- Install Docker
- Download/Clone Rhomicom-ERP-Compose Project from Github
- Download Rhomicom-ERP-Web Project files and place folder contents directly into src/RHO_ERP_WEB
- NB on linux you may have to run
- chmod -R 777 Rhomicom-ERP-Project as root
- Or run the ./secure.sh script to grant appropriate folder permissions (A more secure alternative)
- cd to api_image/code and run
- npm install OR download https://github.com/rhomicom-systems-tech-gh/Rhomicom-DB-Scripts/raw/master/node_modules.zip and unzip into api_image/code folder
- cd to db/initdb/pgdb and download sample db file into it if needed
- NB: Sample DB can be downloaded from https://gitlab.rhomicom.com:8443/admin2/rhomicom-public-stuff/-/blob/master/2_sample_database.sql
- Alternatively sample DB can be restored after running containers via terminal
- First Login to the pgAdmin interface to view Databases available
- docker exec -it rho-pgadmin sh
- cd /var/lib/pgadmin/storage/info_rhomicom.com
- psql -h rho-pgdb -p 5432 -U postgres -v -d rho_erp_db < 2_sample_database.sql
Direct full restore of the sample backup file located at db/initdb/pgdb from the pgadmin front-end interface
- cd back to main Rhomicom-ERP-Project folder and Run
- docker-compose -p RHO-ERP-SET-1 up -d --remove-orphans
- Open http://localhost:8090 to access db via adminer
- Open http://localhost:8091 to access db via pgadmin
- Open http://localhost:8000 to run application
- To tear everything down Run
- docker-compose -p RHO-ERP-SET-1 down
- Download psol.tar.gz file from https://github.com/openbridge/nginx/tree/master/psol and place in conf/psol/psol.tar.gz
- Navigate to Dockerfile Folder
- In the api_image folder Run
- docker build -t rho-erp-api:v1.0 .
- docker run -p 3000:3000 --name rho-erp-api-1 rho-erp-api:v1.0
- In the api_image folder Run
- docker build -t rho-erp-base:v1.0 .
- docker run -dp 8000:8080 --name rho-erp-base-1 rho-erp-base:v1.0
- http://localhost:8000
- username:admin pwd: Ghana124 [Sample DB]
- username:admin pwd: admin [Empty DB]
- http://localhost:8000/index.php?cp=2
- pwd: Password1
- http://localhost:8090
- Server: rho-mysqldb username: root pwd: Password1
- Server: rho-pgdb username: postgres pwd: Password1
- http://localhost:8091
- username: [email protected] pwd: Password1
Rhomicom Enterprise Resource Planning System (Web Version)
Rhomicom Enterprise Resource Planning System is a complete ERP system proudly started in Ghana by Ghanaians. The company behind this project is Rhomicom Systems Tech. Ltd.(http://rhomicom.com) The software can be used to manage both backend and front-end operations of all kinds of institutions and organisations. The sample is currently hosted on https://portal.rhomicom.com Help can be found on https://wiki.rhomicom.com
- Accounting
- Person Data
- Internal Payments (Payroll, Membership Fees, Dues and Contributions)
- Sales/Inventory
- Visits/Appointments
- Events Management
- Facility Rentals/Hospitality Management
- Learning/Performance Management System
- Self-Service
- e-Voting
- Chat Rooms/Forums
- Banking & Microfinance Module
- Vault Management Module
- Visit https://wiki.rhomicom.com/ for more info
- Hotels/Restaurants/Coffee shops
- Super Markets/Boutiques/Wholesale and Retail Shops
- Associations/Churches/Professional Bodies
- Construction Firms
- Academic Institutions
- Email/SMS Alerts
- Import/Export to Excel
- Responsive Design (Able to work on any Computer,Tablet, Phone)
- Online Capable (Can be accessed anywhere in the world)
- Summary Dashboards
- Customizable Interfaces
- Customizable Reports
- Chat Rooms/Forums/Circulars/Announcements
- All Operating Systems
- PostgreSQL Database 9.3 or later (Can be hosted on any Operating System)
- Java 1.6 or later
Same hardware requirements for above Sofware requirements
- Java 1.8-(Netbeans 8.1)
- PHP 5.6 or later
- HTML/CSS/javascript (Bootstrap3.3.6, Datatables Plugin, Bootstrap Dialog, SummerNote,jQuery 1.11.3, fontawesome 4)
- TIBCO JasperSoft Studio 6.2.0
- PostgreSQL Database 9.3
- Platforms: Gitlab/Github, Docker, Alpine Linux, Nginx, ModPageSpeed
- Languages: Java, PHP, javascript
- Frameworks: Bootstrap, Agency Start Bootstrap Theme, jQuery, Node, ExpressJS, AMCharts, yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar
- Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Adminer
- IDE: vscode, TIBCO JasperSoft Studio/Library 6.2.0
- Openbridge, Inc.: https://github.com/openbridge/nginx
- URL: ...coming soon...
- Contact: [email protected]
- Projects Management Module
- Help Desk Module
If you have any problems with or questions about this image, please contact us through a GitHub issue.
You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.
Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub issue, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
docker login docker build -t rhomicom/rho-erp-api:v1.0 . docker tag rho-erp-api:v1.0 rhomicom/rho-erp-api:v1.0 docker push rhomicom/rho-erp-api:v1.0
docker build -t rhomicom/rho-erp-base:v1.2 . docker tag rho-erp-base:v1.1 rhomicom/rho-erp-base:v1.2 docker push rhomicom/rho-erp-base:v1.2 docker run -d -p 8005:8080 rhomicom/rho-erp-base:v1.2