi-level storage data migration, if the migration time is too long, it may cause the Vnode to switch leader
- enh: adjust the systemctl strategy for managing the taosd process, if three consecutive restarts fail within 60 seconds, the next restart will be delayed until 900 seconds later
- fix: the maxRetryWaitTime parameter is used to control the maximum reconnection timeout time for the client when the cluster is unable to provide services, but it does not take effect when encountering a Sync timeout error
- fix: supports immediate subscription to the new tag value after modifying the tag value of the sub-table
- fix: the tmq_consumer_poll function for data subscription does not return an error code when the call fails
- fix: taosd may crash when more than 100 views are created and the show views command is executed
- fix: when using stmt2 to insert data, if not all data columns are bound, the insertion operation will fail
- fix: when using stmt2 to insert data, if the database name or table name is enclosed in backticks, the insertion operation will fail
- fix: when closing a vnode, if there are ongoing file merge tasks, taosd may crash
- fix: frequent execution of the “drop table with tb_uid” statement may lead to a deadlock in taosd
- fix: the potential deadlock during the switching of log files
- fix: prohibit the creation of databases with the same names as system databases (information_schema, performance_schema)
- fix: when the inner query of a nested query come from a super table, the sorting information cannot be pushed up
- fix: incorrect error reporting when attempting to write Geometry data types that do not conform to topological specifications through the STMT interface
- fix: when using the percentile function and session window in a query statement, if an error occurs, taosd may crash
- fix: the issue of being unable to dynamically modify system parameters
- fix: random error of tranlict transaction in replication
- fix: the same consumer executes the unsubscribe operation and immediately attempts to subscribe to other different topics, the subscription API will return an error
- fix: fix CVE-2022-28948 security issue in go connector
- fix: when a subquery in a view contains an ORDER BY clause with an alias, and the query function itself also has an alias, querying the view will result in an error
- fix: when changing the database from a single replica to a mulit replica, if there are some metadata generated by earlier versions that are no longer used in the new version, the modification operation will fail
- fix: column names were not correctly copied when using SELECT * FROM subqueries
- fix: when performing max/min function on string type data, the results are inaccurate and taosd will crash
- fix: stream computing does not support the use of the HAVING clause, but no error is reported during creation
- fix: the version information displayed by taos shell for the server is inaccurate, such as being unable to correctly distinguish between the community edition and the enterprise edition
- fix: in certain specific query scenarios, when JOIN and CAST are used together, taosd may crash
What's Changed
- fix(docs/s3): make OBS explicitly by @stephenkgu in #29429
- feat: add source msg to cleanup function when exit by @jiajingbin in #29421
- fix(stream): replace functions with safty ones. by @hjxilinx in #29404
- docs : add subscription for debugFlag by @wangmm0220 in #29430
- fix:[TD-33396]add log for tmq by @wangmm0220 in #29415
- add flink doc by @menshibin in #29425
- chore: adjust badges by @feici02 in #29440
- chore: correct typo in taoskeeper workflow by @feici02 in #29441
- modify flink connector docs param note by @menshibin in #29444
- docs: add 33~35 FAQ problem by @DuanKuanJun in #29445
- update jdbc version to 3.5.1 by @sheyanjie-qq in #29431
- fix(stream): fix dead-lock caused by invalid repeatly unlock. by @hjxilinx in #29447
- Update release note for in office web by @feici02 in #29452
- Test/main/ by @SallyHuo-TAOS in #29453
- Fix/m/td 33390 by @wangjiaming0909 in #29451
- Update for TDinternal by @tomchon in #29438
- fix:update compiling explorer from taosx repo by @tomchon in #29442
- fix(test/blob): not run UT of blob by @stephenkgu in #29461
- add detail err msg by @yihaoDeng in #29456
- chore: fix broken career link by @feici02 in #29463
- modify version note by @menshibin in #29446
- docs:remove useless docs by @wangmm0220 in #29466
- fix:[td-33417&td-33419]fix bug and add unit test by @Pengrongkun in #29457
- fix: possible fail by @hzcheng in #29470
- fix(keeper): add enterprise and community edition info by @qevolg in #29458
- fix: eliminate duplicated read locks in one thread by @kailixu in #29478
- fix:[TS-5651]skip-sync-heartbeat by @cadem in #29449
- Create CODEOWNERS by @feici02 in #29485
- fix: eliminate the risk of deadlock when switching log file by @kailixu in #29480
- docs: update taosKeeper doc by @qevolg in #29483
- fix invalid lock by @yihaoDeng in #29472
- enh/stmt-unit-test by @Pengrongkun in #29486
- fix: set parent sort error by @facetosea in #29484
- fix ps/grep/kill flaws found in test.script by @freemine in #29372
- docs/add a tip in Update by @yu285 in #29496
- Update by @children1987 in #29479
- improve tsma doc by @wangjiaming0909 in #29464
- Update by @KianWang069 in #29473
- docs/add port number in by @yu285 in #29474
- docs/ optimize the description in Update by @yu285 in #29475
- docs: fix taosAdapter and rest-api docs by @huskar-t in #29487
- docs(grafana): integrate in explorer by @pigzhou in #29305
- fix(stream):stream unsupported having clause by @54liuyao in #29490
- [sync] change hash table func by @yihaoDeng in #29498
- fix: union clause description error by @dapan1121 in #29501
- docs: csharp connector release 3.1.5 by @huskar-t in #29506
- docs: format and typo processing by @kailixu in #29509
- fix: alias not keep in view issue by @dapan1121 in #29494
- fix: incorrect prompt when log on taos without sysinfo privilege by @kailixu in #29503
- fix: meta entry snapshot problem for old version by @hzcheng in #29499
- fix(query)[TS-5878]: correct column name for SELECT * FROM subquery by @JinqingKuang in #29507
- add sync-timeout retry by @yihaoDeng in #29481
- fix:[TD-33473] Fix cleanup percentile failed. by @Simon9997 in #29500
- docs: fix broken links in main by @danielclow in #29513
- Fix(cfg): resolve dynamic configuration update failure after rolling … by @xiao-77 in #29502
- enh: expand StartLimitInterval to avoid infinite reboot by @kailixu in #29523
- fix(stream): check the stream task last ready timestamp before start the checkpoint procedure. by @hjxilinx in #29517
- fix: correct error message when CREATE TABLE under system databases by @haolinw in #29492
- enh: expand StartLimitInterval to avoid infinite reboot by @kailixu in #29526
- fix:TD-33470 remove ge...
Behavior change and compatibility
- feat: refactor MQTT to improve stability and performance
- feat: refactor taosX incremental backup-restore
- feat: add stmt2 apis in JDBC via websocket connection
- feat: add stmt2 api in Rust connector
- feat: adding error codes in error prompts in taos-CLI
- feat: superSet can connect TDengine with python connector
- feat: configurable grafana dashboards in explorer management
- feat: add taosX-agent in-memory cache queu capacity option
- enh: adjust the reporting mechanism of telemetry.
