A Developer & Trainer, working on Enterprise and open source Technologies with Python & JavaScript frameworks (Flask, Celery, Node.js, sequelize), I work with server-side & client-side javascript programming which includes node js or any other frameworks. Currently working with JavaScript framework React & Node js with Redis.
I build lots of demos and tutorials for Trainings @technetbytes, I work at MarkITSurvey as a Lead Developer, check out MarkIT-Survey Platform.
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- ⚡ I'm a failed startup founder.
- 👨🏽💻 I’m currently working on full stack javascript technologies.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Docker and Kubernetes and working on Personal project
- 🤔 I provide training to developers open-source technologies
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help;
- 👯 I’m open to collaborate on idea and projects
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected];
Languages and Tools:
Articles I've written for Geeks publications.