This project contains the visualization aiding notebooks created for the infographic poster assignment. Data is from https://data.health.gov.lk open data portal.
Notebooks are under /notebooks
Microsoft Excel
- For initial views of the data
- Gathering aggregate statistical values of other years
Jupyter Notebook
- Preprocessing and cleaning data
- Mining for insights
- Plotting graphs
Figma (figma.com)
- Creating visualization
Indoor morbidity and mortality data is available only up to 2019. Therefore it was not possible to give a more updated version of the study.
The predictions and the recommendations made are assumed to be done by the end of 2019. Although in the actual situation, all this changed and the COVID-19 pandemic caused significant changes to the patient behaviour, health personnel distributions as well as the general operating norms of the health sector.
Data is assumed to be accurate in the source documents. Recommendation made under the assumption of a regular patient growth and considering only the information in the source documents. In contrast, in 2020, the COVID pandemic caused this behaviour to alter significantly.