- AS A person with a busy schedule, time management plays an important role.
- I WANT an application where I can add my thoughts or notes, schedule my events and tasks, and create my own profile to log into
- SO THAT I can be more productive with my work team, personal schedule, or events.
- App is live on Heroku: BeyondNotes
Beyond Notes is designed for anyone who is looking for an organizational tool to store notes, organize and plan events, and save the information to their profile.
Main page- register with email and password.
Once done successfully the user will be redirect to the login screen.
Login Page- sign with the email password used to register.
User will be redirected to the home page.
Nav Menu- Click hamburger menu in left corner of the Nav Bar (may need to refresh page) to open menu.
A welcome message will display with the user's email.
The time is present with the date, updating in real time.
Click on links to access different parts of the application when ready.
Bottom of Nav Menu- access to each project member GitHub.
Click on the profile picture, user will be redirected to the upload page.
Upload Page- the user can select a picture from their local computer to be uploaded as a profile picture for the application.
Click Choose file.
Click Submit.
Refresh page.
Open Nav Menu- new pic will be displayed.
Open Nav Menu- Click Home
Click New Quote- user will be able to click to random inspirational quotes that changes color with each click.
Too add notes- go to the "Need To Add A Note?" section:
Title input field- input title.
Body input field- input text.
Name input field- input author.
Click Add- the note will appear in the note list section.
Click on a note to edit it.
Click the red X to delete notes.
From the Home Page- Click Calendar.
Add Event- click on an empty date to add an event.
Events be dragged and drop to different dates.
User can use navigation buttons at the top corners to move to a different month or see a different calendar view.
Open Nav Menu:
Click Contacts- redirects to contacts page.
Click Add Contact- fill out fieldd and Click Return to Contacts.
Each contact has a edit & remove option.
Testing not implemented at this time.
- Cheryl Daniels cheryld433
- Ashley Feese AFeese
- Malesha Jones Jones-M12
- Travis Lovingood TravisLovingood