Typer Master is a (really) basic typing game made with LÖVE. The goal is to type the words that appear on the screen as fast as you can.
Confirm, go to next screen.
Go back to the start menu.
Toggle full screen.
Builds for Windows and Linux (AppImage), as well as a .love file, are available right here. If you want to build it yourself, please refer to LÖVE's wiki about game distribution.
- v1.0 (2020/02/25) - Initial release.
- v1.1 (2020/07/13) - English translation.
This software and its sources are published under the MIT licence.
It uses LÖVE (zlib/libpng), hump (MIT), json.lua (MIT), and Lukas Krakora's Elegant Typewriter font (free for non-commercial use).