The server and MySQL databased is created via Terraform.
In the Terraform file ( there is a credential section where you will put your access and secrete keys. Then there are 3 resources that will be created.
NOTE: Before starting make sure you have the AWS IAM access and secrete keys with the appropriate permissions. Also set the default region. Install Terraform (
Security Group: to allow access to the instance through ports 22 (SSH) and port 80 (http) to serve the pages.
Instance: An Ubuntu instance.
DB Instance (RDS): A instance for the MySQL database.
Instructions (From the root directory):
Run the following to initialize Terraform and download any need components: terraform init
Run following to view the resources that will be created: terraform plan
Run the following to create the resources: terraform apply
Once this stage is completed. Run the following bash script (./ to get the IP and url to check the server.
To check periodically if the server is running, run the following bash script (./
Run the following to destroy the resources: terraform destroy