Tags: tbodt/fastlane
�[DImprovements * [action] fix update_code_signing_settings for unknown keys (fastlane#16357) via Josh Holtz https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/releases/tag/2.146.1
Improvements * [action] allow filtering by build configuration in update_code_sign_settings (fastlane#16353) via Josh Holtz * [produce] support creating multiple platforms on App Store Connect (fastlane#16348) via Josh Holtz * [match] enable importing developer ID certificates (fastlane#16211) via Addison Webb * [deliver] add itc_provider to AppFile (fastlane#16346) via Josh Holtz * [spaceship] fix service id for Wallet (Passbook) (fastlane#16267) via Fumiya Nakamura * [deliver] concatenate newline into new string (fastlane#16285) via Johannes Marbach * [action] prefer Firebase Crashlytics to Fabric (fastlane#16296) via Richard Lee * [CI] Execute tests on macOS (Xcode 11.4.0, Ruby 2.6) (fastlane#16300) via Theodore * [action] create_pull_request - add `draft` option (fastlane#16310) via Akira Fukunaga * [pilot] Remove redundant update_review_detail call (fastlane#16334) via ykay * [fastlane_core] allow passing in Hash options via cli/env as json (fastlane#16314) via Aman Gupta Karmani * [frameit] prevent font to match if the screenshot name contains the language name (fastlane#16316) via Bruno Virlet * [match] fix S3 errors for match nuke and sync (fastlane#16335) via Youngern Song * [action] setup_jenkins with match (fastlane#16254) via Michal Laskowski * [supply] save changelog files as version code instead of version name (fastlane#16273) via Josh Snelling * [screengrab] improve device names in capture_ios_screenshots documentation (fastlane#16292) via Theodore * [fastlane_core] xcode simctl parse fix (fastlane#16287) via Dmytro Pohromskyy * [deliver] resolves issue uploading iPad Pro 4th gen screenshots (fastlane#16288) via Dmytro Pohromskyy * [snapshot] update list of known simulators to include latest from Xcode 11.4 (fastlane#16275) via Dmytro Pohromskyy * [screengrab] updated adb root command to use specific_device so it won't fail in case the user has multiple devices connected. (fastlane#16268) via Adheus Rangel * [pilot] deploy Specific Builds to TestFlight Using Pilot (fastlane#16221) via Michael Collins * [ci] fix Xcode 9 test on CircleCI (fastlane#16259) via Josh Holtz https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/releases/tag/2.146.0
Improvements Auto-generated by fastlane 🤖 **Changes since release '2.144.0':** * [match] remove documentation typo (fastlane#16256) via Theodore * [supply] fix error when downloading metadata with drafts (fastlane#16185) via Max Ammann * [action] fix a type error in the Swift setupCi action. (fastlane#16153) via Ingmar Stein * [spaceship] fix 2FA to handle sms fallback for accounts with no trusted devices (fastlane#16162) via Josh Siegel * [gym] Gym::DetectValues test date fix (fastlane#16181) via Kyle Hammond * [action] adds 'Apple Distribution' as valid authority when verifying builds (fastlane#16196) via Rogerio de Paula Assis * [action] swift lint - Changing the :ignore parameter to an Array (fastlane#16206) via Sergiu Todirașcu * [spaceship] fixed Spaceship doc deeplink (fastlane#16207) via Jonas Schmid * [match] mention that Amazon S3 and Google Cloud are available options (fastlane#16225) via Theodore * [action] `get_version_number` resolves version numbers from xcconfig files (fastlane#16230) via Nathan Wong * [spaceship] add list_pending_agreements to Spaceship::Portal (fastlane#16217) via Josh Holtz * [scan] fix issue with spaces in testplan option (fastlane#16205) via James Sherlock https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/releases/tag/2.145.0
Improvements * [core] suppress output of PlistBuddy when disabling "KeyboardContinuousPathEnabled" (fastlane#16123) via Rob Nadin * [gym] copy Asset Pack into output directory (fastlane#16117) via Carles Roig * [scan] add testPlan option to scan (fastlane#16043) via Nathan Wong * [match] provisioning Profiles Import and Windows Support (fastlane#16188) via Dimitar Tachev * [action] generate update_code_signing_settings action instead of deprecated automatic_code_signing (fastlane#15900) via Atsuto Yamashita * [pod_lib_lint] add "analyze" option (fastlane#16190) via Kyle Hammond * [action] update crashlytics deprecation date to May 4, 2020 (fastlane#16189) via Alex Singer * [supply] fixing empty track use case (fastlane#16161) via androidseb * [action] add deprecation message to Crashlytic's Beta action (fastlane#16157) via Alex Singer * [spaceship] add ability to create a beta group to Spaceship (fastlane#16180) via C.J. Windisch * [deliver] provide 'env_name' to each config option that didn't previously have one and that isn't a hash (fastlane#16179) via Liam Nichols * [action] clean_build_artificates - remove references to downloaded files after they are deleted (fastlane#16178) via Guy Kogus * [fastlane] migrate from AWS-SDK v2 to AWS-SDK v3 (fastlane#16143) via Jakub Kašpar * [spaceship] add a check in app_version.setup_screenshots to also check if there is an app_preview already uploaded (fastlane#14738) via Pavlos Chrisochoidis * [action] swiftlint - add support for the --no-cache flag on autocorrect… (fastlane#16132) via Ignacio Calderon https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/releases/tag/2.144.0
Frameit Android and Match S3 Storage * [frameit] support for Android (fastlane#15087) via Josh Holtz * [screengrab] fix screengrab folder name (fastlane#16094) via Josh Holtz * [match] add Amazon S3 storage. (fastlane#15200) via Josh Holtz * [match] fixed match import looking for old certificate types only (fastlane#16041) via Josh Holtz * [frameit] take in account effective_text_height for available text height (fastlane#14628) via Bruno Virlet * [scan] set an extension of resultBundlePath as ".xcresult" when using Xcode 11 (fastlane#16044) via Atsuto Yamashita * [pilot] removes raising exception when build_beta_detail is nil (fastlane#16068) via Rogerio de Paula Assis https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/releases/tag/2.143.0