- enh: support for SQL-based statistics of disk space for a specified DB.
- enh: add memory management for SQL queries on the server side
- enh: INTERVAL clause allows the use of the AUTO keyword to specify the window offset.
- enh: reduce the impact on data write performance during data migration across multi-level storage
- enh: migrate from angular to react for grafana 11.3+
- enh: refactor taosAdapter websocket api for a slightly better perf
- enh: add health state in taosX task status
- enh: taosX add configurations to handle exceptions
- enh: support setting options for client connections, including time zone, character set, user IP, and user name.
- enh: taosdump support retry after connection timeout or broken
- enh: allow creating index for tags that already subscribed
- enh: taosX now support literal special chars in password
- enh: improve data write performance when Last Cache is activated.
- enh: COMPACT command supports automatic execution, concurrency setting, and progress observation.
- enh: support update global configuration parameters through SQL statements and persisting them.
- enh: update the default compression method for all data types to improve the compression ratio in most scenarios.
- enh: taosBenchmark --nodrop fix for mac/window
- enh: prohibit the simultaneous execution of DB compaction and replica change operations (Enterpris).
- enh: taosdump support primary key tables
- enh: display user IP and name in the results of the SHOW QUERIES and SHOW CONNECTIONS statements.
- enh: (JDBC)support batch insertion into multiple tables
- enh: support for dynamically modifying the dataDir parameter for multi-level storage.
- enh: prefer db file under data_dir
- enh: enforce users to set strong passwords, which must be 8 to 16 characters in length and include at least three types of characters from the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
- enh: improve the speed at which clients acquire the new Leader.
- enh: support negative regex pattern in opc point selector
- fix: the potential for deadlocks when updating checkpoints in stream computing under high-load scenarios.
- fix: write tmq data into target error when terrno already set
- fix: taosd cannot start when there is data corruption in a block within the WAL
- fix: taosBenchmark fails when taosd disconnected in replica 2/3
- fix: log files being lost when they are switched frequently.
- fix: the stream computing stops due to the data update within the window.
- fix: sets an incorrect error code when the connection is terminated while fetch data.
- fix: taosX opc error in case of @-prefixed name
- fix: fix permission denied with show vgroups sql in cloud
- fix: fix sql syntax error when migrating from large stables with compress options
- fix: incorrect memory estimation for vnode usage
- fix: failed to perform UNION ALL query on constant strings of the varchar type.
- fix: leader transfer during the execution of transaction may cause deadlock.
- fix: rust connector invliad pointer addr in ws_stmt_get_tag_fields
- fix: UNION statement fails when executing with subqueries containing multiple NULLs.
- fix: the pause operation of stream computing might fail.
- fix: when writing data into a sub-table with a table name length of 192 characters using an SQL statement, errors may occur if the table name is enclosed in backticks (`).
- fix: when performing a join query on super tables across different databases, if each database contains only one vnode, the query will return an error.
- fix: no enough disk space cause taosX panic
- fix: when write data to a super table, using both bound and unbound simultaneously will trigger an exception.
- fix: metrics non-exist cause panic when connect with agent
- fix: when creating indexes for tag with a large character length, taosd may crash.
- fix: when the input parameters for the functions first, last, last_row, and char exceed 127, the taosd may crash. #29241
- fix: when the number of rows in the result set of the LIMIT statement exceeds the size of a single data block, the returned count does not match the expectation.
- fix: when synchronizing data between clusters, if the target task is deleted, the source cluster may run out of memory
- fix: metadata read-write lock misconfiguration leads to a very small chance of blocking writes.
- fix: when importing CSV files using the INSERT INTO statement on the Windows platform, the absence of a newline character at the end of the file may lead to an issue of infinite loop reading.
- fix: after the tags of the table are updated, the stream computing fails to recognize and apply the ne values.
- fix: fix kafka timeout issue and improve performance and stability
- fix: in SQL queries, when both 'is null' and invalid 'in' filter conditions are included simultaneously, the query results are incorrect. #29067
- fix: SQL queries containing both 'IN' and 'BETWEEN' filter conditions result in incorrect query results. #28989
- fix: when performing multiplication or division operations between timestamp and numeric types, the results are incorrect. #28339
- fix: data type conversion error in the IN statement leads to incorrect query results. #29047 #28902
- fix: the error in filtering results when constant conditions are combined with OR operators. #28904
- fix: when performing subtraction operation on timestamp type, the negative value is not considered. #28906
- fix: tag values may display incorrectly when using GROUP BY tag synatix
- fix: gcc < 10 bug cause taosX compile error
What's Changed
- 3.0 by @cadem in #28591
- 3.0 by @cadem in #28654
- merge: from main to 3.0 by @guanshengliang in #28695
- Td31284 by @flyingangel2013 in #27106
- fix:[TD-32563] remove config variable slowLogThresholdTest by @wangmm0220 in #28400
- fix TD-32519 drop child table with tsma caused crash by @wangjiaming0909 in #28647
- update spring version, improve demo code by @sheyanjie-qq in #28705
- doc: update the documents for analysis framework. by @hjxilinx in #28704
- doc: fix error. by @hjxilinx in #28710
- merge: from main to 3.0 branch by @guanshengliang in #28709
- enh: add test case for grant by @kailixu in #28708
- Update by @boxiaobj in #28713
- doc: Update by @hjxilinx in #28726
- test: add smoke test scripts by @tomchon in #28685
- doc: refactor docs. by @hjxilinx in #28730
- docs(datain:csv): rewrite the csv documentation after optimization by @tjuzyp in #28668
- doc: refactor analysis docs. by @hjxilinx in #28733
- doc: update docs. by @hjxilinx in #28737
- doc: update figs. by @hjxilinx in #28738
- doc: update docs. by @hjxilinx in #28740
- test:add docs ci in jenkinsfile2 by @tomchon in #28748
- doc: update analytics docs. by @hjxilinx in #28754
- docs(mqtt): add new advance options in mqtt datain by @bitcapybara in #28725
- doc: update analytics docs. by @hjxilinx in #28760
- docs(debug):Add debugging tool installation suggestions. by @xiao-77 in #28732
- merge: from main to 3.0 branch by @guanshengliang in #28762
- doc: update analytics documents. by @hjxilinx in #28768
- refactor: return the error code and do some refactor. by @hjxilinx in #28758
- docs(database): add arch diagram for property keep by @pigzhou in #28775
- doc(arch/last): new section for last/last_row cache by @stephenkgu in #28764
- doc: Update by @hjxilinx in #2...
Behavior change and compatibility
New Features
- feat: Interp function supports the fill(near) mode, supports returning the timestamp where the original data is located, and supports finding interpolations within a specified range.
- enh: improve the query performance of TSBS.
- enh: support alter multiple tag values of a single child table at the same time.
- enh: optimize the error code of the status window.
- enh: reduce resource consumption in the force window close mode of stream computing.
