- World's Most Powerful and Advanced Cross Site Scripting Software
- Find XSS on any path of URL, URI, URN, Forms, Directory, Hashed Dom Link, Dom Sink or Parameters
- Useful for Newbies to Pro
- Run Installers & enter in terminal: ScreamingCobra
- Host Blind XSS Server
- Blind XSS
- Stored XSS using File
- Persistent XSS using File
- Reflected XSS
- URL Reflection XSS in Paths
- Dom XSS
- Special Java XSS payloads
- Cached Pages XSS
- Form Based XSS
- Find Dom Sinks
- Dom Hashed Link XSS
- Dom Hashed Sink XSS
- HTTP Referer XSS
- HTTP Cookies XSS
- HTTP Location XSS
- HTTP Trace XSS
- HTTP Trace with fake headers XSS
- Dump server values for Forms
- Dump server values for Parameters
- Build with handcrafted Anti IDS payloads for Cross Site Scriptingand
- Host Blind xss server in your pc with outbound to inbound connection
- Change values in blind xss file according to your own needs
- Dumper can dump server parameters, forms, etc
- Recoder will record response in result file
- Use grep to check reflections
- Live Dom scanner on websites for dom sinks with notification
- Automatic Dom XSS Scanner will automatic scan XSS on any found Sink or link
- Example: <script> var x = document.URL.substring(document.URL.indexOf("name=")+5);document.write(name + "!"); </script>
- Example: https://www.example.com/index.php?name=test# <- Software will inject payloads after HASH using firefox
- Use payloads, update payloads, add more payloads
- Be sure to remove any newlines, tabs, etc for less false positive reports
- Over, 1000+ tweets
- chmod u+x & && ./Kali_Installer.sh
- chmod u+x * && ./Parrot_Os_Installer.sh
- ./interface.sh
- chmod u+x Termux_Installer.sh
- ./termuxinterface.sh
- Android Led TV, Termux, Linux, Unix, Windows
- https://example.com.pk/pages.php?id=
- https://example.com.pk/pages.php?id=id=id=id=
- https://example.com.pk/pages.php#
- https://example.com.pk/pages/
- https://example.com.pk/pages.php?id#
- Parameters, Forms, Code Values using exclusive curl payloads
- Code can be update and expand from time to time
- 3BuUYgEgsRuEra4GwqNVLKnDCTjLEDfptu