Greetings, fellow hacker!
Hackron is an infrastructure provider for creative people in Akron, Ohio. We value tools over pre-emptive rules, and spurn the key and the lock.
- Mailing list: Actually a Discourse forum
- Twitter: @hackron_
- IRC/Group Chat: Ask us about Slack!
- Donations: @hackron_ on Gittip
Once a week, we meet. There we discuss our efforts towards a goal of building a physical hackerspace for those who are looking to plainly mainfest their ideas.
We meet every Thursday at 7pm in cyberspace and meatspace. Our regular location lately has been OSC Tech Lab, on the second floor of 12 E. Exchange St, Akron, Ohio.
This repository contains, or soon will contain the wiki for Hackron. This includes:
- Documentation
- Meeting minutes and agendas
- Bylaws
- Consensus process history
There are two major projects at the moment:
- Hackron itself: This repository.
- Our website. Hosts the frontpage, discourse, wiki (soon) and various other ethereal infrastruture. See our hackron/infrastructure repository for details.