Container runtimes on macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup
Generate high-quality triangulated and polygonal art from images.
Download Enabler Plugin for the PS Vita webbrowser
Modern Interpreter for the Commander Keen Games (Vorticon and Galaxy Games). There is also a gitlab repository:
Northfear / OpenXcom-vita
Forked from OpenXcom/OpenXcomOpen-source clone of the original X-Com 👽
My implementation of ThinMatrix OpenGL 3D Game Tutorial, in C++ and SDL2.
SonicMastr / cpython-vita
Forked from python/cpythonPython 3.11.2 and 2.7.18 Interpreters and Libraries for the PSVita
Run macOS on QEMU/KVM. With OpenCore + Monterey + Ventura + Sonoma support now! Only commercial (paid) support is available now to avoid spammy issues. No Mac system is required.
BlackHole is a modern macOS audio loopback driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency.
Core MIDI Service provider Interace (SPI) for Java 1.7 and above on OS X
my fork of MenuMeters by
Qemu kernel for emulating Rpi on QEMU
reefab / yquake2
Forked from yquake2/yquake2The Yamagi Quake II client for Raspberry Pi
a tool to create tiptoi gme files from mp3 files. Also creates a printable sheet to play the music.
Synthesizer plug-in (previously released as Vember Audio Surge)
SDL2 examples, for 25+ different programming languages
Examples and demo applications built by the camunda consulting team
💻 Console application for creating dynamic wallpapers for macOS Mojave and newer
Driver for the SSD1306 and SH1106 based 128x64, 128x32, 64x48 pixel OLED display running on ESP8266/ESP32
OS X / macOS command line utility to reorder pages in a PDF file for booklet printing.
A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...
Copy of
Companion repo for running examples against the luma.oled, luma.lcd, luma.led_matrix and luma.emulator display drivers.