Docker compose for run pritunl server in docker.
"Click, click, finish" solution for run openvpn server in docker.
Makefile command build
builds pritunl container.
On first run webgui will ask about key, Makefile command key
will gen it for you
For generate initial admin pass run command Makefile pass
Pritunl: Pay attention exposed port in docker-compose file and use the same one during config pritunl server, by default it is 15414/udp Internal ip bind to For configure local dns via AdGuardHome: set DNS host(optional param) in vpn server config to
During first configuration need use next mongoDB connection string: mongodb://mongo:27017/pritunl
On some proxmox virtual servers mongoDB wont start because of cpu virtualisation, for fix it use image: mongo:3.2
in docker-compose.yaml
but on arm cpus old version cant start, use image: mongo:7.0.4
Internal ip bind to
AdGuardHome: Pay attention exposed port in docker-compose file with comment '# DASHBOARD' and use same during config on the first page Internal ip bind to For configuring leave default port config during configuration on