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BottleCBV (Bottle Class Based View)

.. module:: bottleCBV

bottleCBV is an class based view extension for bottle framework, that will automatically generate routes based on methods in the views defined (Inspired by Flask-Classy).


Install the extension with:

$ pip install bottleCBV

How it works

Let's see how to use it whilst building something with it.

Special Methods:

HTTP methods below are treated as special methods, there are not registered based on the method name but HTTP method

["get", "put", "post", "delete", "index", "options"]


For the very simple example, registering the all the routes in the class can be used as follow,

from bottle import Bottle, run
from bottleCBV import BottleView

app = Bottle()

class ExampleView(BottleView):

    def index(self):
        return "Index Examples"

    def get(self, item_key):
        return "Get Example %s" % item_key

    def post(self):
        return "Post Example"

    def put(self, item_key):
        return "Put Example %s" % item_key

    # automatically create routes for any method which is not special methods
    # also its smart enough to generate route based on number of arguments method takes
    def some_method(self, arg1, arg2)
        return "Get Some Method with %s and %s" % (arg1, arg2)

# Run the app

When you register the app it will basically register following endpoints to the app

Method: GET
Endpoint: /example/

Method: GET
Endpoint: /example/<item_key>/

Method: POST
Endpoint: /example/

Method: PUT
Endpoint: /example/<item_key>/

Endpoint: /example/some-method/<arg1>/<arg2>/

Access them as below:

curl -XGET "http://localhost:8080/example/"
OUTPUT: `Index Examples`

`curl -XGET "http://localhost:8080/example/1/"`
OUTPUT: `Get Example 1`

`curl -XPOST "http://localhost:8080/example/"`
OUTPUT: `Post Example`

`curl -XPUT "http://localhost:8080/example/1/"`
OUTPUT: `Put Example 1`

`curl -XGET "http://localhost:8080/example/some-method/1/2/"`
OUTPUT: `Get Some Method with 1 and 2`

Adding Custom Route:

Custom Rule can add by using `route` decorator e.g,

from bottleCBV import BottleView, route

class ExampleView(BottleView):
    @route("/my-custom-route/", method=["GET", "POST"])
    def somemethod(self):
        return "My Custom Route"


So, now the route/rule registered for the method above will be,

Method: GET
Endpoint: /my-custom-route/

Method: POST
Endpoint: /my-custom-route/

Note: you can obiviously add multiple routes to one method by adding additional route decorators to it with the new route/rule

Adding decorators:

To add decorator to any method you can simply use traditional way as follow,

class ExampleView(BottleView):
    def somemethod(self):


To add decorator to all the methods in the class, simple add an attribute to the class definition with a list of decorators, and that will be applied to all the methods in the class

class ExampleView(BottleView):
    decorators = [mydecorator1, mydecorator2,  .... ]

    def get(self, item_key):

    @route("/my-custom-route/", method=["GET", "POST"])
    def somemethod(self):


is the same as:

class ExampleView(BottleView):

    def get(self, item_key):

    @route("/my-custom-route/", method=["GET", "POST"])
    def somemethod(self):

Adding Route Base Prefix:

So if you want to add a base prefix to your route, it is as simple as adding a variable in your View as below,

class ExampleView(BottleView):
    base_route = "/my"

So, now all the routes in ExampleView will be registered as follows

Method: GET
Endpoint: /my/example/

Method: GET
Endpoint: /my/example/<item_key>/

Method: POST
Endpoint: /my/example/

Method: PUT
Endpoint: /my/example/<item_key>/

Adding Route Prefix:

So if you want to add a base prefix to your route, it is as simple as adding a variable in your View as below,

class ExampleView(BottleView):
    route_prefix = "/custom-route"

So, now all the routes in ExampleView will be registered as follows

Method: GET
Endpoint: /custom-route/

Method: GET
Endpoint: /custom-route/<item_key>/

Note: you can add both base_route and route_prefix,
that will generate a combination of both e.g, /route_base/route_prefix/