This project is a simple todo app using go, htmx, and lit web components. It's the first time I've ever used any of these technologies but I gotta say, it was a blast 🚀!
To run the development environment, follow the steps below:
Make sure you have the following software installed on your machine:
- docker
- node.js (I recommend to use as your node version manager)
- go
- air (go live-reload tool)
- install the node dependencies:
npm install
If you want to use google OAuth, please set it up on your end; I have not included my credientals in my repo 😊
To run the development environment, execute the following commands in order:
- start the docker containers:
make docker:start
- start the server using
:make dev
- view the app at
This project is a simple todo app built using go, htmx, and lit web components. it allows users to create, update, and delete tasks in a user-friendly interface. the backend is written in go, providing restful apis for managing the tasks. the frontend utilizes htmx and lit web components to provide a dynamic and responsive user experience.