- enh: remove the restriction that window query must include aggregate functions.
Fixed issues
- fix: use websocket in node.js example of explorer
- fix: the problem that WAL is not distributed to multiple level-0 mount points.
- fix: abnormal exit of stream computing may lead to a deadlock.
- fix(taosX): fix drop table unexpected error when point set enable=0 in opc csv
- fix: failed to read WAL file when alter WAL_level from 0 to 2.
- fix: deadlock when create snode.
- fix: The race condition during replica snapshot synchronization.
- fix: the performance degradation of the percentile function after upgrading to
- fix: the info of dataDir in ins_dnode_variables is incomplete.
- fix: WHERE condition not work in statements with INTERP function
- fix: taosd restart failed while use force window close mode in stream computing.
- Fix: SQL statements containing “GROUP BY constants” will report “Executor internal error”.
- fix: fix OPC-DA connection incorrect NOCONFIG error
- fix: in force_window_close mode, the stream computing fails to generate the sub-table names according to the specified rules.
- fix: 'schema is old' occurring in schemaless write mode under specific scenarios. #28846
- fix: taosX sync with subscription may lost messages in websocket
- fix: incorrect sub-table count when filtering by tags (which may cause taosdump crash).
- fix: restart a single dnode when RPC compression is enabled may lead to an abnormal cluster state.
- fix: unexpected Grafana alerting with CASE WHEN
- fix: taosd may crash when performing UNION queries frequently.
- fix: subscribe with not work as expected
What's Changed
- enh: add dangle child table filter in recovery mode by @hzcheng in #28786
- fix(stream): set correct value and open inputQ for stream if reset checkpoint. by @hjxilinx in #28795
- rename doc -> by @wangjiaming0909 in #28800
- docs/Update may_delay by @yu285 in #28801
- docs:Update keep description in by @yu285 in #28783
- Create by @feici02 in #28807
- remove duplicate group by cols by @wangjiaming0909 in #28793
- fix(query)[TD-32861]. fix that WHERE condition not work in statements with INTERP function by @JinqingKuang in #28784
- test:add stream and query test cases by @happyguoxy in #28724
- add test tzlocal dependent by @menshibin in #28819
- fix:[TS-5639]check-mnode-leader by @cadem in #28811
- fix/TD-32914-free-vnode-after-lock by @cadem in #28804
- fix:skip begin&end snapshot while wal level = 0. by @xiao-77 in #28803
- fix: fetch_row callback error code. by @facetosea in #28838
- docs: describe KEEP_TIME_OFFSET by @LiShunGang in #28840
- fix not setting step in tsdbread by @wangjiaming0909 in #28844
- Update release note for in office web by @feici02 in #28853
- upgrade python version by @menshibin in #28848
- Revert "Update release note for in office web" by @guanshengliang in #28861
- fix tsbs perf issue by @wangjiaming0909 in #28756
- unify the format of qId in the logging macros, by @yihaoDeng in #28859
- unify the format of qId in the logging macros, by @yihaoDeng in #28849
- Update Jenkinsfile2 by @tomchon in #28857
- fix(stream):fix issue for streamscan by @54liuyao in #28854
- Update by @eryue1993 in #28869
- Create 10-cache by @eryue1993 in #28871
- docs:[TD-32946] Modify the description of time and date functions. by @Simon9997 in #28845
- Enh modify wal print fileInfo from info to trace. by @xiao-77 in #28856
- Test/alter crashgen report by @happyguoxy in #28875
- fix double compress when retry by @yihaoDeng in #28872
- fix(analytics): do some internal refactor and fix the error in parse options. by @hjxilinx in #28873
- doc: minor changes by @guanshengliang in #28876
- ci: skip run test when target branch is docs-cloud by @tomchon in #28886
- Update by @eryue1993 in #28887
- increase conn timeout parameter by @yihaoDeng in #28877
- fix: group by value by @facetosea in #28870
- doc: copy data analysis document from 3.0 to main branch by @guanshengliang in #28892
- fix: rewrite groupkey while using windows by @facetosea in #28879
- add toc for by @feici02 in #28916
- fix:[TS-5679] auto commit error by @wangmm0220 in #28908
- docs: new english docs by @danielclow in #28922
- ci: modifying the way of writing the matching strings for the grep by @tomchon in #28923
- enh: error code by @facetosea in #28899
- docs: move sql manual assets for compatibility with cloud by @danielclow in #28924
- fix: add not case by @facetosea in #28929
- docs/ create a new FAQ item about the telemetry report of TDengine OSS by @yu285 in #28860
- fix(query)[TD-33006]. resolve wild pointer release issue in tsdbCreateReader by @JinqingKuang in #28919
- fix(query)[TD-33008]. fix error handling in tsdbCacheRead by @JinqingKuang in #28921
- docs: update active-active doc by @danielclow in #28932
- test(analytics): add a new test case for analytics by @hjxilinx in #28941
- update jdbc demo, and version history by @sheyanjie-qq in #28935
- fix(stream):build create table request for force_window_close by @54liuyao in #28915
- Update by @feici02 in #28944
- fix(stream): check whether dispatch trigger block is expired or not by @hjxilinx in #28900
- Update by @tomchon in #28951
- fix:[TD-33048] add ts to cols if dataFormat is true in schemaless to … by @wangmm0220 in #28949
- Feat/updateMultiTag by @yihaoDeng in #28925
- Fix/td 33051/update task status by @facetosea in #28960
- enh: operator input check by @facetosea in #28839
- ci: set test step in ci when tdgpt file changed by @tomchon in #28952
- update test case and remove invalid code by @yihaoDeng in #28962
- doc: fix some typos in tdgpt by @hjxilinx in #28966
- add run all ci cases script by @happyguoxy in #28968
- ci: add smoking scripts for docs by @tomchon in #28971
- doc: update error codes by @guanshengliang in #28974
- Update error_code by @DuanKuanJun in #28976
- doc: fix some typos. by @hjxilinx in #28970
- fix(stream): the timestamp when the stream is created is set to be the initial force_window_close start time. by @hjxilinx in #28964
- enh(stream):optimize stream force window close by @54liuyao in #28942
- update doc by @yihaoDeng in #28981
- ci(stream): add ci for stream by @54liu...
Behavior change and compatibility
- snode must be used in stream computing in a multi-replica database.
- add a compatiability guarantee mechanism for stream, to avoid new compatiblity issued caused by subsequent functions, but the previously created stream must be deleted and recreated. see:
- adjust the result type of the case when statement.
New Features
- feat: the twa function in stream computing support time-driven result push mode.
- feat: the interp function in stream computing support time-driver result push mode.
- feat: optimized the error msg when compact + split vgroup operation is performed in sequence
- feat: support Azure Blob
- enh: improve the efficiency of pulling data between dnodes when performing large concurrent query.
- enh: support use AVX2 and AVX512 to perform decoding optimization for double, timestamp and bigint types.
