Create a PDF contact sheet from a list of files.
Install from PyPI
pip install imagecatalog
or get latest dev version from GitHub.
pip install git+
# for full list of options
imagecatalog -h
imagecatalog -i images/*.png -o example.pdf --title 'Image Catalog'
imagecatalog \
-i images/*.png \
-o example_landscape.pdf \
--rows 2 \
--cols 4 \
--orientation landscape \
--title 'Catalog with Landscape Layout'
File paths and metadata can also be supplied from a csv file with headers "image", "label", "note"
$ head -n5 sample.csv
images/image_00.png,Image 0,image 0 note
images/image_01.png,Image 1,image 1 note
images/image_02.png,Image 2,image 2 note
images/image_03.png,Image 3,image 3 note
imagecatalog --csv sample.csv --title 'Catalog from CSV' -o example_csv.pdf
Other features: apply image filters
imagecatalog -i images/*.png -o catalog.pdf \
--invert \
--grayscale \
integrate with shell utilities
# make a catalog from all images created within the last day
find . -ctime 1d | xargs imagecatalog -o catalog.pdf -i
use regular expressions to filter files
# make a catalog from images that have '1' and/or '2' in the filename
imagecatalog -i images/*.png -o catalog.pdf --regex '.*(1|2).*'
from imagecatalog import Catalog
# Catalog inherits from FPDF
# see for more methods
catalog = Catalog()
# optionally add a title
catalog.set_title("Image Catalog")
# grab a set of existing images from a local directory
images = [f"images/image_{i:02}.png" for i in range(12)]
# optionally add labels (defaults to filenames)
labels = [f"Image {i}" for i in range(len(images))]
# optionally add notes
notes = [f"note for image {i}" for i in range(len(images))]
# generate the pdf
catalog.build_table(images, labels, notes)
# save
uses poetry
for building and package management. Pull requests are welcome.