Tags: tcler/kiss-vm-ns
utils/join-linux-to-AD.sh: update default smb.conf according net(8) with samba-common 4.21 we have to use 'sync machine password to keytab' to gererate keytab entry like 'computer$@realm' --- ''' sync machine password to keytab (G) This option allows you to describe what keytabs and how should be updated when machine account is changed via one of these commands: wbinfo --change-secret rpcclient --machine-pass -c change_trust_pw net rpc changetrustpw net ads changetrustpw or by winbindd doing regular updates (see machine password timeout) The option takes a list of keytab strings to describe how to synchronize content of those keytabs or a single 'disabled' value to disable the synchronization. Each string has this form: absolute_path_to_keytab:spn_spec[:sync_etypes][:sync_kvno][:netbios_aliases][:additional_dns_hostnames][:machine_password] where spn_spec can have exactly one of these four forms: - account_name - sync_spns - spn_prefixes=value1[,value2[...]] - spns=value1[,value2[...]] No other combinations are allowed. Specifiers: - account_name - creates entry using principal 'computer$@realm'. - sync_spns - uses principals received from AD DC. - spn_prefixes - creates principals from the prefixes and adds netbios_aliases or additional_dns_hostnames if specified. - spns - creates only the principals defined in the list. ''' Signed-off-by: Jianhong Yin <[email protected]>
examples/make-pxe-diskless-vm.sh: optimize code usage: ./make-pxe-diskless-vm.sh RHEL-8.9.0-20230730.?? -selinux=1 -b 'repo:mr9135,https://s3.upshift.redhat.com/DH-PROD-CKI/internal/948929173/$basearch/4.18.0-506.el8.5117_948929135.$basearch -onlydownload -arch=x86_64' Signed-off-by: Jianhong Yin <[email protected]>