- enh: adjust the result type of the case when statement.
- enh: improve the data scanning speed of the query "select... from... where ts in (...)".
- enh: add a compatiability guarantee mechanism for stream, to avoid new compatiblity issued caused by subsequent functions, but the previously created stream must be deleted and recreated.
- enh: improve the data synchronization performance of taosX in interlace scenarios.
- enh: support turn off encoding for integer and float data types.
- enh: in a multi-replica database, snode must be used in stream computing.
- enh: generate unique ID to identify each query task to avoid memory corruption.
- enh: speed up the creation time of the database.
- enh: modify the default value of s3MigrateEnabled to 0.
- enh: support recording delete operations in the audit database.
- enh: support create database in the specified dnode list [enterprise].
- fix: adjust the error message when deleting data columns of the super table.
Fixed issues
- fix: query performance of last_row has significantly decreased in version
- fix: taosd cannot start when the WAL entry is incomplete.
- fix: incorrect query results when partitioning by a constant.
- fix: when the scalar function include _wstart and the fill method is prev, the calculation result is wrong.
- fix: the time zone setting problem on Windows.
- fix: the translation can't finish if compacting on empty database [enterprise]
- fix: logic error with transaction conflicts
- fix: some errors of the mnode can cause transactions to be unable to stop.
- fix: some errors of the mnode can cause transactions to be unable to stop.
- fix: the problem of taosc driver retrying errors after clearing the dnode data.
- fix: after Data Compact is abnormally terminated, intermediate files are not cleaned up.
- fix: after adding a new column, the earliest mode of the Kafka connector cannot consume the data of the new column.
- fix: the behavior of the interp function is incorrect when use fill(prev).
- fix: the problem that TSMA abnormally stops during high-frequency metadata operations.
- fix: the execution result of the "show create stable" statement is incorrect.
- fix: the percentile function will crash when querying a large amount of data.
- fix: syntax error when using partition by and having together.
- fix: tbname is empty when interp function is used with partition by tbname, c1.
- fix: taosd may crash while writing illegal boolean values through stmt.
- fix: update table name description in opc-ua data-in
- fix: library symbol 'version' confict with other lib which use the same symbol. #25920
- fix: the number of JAVA process handles in JDBC driver keeps increasing on Windows environment.
- fix: the occasional startup failure when upgrading from version to
- fix: memory leak caused by repeated addition and deletion of tables on the Windows platform.
- fix(stream): check the right return code for concurrent checkpoint trans.
- fix: the "too many session" problem while perform large concurrent queries.
- fix: the problem of taos shell crashing in slow query scenarios on the Windows platform.
- fix: the encrypted database cannot be recovered when opening the dnode log.
- fix: the problem that taosd cannot be started due to mnode synchronization timeout.
- fix: the slow sorting of file group data during snapshot synchronization leads to the inability of Vnode to recover.
- fix: when writing data with escape characters to a varchar field throug line protocol, taosd will crash.
- fix: metadata file damage caused by incorrect logic processing of error code
- fix: when a query statement contains multiple nested "not" conditional statements, not setting the scalar mode will lead to query errors.
- fix: the problem of dnode going offline due to timeout of vnode stat report.
- fix: taosd failed to start on servers that not support AVX instructions.
- fix(taosX): handle 0x09xx error codes in migration
What's Changed
- docs/td-32339 docs: updated odbc documentation to add API interfaces, supported data types, and compatible software options by @YamingPei in #28161
- fix double free by @yihaoDeng in #28196
- fix(stream): use meta id instead of ptr. by @hjxilinx in #28187
- fix build error by @facetosea in #28202
- refactor: update the error logs. by @hjxilinx in #28201
- Fix/3.0/td 32399 modify log msg and log level by @xiao-77 in #28194
- fix:[TD-32419] Free memory allocated in sclWalkCaseWhenList. by @Simon9997 in #28193
- fix:[TD-32419] Free memory allocated in sclWalkCaseWhenList. by @Simon9997 in #28192
- fix/TD-32321-change-snap-timeout by @cadem in #28182
- calculate stream fill row buff size by @54liuyao in #28205
- calculate stream fill row buff size by @54liuyao in #28206
- test/td-32317: new c language samples in the documentation are integrated into ci by @YamingPei in #28125
- fix: mem free by @facetosea in #28209
- fix: mem free by @facetosea in #28210
- add dropped count while open vnodes by @xiao-77 in #28207
- formate qid by @yihaoDeng in #28191
- fix(query): return correct error code. by @hjxilinx in #28212
- fix(query): return correct error code. by @hjxilinx in #28213
- docs: update taosx-agent InstanceId config by @bitcapybara in #28215
- refactor: do some internal refactor. by @hjxilinx in #28218
- refactor: do some internal refactor. by @hjxilinx in #28219
- Fix/java code comments main by @sheyanjie-qq in #28221
- update mac make install script by @xiaopingcs in #28223
- update mac make install script by @xiaopingcs in #28222
- Update by @jtao1735 in #28230
- fix: ostime by @facetosea in #28185
- fix: ostime by @facetosea in #28195
- fix:[TD-32198] add a test case to verify HAVING key by @shuizhilong in #28217
- fix taos/taosws dll path issue by @sheyanjie-qq in #28234
- fix taos/taosws dll path issue by @sheyanjie-qq in #28233
- docs: release ver- by @xiaopingcs in #28228
- docs: release ver- by @xiaopingcs in #28229
- fix: data deleter memory leak issue by @dapan1121 in #28241
- fix:[TD-32450] Use taosArrayDestroyEx when error occurs to avoid mem … by @Simon9997 in #28242
- fix:[TD-32454] Use SMA when using min/max on numeric column. by @Simon9997 in #28247
- fix:[TD-32452] Clean up when error occurs to avoid mem leak. by @Simon9997 in #28238
- feat:[TD-30270] opti close logic in tmq by @wangmm0220 in #27616
- formate qid by @yihaoDeng in #28198
- fix:[TD-32372] Clean up in a right way. by @Simon9997 in #28150
- enh: safe function by @facetosea in #28235
- fix double free by @yihaoDeng in #28258
- fix double free by @yihaoDeng in #28257
- enh:modify error code passing by @lyh250-666 in #28261
- feat: anode by @guanshengliang in #28265
- feat: data analysis by @guanshengliang in #28264
- fix: memory leak on windows by @hzcheng in #28259
- enh:[TD-32414] replace unsafe functions by @Simon9997 in
New Features/Improvements:
- New functions: pi、truncate/tunc、exp、ln、mod、rand、sign、degress、radians、char、ascii、position、trim、replace、repeat、substring/substr、substring_index、week、weekday、weekofyear、dayofweek、stddev_pop、var_pop
- Microsoft Azure Blob can be used with multi-level storage [Enterprise]
- Data transfer from MongoDB to TDengine [Enterprise]
- TDengine macOS client [Enterprise]
- By default, the logs of taosX are not recorded in syslog [Enterprise]
- TDengine server records all slow query information to the database storing monitoring data
- Display server version in the query result of show cluster machines
