The How We Work Playbook is intended to guide the way we work across the Department. It promotes new practices and approaches to ensure service excellence, continuous improvement, integration of change and project management practices, and, most importantly, collaboration throughout Transport Canada.
Le guide Comment nous travaillons : livre de jeux vise à informer les pratiques organisationnelles du Ministère. On y encourage l’adoption de nouvelles pratiques et méthodes pour assurer l’excellence du service, l’amélioration continue, l’intégration des pratiques de gestion du changement et des projets et, surtout, la collaboration dans l’ensemble de Transports Canada.
- Bugs - Help us find them
- Improvements - work is needed on the needs.html/besoins.html pages. The tailored playbook is driven by a loooonnng jquery. @plpilon (me) can't code, this is the very damn best I could do. Ideally, the hide/show behaviours would only be done on form submit, not dynamically. If someone changes an answer in a way a a play would not be relevant anymore, it still appears.
- Content - are you a subjet matter expert on anything "How We Work" related? we need to your help on content.
Web Experience Toolkit Isotope.js (special thanks/merci spécial @themightyweasel) / on the plays.html, needs.html, jeux.html and besoins.html, to render the filterable cards Print.js (still buggy) / on the needs.html and besoins.html pages to render the tailored playbook as a pdf jquery-3.1.1