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tatut committed Aug 8, 2023
1 parent acf870e commit 674bb21
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Showing 4 changed files with 292 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions examples/tetris/deps.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
{:paths ["src" "../../resources" "resources"]
:deps {ripley {:local/root "../.."}
compojure {:mvn/version "1.6.1"}}
:aliases {:run {:main-opts ["-m" "tetris.main"]}}}
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions examples/tetris/resources/public/tetris.css
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
rect.e { fill: gray; }
rect.f { fill: red; stroke-width: 1; stroke: black; }

.tetris-container { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; width: 0; height: 0; }
.tetris { width: 200px; position: relative; left: -100px; top: -200px; }
.game-over { position: fixed; top: 50%; }

.score {
font-weight: 900;
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions examples/tetris/src/tetris/main.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
(ns tetris.main
(:require [ripley.html :as h]
[ripley.js :as js]
[ :as source]
[compojure.core :refer [routes GET]]
[compojure.route :refer [resources]]
[org.httpkit.server :as server]
[ :as context]
[tetris.state :as state]))

(defonce server (atom nil))

(defn key->action
"Map keycode to game action the player can take."
(case c
(87 38) state/up ; W or up arrow
(65 37) state/left ; A or left arrow
(83 40) state/down ; S or down arrow
(68 39) state/right ; D or right arrow
32 state/fall ; space

(defn tick-thread [update-gs! tick?]
(.start (Thread. #(loop []
(Thread/sleep 500)
(when @tick?
(update-gs! state/tick)

(defn game
"Main component of our tetris game."
(let [initial-state (state/initial-state!)
w (state/width initial-state)
h (state/height initial-state)
[gs _set-gs! update-gs!] (source/use-state initial-state)
tick? (atom true)
gs (assoc gs :cleanup-fn #(reset! tick? false))]
;; Start a thread to tick our game, this could be a go block instead or something fancier
(tick-thread update-gs! tick?)
(h/out! "<!DOCTYPE html>")
[:title "Tetris with Ripley"]
[:link {:rel :stylesheet :href "tetris.css"}]
(h/live-client-script "/_ws")]
[:body {:onkeydown (js/js #(some-> % key->action update-gs!) js/keycode)}
[::h/live (source/computed :score gs)
(fn [score]
[:span score]))]]
[:svg {:width (* 20 w)
:height (* 20 h)}
[::h/for [y (range h)]
(source/computed #(nth (state/board-with-piece %) y) gs)
(fn [row]
[::h/for [x (range w)
:let [filled? (= 1 (nth row x))]]
[:rect {:x (* 20 x) :y (* 20 y) :width 20 :height 20
:class (if filled? "f" "e")}]]]))]]]
[::h/live (source/computed :game-over? gs)
[ {:open %} "Game over"])]]]]])))

(def tetris-routes
(GET "/" _req
(h/render-response game))
(resources "/")
(context/connection-handler "/_ws")))

(defn restart
([] (restart 3000))
(swap! server
(fn [old-server]
(when old-server
(println "Starting Tetris server on port " port)
(server/run-server tetris-routes {:port port})))))

(defn -main []
(swap! server ()))
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions examples/tetris/src/tetris/state.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
(ns tetris.state
"Tetris game logic state")

(def pieces [[[1 1]
[1 1]]


[[0 1 1]
[1 1 0]]

[[1 1 0]
[0 1 1]]

[[1 0]
[1 0]
[1 1]]

[[0 1]
[0 1]
[1 1]]

[[1 1 1]
[0 1 0]]])

(def board-size {:width 10 :height 20})

(defn rotate [rows]
(let [row-count (count (first rows))
col-count (count rows)]
(vec (for [r (range row-count)]
(for [c (range col-count)]
(get-in rows [(- col-count c 1) r])))))))

(defn random-piece! []
(rand-nth pieces))

;; Test every piece rotates correctly
(every? #(= % (nth (iterate rotate %) 4)) pieces)

(defn initial-state!
"Generate initial game state, with random pieces."
(let [{:keys [width height]} board-size]
{:current-piece (random-piece!)
:piece-position [(- (/ width 2) 2) 0] ;; [x y] coordinate of piece
:next-piece (random-piece!)
:board (vec
(repeat height
(vec (repeat width 0))))
:game-over? false
:score 0}))

(defn can-occupy? [{b :board} piece [x y]]
(let [w (count (first b))
h (count b)]
(every? (fn [row-idx]
(let [board-y (+ y row-idx)
row (and (< board-y h) (nth piece row-idx))]
(when row
(every? (fn [col-idx]
(let [board-x (+ x col-idx)
col (nth row col-idx)]
(or (zero? col)
(and (< board-x w)
(zero? (get-in b [board-y board-x]))))))
(range (count row))))))
(range (count piece)))))

(defn occupy
"Occupy the given piece at given position on the board. Returns new game state."
[state piece [x y]]
(update state :board
(fn [b]
(reduce (fn [b [xp yp]]
(if (zero? (get-in piece [yp xp]))
(assoc-in b [(+ y yp) (+ x xp)] 1)))
(for [x (range (count (first piece)))
y (range (count piece))]
[x y])))))

(defn board-with-piece
"Get board with the current piece filled in."
[{:keys [board current-piece piece-position] :as gs}]
(:board (occupy gs current-piece piece-position)))

(defn width [{b :board}]
(count (first b)))

(defn height [{b :board}]
(count b))

(defn- if-can-occupy [state update-fn]
(let [{:keys [current-piece piece-position] :as new-state} (update-fn state)]
(if (can-occupy? state current-piece piece-position)

;; Players actions for game state
(defn up
"Rotate current piece clockwise."
(if-can-occupy state #(update % :current-piece rotate)))

(defn down
"Rotate current piece counterclockwise."
(if-can-occupy state #(update % :current-piece (fn [p]
(nth (iterate rotate p) 3)))))

(defn left
"Move current piece one place left."
(if-can-occupy state #(update % :piece-position (fn [[x y]] [(dec x) y]))))

(defn right
"Move current piece one place right."
(if-can-occupy state #(update % :piece-position (fn [[x y]] [(inc x) y]))))

(defn spawn
"Spawn the next piece, if the piece can't spawn, mark the game as over."
[{np :next-piece :as state}]
(let [w (width state)
pos [(dec (/ w 2)) 0]]
(if (can-occupy? state np pos)
;; New piece can be spawned
(assoc state
:current-piece np
:piece-position pos
:next-piece (random-piece!))
;; Can't spawn, game over :(
(assoc state :game-over? true))))

(defn clear-filled
"Clear full lines"
[{b :board :as state}]
(let [h (height state)
w (width state)
lines (remove (fn [row]
(every? #(= 1 %) row))
cleared-lines (- h (count lines))
score (if (pos? cleared-lines)
(nth (iterate #(* % 2) 10) cleared-lines)
(-> state
(update :score + score)
(assoc :board
(into (vec (repeat cleared-lines (vec (repeat w 0))))

(defn tick
"Drop current piece 1 row down. If current piece can't move down, it will occupy
the current position and the next piece will be spawned."
[{p :current-piece [x y] :piece-position :as state}]
(let [new-pos [x (inc y)]]
(if (can-occupy? state p new-pos)
;; Can move down
(assoc state :piece-position new-pos)

;; Can't move down, occupy the positions and spawn new piece.
(-> state
(occupy p [x y])

(defn fall
"Let the current piece fall as low as it can."
[{p :current-piece :as state}]
(loop [[x y] (:piece-position state)]
(if (can-occupy? state p [x (inc y)])
(recur [x (inc y)])
(-> state
(occupy p [x y])

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