- Turned keywords LEVEL/ENCODE/COMPRESS into non-keywords, they can be used as column names/table names/database names
- Disable the method for dynamic modifying temporary directories
- Performance enhancement of taosX replication [Enterprise]
- Unified storage policies for slow query and common logs
- Optimize the subscription feature where the offset file is too large and the loading is too slow
- Upgrade JDBC driver to 3.2.5
- Change commit to sync mode in Kafka connector
- Add new parameter: query from table whether an exception is reported when the table does not exist
- Expand the maximum window of the tsma interval to one year
- Create tables from CSV files
Fixed issues:
- MQTT data-in task does not restart automatically after server restart [Enterprise]
- Task termination issue caused by agent and PI connector connection errors on Windows [Enterprise]
- MQTT tasks fail to synchronize data after restarting taosadapter [Enterprise]
- MQTT tasks status are not correct [Enterprise]
- Tasks are not scheduled after restarting taosx [Enterprise]
- Taosx: Log optimization for MongoDB DataIn task [Enterprise]
- Backup failure issue when the local.toml file is empty [Enterprise]
- The issue of taosx replica when the network is interrupted [Enterprise]
- Fix the problem that meta data is not synchronized between version 3.1 and version 3.3 [Enterprise]
- Fix the issue where the MQTT task cannot automatically recover after the taoadapter restarts abnormally [Enterprise]
- Kafka Datain tasks stop consuming data [Enterprise]
- Crash issue when using last and interval in query
- Crash issue caused by updating stt_trigger value during database insertation
- Taoskeeper restart repeatedly after modifying the password of root user
- The stream computing can not continue working after the taosd instance in cloud service restart
- taosd deadlock caused by loading tsdb cache
- Unexpected error message when query with fill(0)
- Incorrect result of query with last_row
- taosd crash issue when the user specifies the information_schema database to log in the TDengine server
- The group by statement supports positional parameters and alias syntax
- Crash caused by an error of metadata clone function object
- taosd crash when filled data during cache updates
- Fix the random incorrect result of query with query with stddev
- Offline node can not be added into cluster for multi-level storage with database encryption scenario
- taos CLI can not enter password longer than 20 characters
- The ‘int data overflow’ error when inserting SQL string concatenation
- metadata consistency in a large number of concurrent queries
- MQTT task can not be stopped normally
- Can't export values contain comma or quote as CSV file
- Crash issue when multiple threads query to describe the same child table concurrently
- Results returned by data explorer do not follow the timezone configuration
- Memory leak issue of taosadapter when creating websocket connection
- Community version can not start properly on the redhat operating system
- Crash caused by invalid assert when two stt files are located in the data block timeline distribution void scenario
- S3 fails to pull data for a long time
- Use result set function to judge the order of timeline
- Performance issue of supertable projection query
- In multi-node environment, transaction accumulation is caused by inconsistent transaction return code and state
- Error appears after delete data when stt_trigger = 1
- taosd service OOM during during node recovery
- Modify the judgment error when limit is too small
- Issues in historian data source connectivity and retrieving sample data function
- taosd service cannot be stopped normally
- crash caused by last function query for the whole empty values of some column
- coredump caused by assert when the query cid is not in the schema of the current version
- OOM issue when writing large message, and add the syncLogBufferCacheAllowed parameter control
- Query error when timezone is set to UTC and data contains '1970'
- disable timeout when mnode sending sync message
- After the cluster node recovers abnormally, the authorization status of the cluster becomes invalid
- Query null pointer problem
- set vgroup as single replica temporarily when restoring vnode
- SQL Reserved Word could NOT be used as column name and tag name in TDengine database
- Continuous memory growth during highly concurrent queries
- Crash caused by the assertion failure during checkpoint processing occurred in stream computation
- Query issue in information_schema database
- taosd service OOM during during node recovery
- taosd crashes when importing data through taosx when schema changes.
- taosd Memory Leak
- taos client memory leak
- Open source users can not modify other database options after the stt_trigger value is modified
- Query result is incorrect with operator of NOT IN (NULL)
- taos shell and taosBenchmark can not connect to TDengine Cloud Instance
What's Changed
- fix:[TD-30725]modify error code & fix potential memory leaks by @wangmm0220 in #26342
- modify cases time cost by @happyguoxy in #26394
- test: [TS-5103] add test case for window fill value query by @bitcapybara in #26387
- add ci case for TS-5105 by @zhiyoo in #26402
- add and update ci test cases by charles by @flyingangel2013 in #26406
- fix(tsdb/commit): make commit failing core in release buildings by @stephenkgu in #26390
- fix: mndCheckTransConflict uses the same iterator variable by @LiShunGang in #26368
- fix:[TS-4921]refactor reporting logic for slow log by @wangmm0220 in #26380
- fix: add by @DuanKuanJun in #26408
- other: fix coverity issue. by @hjxilinx in #26427
- feat:[TS-5131] Support parse alias table name with backquote. by @Simon9997 in #26415
- docs:[TS-5131] Modify description about backquote. by @Simon9997 in #26413
- fix compile error by @yihaoDeng in #26430
- Fix/td 30877 3.0 2 by @cadem in #26437
- fix:[TS-4921] send data to queue error if monitor thread starts later or failed by @wangmm0220 in #26411
- fix/TD-30876 by @cadem in #26435
- fix: oom in rpc queue by @kailixu in #26418
- test: move TS_5105 to queryBugs by @zhiyoo in #26451
- enh/td-21826-3.0 error handling for stmt by @xinjiempolde in #26434
- fix UAF by @yihaoDeng in #26443
- refactor(stream): delay checkpointInterval to generate the checkpoint by @hjxilinx in #26446
- Update by @hjxilinx in #26477
- add doc for SELECT ... FILL multi values by @wangjiaming0909 in #26473
- Update by @hjxilinx in #26479
- protection when alter stt_trigger by @hzcheng in #26468
- fix[TD-30883] failed in some times by @wangmm0220 in #26423
- refactor: update the consensus-checkpointId generation procedure. by @hjxilinx in #26485
- fix/TS-5144 by @cadem in #26481
- Enh/TD-30442 by @yihaoDeng in #26439
- Enh/td 29154/diff by @facetosea in #26417
- set key for session window state by @54liuyao in #26494
- udpate test case for backquote modification by @flyingangel2013 in #26486
- diff desc online by @facetosea in #26495
- fix possible block of query worker pool by @wangjiaming0909 in #26497
- Enh/3.0/bigger tsma interval by @wangjiaming0909 in #26492
- fix(stream): fix race-condition during expand stream tasks. by @hjxilinx in #26499
- fix: tsdbCacheUpdate incorrect filling cache by @LiShunGang in #26503
- impove grafana doc by @sheyanjie-qq in #26507
- fix:[TD-30915]tmq exit elegantly by @wangmm0220 in #26453
- feat:[TD-30819] R...
