A 2024 vector graphic remake of the 1980 city defence arcade classic "Missile Command".
Playable but unfinished. Missing some planned features. See TODO.md.
Built executables are uploaded to itch.io.
Made in Godot v4.
This is from memory, I should confirm the details.
Main Node
|=Screen Node
| |-TitleScreen
| | |=Title Label ?
| |-GameOver Label ?
|=World Node
| |=ScoreLabel Label
| |=Ground Area2D
| | |-City Node2D (x6)
| | |-Base Node2D (x3)
| | | |=Turret Node2D
| |=Mouse Node2D
| |=Sky Node2D
| |=Camera Camera2D
| |-Game
| | |-Level
| |-Bomb Node2D # Rain down from the sky
| | |=Trail ParticleCPU
| |-Missile Node2D # Player fires upwards
| |-BangGround? Node2D # Bombs detonate on the ground
| |-BangSky Node2D # Missiles or bombs detonate in the air
| |-BangFeature Node2D # Bombs destroy a city or base
| |-Trail ParticleCPU # Reparented after bomb destroyed
|=Common # Common data members and functions
|=Geometry # Geometry functions
Node placed in tree in the Godot editor-
Node placed in tree in code, at run-time.
- Update Changelog, including date on version
- Update README & README-player
- make release
- Swinging by itch.io, paste status, changelog.