- Coding
- Designing
- Playing Table Tennis and Guitar
- Playing video games
- Learning new about IT
- Xcode
- SourceTree
- Postman
- Figma
- Sketch
- AdobeXD
- Jira
- Confluence
- GitHub
- Gitlab
- Fastlane, Jenkins, Azure
- Bitbucket
- Swift
- Clean Architecture/MVVM
- UIKit
- SwiftUI
- Foundation
- Combine
- AVFoundation
- CoreGraphics
- CoreLocation
- Alamofire/Moya
- Realm/CoreData
- Apple Maps/Google Maps
- Firebase
- Google Places
- Facebook SDK
- OneSignal
- Security
- LocalAuthentication
- StoreKit
- Developer
- Steps tracking system;
- Ani-cheat system;
- Advanced user account statistics;
- Bonuses and loyalty system;
- Online shop;
- Swift
- SwiftUI
- Combine
- Clean Architecture
- Healthkit
- CoreLocation
- Firebase
- GraphQL
- Creator
- Offline mode;
- Order tracking;
- Account management;
- Credit cards and Apple Pay integrations;
- Swift
- Clean Swift architecture
- UIKit
- AVFoundation
- CoreLocation
- Alamofire
- Firebase Analytics
- Stripe
- Passkit
- Maps
- Team Lead & Creator
- Barcode scanner;
- Custom camera picker with image recognition;
- Offline mode;
- Multiple customizable roles;
- Customizable item and list cards;
- In-App purchases;
- Swift
- Clean Swift architecture
- UIKit
- AVFoundation
- CoreLocation
- Alamofire
- Realm
- Firebase Analytics
- StoreKit
- Team Lead & Creator
- Explore and listen to audio guides of multiple places;
- Get dirrections to selected places;
- Walk curated routes or build your own;
- Download city data for offline usage;
- Save your current accommodation in selected city;
- In-App purchases;
- Swift
- Clean Swift architecture
- UIKit
- AVFoundation
- CoreLocation
- Google Maps
- Alamofire
- Realm
- Firebase
- StoreKit
- Social Media Sign up & Log In
- Team Lead
- Habit tracker;
- Events calendar;
- Important people organizer;
- Daily challenges;
- Social media sharing;
- Customizable weekly task schedule;
- Swift
- MVC architecture
- UIKit
- AVFoundation
- Moya
- Realm
- Google Maps
- Keychain
- SnapKit
- NaturalLanguage
- Firebase Analytics
- Facebook Analytics
- Social Media Sign up & Log In
- Team Lead & Creator
- Track steps, floors and distance covered every day;
- Complete everyday challenges based on your activity;
- Receive progressive rewards;
- Purchase discounts by rewards earned for activity;
- Invite friends and get bonuses;
- Swift
- Viper architecture
- UIKit
- Alamofire
- Firebase
- Firebase Analytics
- Health Kit
- Team Lead
- Create your properties by taking pictures of them;
- Get access to professional photo editors;
- Receive professionaly eddited images;
- Swift
- MVVM architecture
- UIKit
- AVFoundation
- Moya
- Firebase Analytics
- Keychain
- Audio Toolbox