New Features/Improvements
- alter table add column can support encode and compress parameters
- Configuration parameter supportVnodes can be changed dynamically using alter command
- Minimize the impact on read/write by compact operation
- Adjust the default value of supportVnodes to 2*Cores+5
- lossyColumnn parameter is obsoleted
- Support specifying ENCODE and COMPRESS when adding columns to existing table
- Update SupportVnodes on the fly
- Support CentOS Stream
New Features/Improvements (Enterprise only)
- balance vgroup leader can be performed on a database (Enterprise only)
- Each mount point in multi-level storage can be configured as allowing new file or not (Enterprise only)
- Speed control can be set for cross-level data transfer
- IP white list can be adjusted dynamically
- New user doesn't have privilege to create database by default
- Optimized process of configuring key for database encryption
- Data compression for data transfer between TDengine 2.x and 3.x
- Data transfer from Oracle to TDengine
- Data transfer from SQL Server to TDengine
- OPC UA data points can be found and added in data in tasks dynamically
- Pi backfill task can be paused and resumed
- Pi backfill can work with data transformation
- Performance and stability improvement for Pi data in tasks
- VARBINARY and GEOMETRY data types can be used when creating tables in taos-explorer
- User can transfer user/password and privilege data between TDengine clusters using taos-explorer
- Pi data transfer supports newly added assets of an element
- taos-explorer can use native connection for the sink TDengine
- GSSAPI support for Kafka connector
- MQTT tasks can obtain sample data from the data source
- Object array support in MQTT data
- Data parsing with custom scripts
- Dynamic data filtering with plugins
Fixed Bugs
- metadata broken by TSMA
- count(*) result is wrong when filtering by supertable tags or where conditions
- The output precision is wrong of function to_iso8601()
- taosd exit abnormally because of querying first() and last() together with interval() and fill()
- Deleting a consumer group of one topic caused consumption failure of another consumer group of same name for another topic
- Column index of STMT binding over boundary caused taosd exited abnormally
- Only one parameter is changed successfully when altering multiple parameters for a table
- Union caused taosd hang when the leader is switched frequently
- Cast() caused taosd exited abnormally
- count window and sliding caused taosd exited abnormally
- Performance downgrade of group by tbname
- Other fixing for known bugs
What's Changed
- refactor(stream): opt stream sink perf. by @hjxilinx in #25598
- tsma hint add doc by @wangjiaming0909 in #25615
- fix:[TD-29893]mkdir error in mac by @wangmm0220 in #25619
- fix:[TD-29869]use latest vg info when drop topic by @wangmm0220 in #25609
- fix(stream): close task if it's in checkdown stream procedure. by @hjxilinx in #25614
- Update by @54liuyao in #25630
- Update by @54liuyao in #25627
- Update by @54liuyao in #25631
- Update by @54liuyao in #25632
- fix: memory leak with cmd.command and buffer by @DuanKuanJun in #25626
- Fix/fixRocksdbInitFailed3 by @yihaoDeng in #25636
- Enh: eliminate not null cond by @dapan1121 in #25639
- Test/3.0/td29157 by @zk66214 in #25637
- fix: scheduler dead lock issue by @dapan1121 in #25640
- fix(stream): set global close flag in the streamMeta. by @hjxilinx in #25646
- docs: release by @xiaopingcs in #25651
- enh: check snap begin index against commit index on leader by @bgzhao66 in #25644
- enh: add logging info for alter vnode hash range action by @bgzhao66 in #25138
- fix: fix last col version when updating rocks by @LiShunGang in #25654
- adj delete mark by @54liuyao in #25657
- refactor: do some internal refactor. by @hjxilinx in #25653
- docs: fix link on udf page for 3.0 by @danielclow in #25157
- refactor: do some internal refactor. by @hjxilinx in #25661
- refactor: do some internal refactor. by @hjxilinx in #25666
- fix: (compatibility) SLastCol field change cause 'last' crash by @LiShunGang in #25671
- fix check ctgCache.pTsmas outside of cache read lock by @wangjiaming0909 in #25658
- fix(tsdb/cache-update): discard none colVals for same timestamp by @stephenkgu in #25675
- fix(tsdb/cache-update): compare when rocks's colVal not null by @stephenkgu in #25687
- fix: increase default query thread number by @dapan1121 in #25683
- enh: refactor tsdbCache ser/des by @LiShunGang in #25690
- fix(query): set correct row length for rowid sort. by @hjxilinx in #25679
- refactor: do some internal refactor. by @hjxilinx in #25695
- refactor: do some internal refactor. by @hjxilinx in #25700
- Td29114 by @flyingangel2013 in #25699
- fix/audit-memory-leak by @cadem in #25696
- fix: refactor lastcache ser/des for compatibility by @LiShunGang in #25707
- Test td 29035 by @happyguoxy in #25680
- fix: handle memleak in vnodeSnapWriterOpen, add log for abort_edit by @LiShunGang in #25703
- modify tsma invalid interval msg by @wangjiaming0909 in #25711
- fix(query): set the pk for interp query. by @hjxilinx in #25718
- fix(query): set correct row index. by @hjxilinx in #25728
- fix:[TD-29893]avoid returning 0 if vnode init error by @wangmm0220 in #25629
- fix:[TS-4658] make error msg specific by @wangmm0220 in #25726
- fix: change to TDengine Cloud by @DuanKuanJun in #25730
- fix: memleak by @facetosea in #25677
- fix: undefined reference to
while linking s3 libcurl to taosd by @zitsen in #25378 - fix: build fails on macOS and Windows by @huskar-t in #25727
- add pk cases by @happyguoxy in #25720
- docs: fix anchors for 3.0 branch by @danielclow in #25744
- fix issue in by @xiaopingcs in #25579
- Fix/fixCompressCompatible by @yihaoDeng in #25742
- fix(cos/oss): use vhost style uri for oss by @stephenkgu in #25746
- fix: show tags from undefined table by @kailixu in #25748
- add test case for task TD-28586 by charles by @flyingangel2013 in #25752
- fix(cos/checks3): failed early if not enabled by @stephenkgu in #25758
- feat: add pcre2 lib to precheck geometry wkt by @LiShunGang in #25471
- fix: error msg of show tags from ntb/view by @kailixu in #25764
- fix: tsdbCache vartype of zero size by @LiShunGang in #25723
- fix: race condition in dumpConfToDataBlock by @LiShunGang in #25756
- fix(tsdb): fix the length of column type overflow. by @hjxilinx in #25769
- fix/TD-29772 by @cadem in #25735
- fix(tsdb): fix deadlock when stopping reader. by @hjxilinx in #25776
- add test cases for TD-29904 by @zk66214 in #25768
- fix get table meta without meta lock by @wangjiaming0909 in #25771
- optimize scan data by @54liuyao in #25733
- enh: grant support s3/active-active/dual-replica/db_encryption by @kailixu in #25731
- enh(s3/grant): disable s3 with expired grant by @stephenkgu in #25706
