- State College, PA
- https://thinkregressively.netlify.app/
Longitudinal-VAE Public
Forked from SidRama/Longitudinal-VAEPython scripts for our model described in http://proceedings.mlr.press/v130/ramchandran21b.html
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 7, 2022 -
MEDIUM_NoteBook Public
Forked from cerlymarco/MEDIUM_NoteBookRepository containing notebooks of classification for ARIMA on Medium
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedApr 27, 2022 -
transferlearning-tutorial Public
Forked from jindongwang/transferlearning-tutorial《迁移学习简明手册》LaTex源码
TeX UpdatedJan 31, 2022 -
transferlearning Public
Forked from jindongwang/transferlearningTransfer learning / domain adaptation / domain generalization / multi-task learning etc. Papers, codes, datasets, applications, tutorials.-迁移学习
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 30, 2022 -
TS-Interpretability-Benchmark Public
Forked from ayaabdelsalam91/TS-Interpretability-Benchmark -
transformer Public
Forked from maxjcohen/transformerImplementation of Transformer model (originally from Attention is All You Need) applied to Time Series.
Jupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 6, 2021 -
amazon-sagemaker-examples Public
Forked from aws/amazon-sagemaker-examplesExample notebooks that show how to apply machine learning, deep learning and reinforcement learning in Amazon SageMaker
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 17, 2020 -
geocoding Public
Forked from shakasom/geocodingGeocoding tutorial in Python
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 31, 2020 -
fast-bert Public
Forked from utterworks/fast-bertSuper easy library for BERT based NLP models
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 13, 2020 -
pytube Public
Forked from pytube/pytube🎞 A lightweight, dependency-free Python library (and command-line utility) for downloading YouTube Videos.
Python Other UpdatedFeb 4, 2020 -
bert Public
Forked from google-research/bertTensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 17, 2019 -
IST597_Fall2019_TF2.0 Public
Forked from AnkurMali/IST597_Fall2019_TF2.0Official github page for all IST597 Assignments
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 18, 2019 -
fashion-mnist Public
Forked from zalandoresearch/fashion-mnistA MNIST-like fashion product database. Benchmark 👉
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 10, 2019 -
BRUCE-Cybersecurity-Search-Engine Public
Forked from Raiiniichts/BRUCE-Cybersecurity-Search-EngineHTML UpdatedApr 25, 2019 -
pytorch-pretrained-BERT Public
Forked from jiesutd/pytorch-pretrained-BERT📖The Big-&-Extending-Repository-of-Transformers: Pretrained PyTorch models for Google's BERT, OpenAI GPT & GPT-2, Google/CMU Transformer-XL.
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 11, 2019 -
xgboost Public
Forked from dmlc/xgboostScalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow
IST597_Deep_Learning_2018 Public
Forked from AnkurMali/IST597_Deep_Learning_2018IST597-Homeworks
Python UpdatedNov 7, 2018