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=== WP Glossary ===
Contributors: tcbarrett
Donate link:
Plugin URL:
Tags: glossary, wp-glossary, dictionary, gloss, appendix, technical terms
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.7.1
Stable tag: 3.1.2
License: GPLv2 or later

Create your own glossary of hot-linked terms, inside your own site!

== Description ==

Build a glossary on your site, and link terms in your posts to it.

Reasons for using wp-glossary plugin:

* External glossary sites don't have all the words and terms you need.
* You want to keep your visitors on your site (not send them to an external glossary site).
* You don't want the adverts that the external site popups come with.

Keep your visitors on your site, keep their experience consistent and pleasant using *your* theme.

Once activated you add glossary terms (custom post type) and link to those terms from inside your own content using the powerful WordPress shortcode functionality.

[For further details visit my dedicated plugin landing page](

== Installation ==

Either install through admin panel (this is the eaiest way), or:

1. Upload `` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Unzip the archive
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

If you create your own single template for glossary terms, don't forget to remove the reference filter.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does this plugin create any new tables? =

No. It uses custom post types and taxonomies.

= Can I link it to an external glossary =

Yes. As of version 1.2 you can add a reference title and link.

= None of the details pages are working! =

Please resave your rewrite rules: Settings > Permalinks > Save Changes (just click the button)

= It doesn't do anything? =

You have to add the terms (Glossary Terms > Add New Term) and then use [shortcodes](
I've listed a bunch on my website: [WP Glossary - Basic Shortcde Usage](

= Further Information =

[For further details visit my dedicated plugin landing page](

== Screenshots ==

1. Example frontend hover tooltip
2. Adding glossary term to page content using shortcode
3. Editing a glossary term itself
4. jQuery based Glossary term A to Z
5. Default Glossary term archive
6. Glossary term list front end (full)
7. Backend adding term list with shortcode

== Changelog ==

= 3.1.2 =
* UPD Tweak qtip invocation (thanks luckyfella73)

= =
* NEW Slovak translation (thank you I J Kleban)

= 3.1.1 =
* UPD Added usage title filter
* FIX save_post param check
* FIX i18n (props @otto42)

= 3.1 =
* NEW Option 'qtiptrigger' hover/click
* UPD Updated to qTip 2.1.1
* UPD Tidied admin

= 3.0.1 =
* FIX Options menu

= 3.0 =
* NEW Now using qTip2
* NEW Tooltips AJAX powered
* NEW Support for private terms
* NEW Support for overriding options with shortcode atts for list and atoz
* FIX Handle nested shortcode terms
* UPD Minor markup updates

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 3.0 =
* Tooltips handled very differently

= 2.3 =
* Glossary term details page now displays term usage.
* Glossary group taxonomy slug changed (make sure your permalinks are saved).

= 2.1 =
Changes the default tooltip style (now used qTip)

= 1.2 =
Adds a the_content filter to glossary term single page

= 1.0 =
Version 0.1 rewrite flush was for dev purposes only and may have broken other re-writes. Please save your permalinks after upgrading.

== Example Syntax ==

The WordPress shortcode syntax is really simple!

= Display and link to glossary with slug 'seo' =
[glossary slug='seo' /]

= Auto search word for matching glossary term (e.g. 'seo') =

= Apply glossary term with slug 'seo' to post content 'search engine optimisation' =
[glossary slug='seo']search engine optimisation[/glossary]

= Display a list of all your glossary terms (alphabetical) =
[glossary_term_list /]

= Display list of glossary terms beginning with a, b or c =
[glossary_term_list alpha='a,b,c' /]

= Display a jQuery-powered A to Z list of your glossary terms =
[glossary_atoz /]

= Further Examples =
See the [dedicated website section](


WordPress WP Glossary Plugin






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Contributors 3