- Enh/TD-29953 by @yihaoDeng in #25669
- Test/3.0/ts-4791 by @zk66214 in
- Improve the performance of transferring metadata
Fixed Bugs
- create/drop stable is not logged in operation logs
- steam-task-status is abnormal after performing redistribute and restart dnode
- Some other bug fixes for known issues
New Features and Improvements
- Full functional Join: including LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN, SEMI JOIN, ANTI-SEMI JOIN in traditional databases, as well as ASOF JOIN and WINDOW JOIN in time series databases
- Composite Primary Key: time-series data is organized and sorted according to both timestamp and an additioanl column, which is called primary key
- Double replicas (Enterprise only): high availability and high reliability can be achieved with 2 replicas, i.e. lower hardware cost compared to 3 replicas
- S3 storage (Enterprise only): cold data can be stored in S3 to achieve lower storage cost, without compromising query or writing behavior
- TSMA: time-range SMA to accelerate aggregate query
- Configurable compression: encoding method, compression algorithm and compression level can be configured per column when creating super table
- Count Window: A new type of window based on counting rows can be used in both stream and batch processing
- Active-Active (Enterprise only): two standalone TDengine deployments can form a single business system to provide high availability with transparency to the client programs. It can also be used in disaster recovery
- Database Encryption (Enterprise only): database storage files are encrypted with transparency for reading and writing
- Multi-level storage (Enterprise only): Up to 64 mount points can be configured for each storage level
- Data In (Enterprise only): time-series data stored in postgreSql and MySQL can be replicated to TDengine in real time
- Data In (Enterprise only): optimized configuration method for OPC data points
- Data Explorer: a simplified version of data explorer is public for the community
What's Changed
- fix/TD-28776 by @cadem in #24893
- feat: autoshell add news keyword by @DuanKuanJun in #24865
- enh: cloud edition check and update libdmodule by @kailixu in #24904
- enh: change redo log of trans compact-db as prepare log by @bgzhao66 in #24901
- fix/TD-28860 by @cadem in #24902
- fix: forget add show views by @DuanKuanJun in #24898
- coverage by @cadem in #24909
- fix: config global debugflag by @LiShunGang in #24911
- fix(tdb/pcache): not use lru page if already in hash by @stephenkgu in #24917
- Add backend test by @yihaoDeng in #24916
- fix/TD-28895 by @cadem in #24919
- enh: use reference id of sync node in timer callbacks of sync by @bgzhao66 in #24931
- set history task param by @54liuyao in #24899
- opti:deal with escape in the end of field in schemaless by @wangmm0220 in #24907
- add ci by @54liuyao in #24912
- fix(util): fix the new size remaining bug. by @hjxilinx in #24948
- fix: no memory trim when no para tables scan by @shenglian-zhou in #24939
- fix/TD-28910 by @cadem in #24944
- opt bloom filter by @54liuyao in #24940
- fix count window issue by @54liuyao in #24947
- fix: shellReadHistory access invalid memory by @LiShunGang in #24930
- fix/TD-28490 by @cadem in #24955
- Fix/xsren/td 28513/oom3.0 by @facetosea in #24866
- fix: don't copy all data when use limit by @facetosea in #24836
- fix(tsdb/cache): new case for column changing by @stephenkgu in #24963
- release by @xiaopingcs in #24950
- release by @xiaopingcs in #24949
- docs: fix python demo code by @AdamEECS in #24941
- docs: fix python demo code by @AdamEECS in #24942
- delete unused code by @facetosea in #24961
- fix/TD-28920 by @cadem in #24958
- Fix/fix memleak while taosd quit by @yihaoDeng in #24964
- enh: adjust an error logging msg in process sync msg by @bgzhao66 in #24943
- test: Splitting test cases to avoid case timeouts by @tomchon in #24936
- Update by @54liuyao in #24970
- Update by @54liuyao in #24971
- Update by @54liuyao in #24974
- Update by @54liuyao in #24973
- Main doc upgrade by @AaronC59 in #24976
- main doc upgrade by @AaronC59 in #24980
- fix: memory free sequence of sub request caused memory use after free by @wangjiaming0909 in #24952
- enh(stream): async handle pause event by @hjxilinx in #24966
- fix:[TD-28869]get error in askEp because consumer is dropped when uns… by @wangmm0220 in #24921
- docs: modify power bi according to explorer by @tjuzyp in #24986
- docs: add yonghong bi by @tjuzyp in #24985
- fix(test/last_both): remove last_row query by @stephenkgu in #24989
- docs: simple change for bi by @guanshengliang in #24992
- reset flush state by @54liuyao in #24967
- test: add subscribe and commits in compatibility test by @tomchon in #24984
- docs:fix doc error by @wangmm0220 in #24990
- fix(test/last_row): remove random columns' checking by @stephenkgu in #24996
- fix: memleak by @facetosea in #24997
- fix(stream): remove related fill-history if task in stop status. by @hjxilinx in #24999
- optimize plan and add ci by @54liuyao in #24969
- fix:add excluded msg for delete in tmq by @wangmm0220 in #24994
- fix: dynmaic config supportvnodes in ent by @LiShunGang in #25007
- fix(stream): set the dest epset from mnode, and set the retry error by @hjxilinx in #25006
- test:comment tmqparamstest test with restful by @tomchon in #25020
- fix: join table fetch error by @dapan1121 in #25017
- fix: join table fetch error by @dapan1121 in #25016
- load operator checkpoint by @54liuyao in #25012
- calc stream tag size by @54liuyao in #25026
- add coverity scan by @yihaoDeng in #25013
- fix count error by @yihaoDeng in #25010
- fix mem leak by @yihaoDeng in #25004
- fix:[TS-4544]do not get vgroup if subscribe query by @wangmm0220 in #25030
- fix:[TS-4544]do not get vgroup if subscribe query by @wangmm0220 in #25031
- fix/TS-4535 by @cadem in #25027
- fix/TS-4535 by @cadem in #25028
- do some stream fill refactor by @54liuyao in #25033
- fix:[TS-4540]seperate block if insert in one sql when subscribe query by @wangmm0220 in #25024
- fix:[TS-4540]seperate block if insert in one sql when subscribe query by @wangmm0220 in #25025
- fix(stream): add one more status for check. by @hjxilinx in #25035
- Update by @54liuyao in #25037
- test(stream): add some test cases to inc coverage. by @hjxilinx in #25039
- replace kill signal by @xiaopingcs in #25044
- fix:memory leak by @wangmm0220 in #25040
- fix:memory leak by @wangmm0220 in #25041
- fix:test case failed in some time by @wangmm0220 in #25045
- fix:[TS-4551] vgroplist is null in subscribe by @wangmm0220 in #25050
- fix:[TS-4551] vgroplist is null in subscribe by @wangmm0220 in #25053
- add some log by @54liuyao in #25057
- ignore ouput group id for project by @54liuyao in
New Features
