GitHub Action to get the latest available version of a package on its remote registry (PyPi, NPM etc.)
Following inputs can be used as step.with keys:
Name | Type | Description |
package | string | Name of the package to search for. |
language | string | The target language and thus backend registry. Available options: python , node |
registry | string | Backend registry to search for the package. Format: http(s):// where %s will be replaced by the actual package name. Example: (PyPi), (NPM) |
remoteType | string | Expect this file type from the backend result. Default: json . |
conditions | multiline | Optional search conditions for a specific registry, see Python Conditions or Node Conditions. Default: '' |
By choosing a language
(e.g. python
, node
) the registry url will automatically set to default one (e.g. PyPi
for python
or NPM
for node
). You can however overwrite it with a custom registry if required.
For python there are some conditions to filter the found packages. PyPi returns some Python version requirements in its backend result:
"python_version": "py2.py3",
"requires_python": ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*",
You can filter for Python v2 packages by passing this filter:
# ...
- uses: Bruce17/ghaction-package-latest-version@v1
package: flask
language: python
conditions: |
pythonVersion: py2
Same is possible for a specfic python version:
# ...
- uses: Bruce17/ghaction-package-latest-version@v1
package: flask
language: python
conditions: |
pythonVersion: 2.7
Or by checking against the required python version:
# ...
- uses: Bruce17/ghaction-package-latest-version@v1
package: flask
language: python
conditions: |
requiresPython: 3.7
For node there is one condition to filter the found packages. Some packages define the attribute engines
in their package.json
"engines": {
"node": "^8.10.0 || ^10.13.0 || >=11.10.1"
You can filter for packages supporting Node.js v8 by passing this filter:
# ...
- uses: Bruce17/ghaction-package-latest-version@v1
package: eslint
language: node
conditions: |
node: ^8.0.0
Also more complex filter conditions are possible:
# ...
- uses: Bruce17/ghaction-package-latest-version@v1
package: eslint
language: node
conditions: |
node: ^8.10.0 || ^10.13.0 || >=11.10.1
You can also filter for iojs
if it is still required:
# ...
- uses: Bruce17/ghaction-package-latest-version@v1
package: @bruce17/dependable
language: node
conditions: |
iojs: >=1.0.0
And also combine Node.js and io.js filters:
# ...
- uses: Bruce17/ghaction-package-latest-version@v1
package: @bruce17/dependable
language: node
conditions: |
node: >=0.10.0
iojs: >=1.0
Following outputs are available:
Name | Type | Description |
latestVersion | string | Latest found package version in the registry. |
Since Dependabot has native GitHub Actions support, to enable it on your GitHub repo all you need to do is add the .github/dependabot.yml
version: 2
# Maintain dependencies for GitHub Actions
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "daily"
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for more details.