- Count Window for stream processing. The starting and ending condition of a stream processing window is determined by the number of rows in the window
- TDengine monitoring
- Refactored the metrics collected by taosd service, and refined the Grafana dashboard for monitoring taosd services
- Collected rich metrics for taosX service, and designed new Grafana dashboard for monitoring resource usage, taosX services, agents, and data in tasks of various data source types
- New License Mechanism
- Advanced database features need to be granted, a single license key can grant the fundamental database and/or one or more advanced features
- Data in features need to be granted, a single license key can grant one or more data source types
- Data In: Wonderware Historian data can be ingested into TDengine
- Data Compression between taosX-Agent and taosX to save bandwidth in case they are not in same network
- Performance improvemnt
- The cache for last is built when creating super tables and child tables to improve the performance of querying last() or last_row() the first time
- The cache for last can be utilized when querying both last() and last_row() together in a single SQL statement
- The performance of querying last_row() when there is a column full of NULL values is improved significantly
- Performance improvement when transferring data from Pi/OPC to TDengine
- Performance improvement when transferring data from TDengine 2.6 to TDengine 3.x in case there are millions of tables but each table only has few rows
- Query optimization
- Query statement "select count(*)" can filter out empty tables
- System Operations
- The impact on data writing when performing "redistribute vgroup" operation is minimized using RAFT learner mechanism
- Command "restore vnode" can be performed on a single vgroup ID
- An empty dnode, i.e. without any vnode, can be dropped by force, regardless of online or not
- Data In Optimizations
- The initial timestamp can be ignored when writing into TDengine from OPC
- Advanced options are consolidated and refined for some data source types
- More options, such as skipRows, delimiter, quoteChar, commentPrefix, have been added for CSV data source
- Explorer
- support HTTPS
- Users can view task related logs
What's Changed
- Feat/xsren/td 26529 3.0 1 by @facetosea in #23588
- release mem check by @cadem in #24116
- docs: release by @xiaopingcs in #24145
- docs: release by @xiaopingcs in #24144
- test: support for windows using 'taos -s' by @tomchon in #24133
- test: support for windows by @tomchon in #24139
- opti:logic in parse raw line & make log more specific by @wangmm0220 in #24113
- docs: tag document restore by @shenglian-zhou in #24125
- enh: call fetch_rows in taos_query_a callback by @facetosea in #24083
- fix: session window block row index overflow by @wangjiaming0909 in #24130
- test: support for windows in ci cases by @tomchon in #24153
- fix too many open session by @yihaoDeng in #24120
- Coverage: deal 0% ~ 3% coverage rage files by @DuanKuanJun in #24164
- fix:[TD-27979] init mutux by @wangmm0220 in #24168
- fix: shell autotab extend to save 95 visible character by @DuanKuanJun in #24172
- fix: restore tags document for main branch by @shenglian-zhou in #24184
- fix(tsdb/cache): plus 1 to nCols to load stt data by @stephenkgu in #24173
- Fix/fix too many open by @yihaoDeng in #24171
- init backend mutex by @yihaoDeng in #24160
- init backend mutex by @yihaoDeng in #24159
- fix: the pre-allocated column has no data to copy by @shenglian-zhou in #24170
- fix(tsdb/cache): prepend ts col to load stt by @stephenkgu in #24189
- fix snode crash by @yihaoDeng in #24179
- update taoskeeper in deb and rpm by @xiaopingcs in #24151
- fix snode crash by @yihaoDeng in #24180
- fix: cache scan heap overflow and forbid DDD for to_char in windows by @wangjiaming0909 in #24181
- Fix taosd crashed at tpercentile.c 382,377 by @fullhonest in #24197
- fix: cache scan heap overflow by @wangjiaming0909 in #24200
- doc: update doc for unsupported CLI drop dnode endpoint by @bgzhao66 in #24187
- coverage: remove tfunctionInt.c by @DuanKuanJun in #24196
- test: modify test of by @tomchon in #24178
- enh: protect processing of snap preparation rsp with sender buf mutex by @bgzhao66 in #24128
- enh: protect syncNodeRestore with log buffer mutex by @bgzhao66 in #24174
- enh(cmake/curl): download from github instead of by @stephenkgu in #24206
- enh(cmake/curl): download from github instead of by @stephenkgu in #24208
- fix: dynamic cfg resetlog by @LiShunGang in #24158
- fix(stream): add async call restart, instead of sync wait, and fix several deadlock. by @hjxilinx in #24207
- fix: BI support is moved to open source version by @shenglian-zhou in #24185
- fix: test case for csv import data to stable by @bobliubj in #24204
- fix(stream): handle the remaining event when restore from halt. by @hjxilinx in #24225
- init dummy function by @54liuyao in #24226
- feat : add new option -L --level -D --disk option with by @DuanKuanJun in #24202
- fix: change compact rsp first column name by @shenglian-zhou in #24212
- enh: demarcate top and bottom halves of task trans execution by @bgzhao66 in #24176
- fix tag index double free by @yihaoDeng in #24234
- fix tag index double free by @yihaoDeng in #24233
- fix: like wildcard match by @facetosea in #24232
- enh: retry on fsm commit when rpc out of memory in syncFsmExecute by @bgzhao66 in #24227
- add test case for jira TS-4382 by @flyingangel2013 in #24248
- fix(tsdb/cache): erase entry from lru if deleted by @stephenkgu in #24236
- fix: remove useless code by @hzcheng in #24220
- fix(stream): handle error when checkpoint is interrupted by nodeUpdate. by @hjxilinx in #24255
- update script by @xiaopingcs in #24266
- Avoid untimely reporting of status msg by @yihaoDeng in #24265
- check block rows by @54liuyao in #24245
- update test case to replace 'gdb' with 'local variables' by @flyingangel2013 in #24259
- fix: change the result schema by @shenglian-zhou in #24256
- reset unclose window info by @54liuyao in #24262
- reset datablock window info by @54liuyao in #24257
- Fix/opt status msg main by @yihaoDeng in #24277
- fix: reuse cid with fs eid updated in tsdbFSetRAWWriteFileDataBegin by @bgzhao66 in #24279
- fix(stream): update the stream error code. by @hjxilinx in #24286
- s3 with minio add test case server on by @DuanKuanJun in #24290
- case: create db with wa set small by @DuanKuanJun in #24293
- taos shell remove assert for check cursor position error by @DuanKuanJun in #24291
- coverage: add snapshot.json case by @DuanKuanJun in #24294
- coverage: streamBackendRockdb.c no call function with BUILD_NO_CALL MACRO define by @DuanKuanJun in #24296
- fix:set error msg if build consumer error by @wangmm0220 in #24272
- fix:[TS-4391] rebalance cnt always 1 if msg lost by @wangmm0220 in #24254
- Fix: taosd c...