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added generalised functions to compute dynamics of multiple systems (…
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
…with a field)

fixed, generalised for super-system, added examples

removed unnecessary csv

scripts for two-time correlations - needs testing!

remove old testing script


Version bump to 0.3.1

added disordered mean field code

added code to check photon number convergence for large system numbers
  • Loading branch information
JoelANB authored and piperfw committed Sep 30, 2022
1 parent 891a23e commit 92a47ba
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Showing 18 changed files with 2,489 additions and 5 deletions.
480 changes: 480 additions & 0 deletions examples/disordered-mean-field.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

412 changes: 412 additions & 0 deletions examples/mean-field-dynamics.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file not shown.
238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions examples/mean-field_correlations/
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#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Rough script to measure two-time correlators for mean-field Hamiltonian"""

import pickle, os, sys
sys.path.insert(0,'../../') # Make OQuPy accessible

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import oqupy
import oqupy.operators as op

# Output files
data_dir = 'data'
fig_dir = 'figures'
dynamics_plotfp = os.path.join(fig_dir, 'dynamics_plot.pdf')
datafp = os.path.join(data_dir, 'dynamics_correlators.pkl')
if not os.path.isdir(data_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(fig_dir):

# Spin operators
sigma_z = oqupy.operators.sigma('z')
sigma_p = oqupy.operators.sigma('+')
sigma_m = oqupy.operators.sigma('-')

# Bath parameters
nu_c = 0.15
a = 0.25
T = 0.026

# System parameters
dim = 2
wc = 0.0
gn = 0.2
gam_down = 0.01
gam_up = 0.01
kappa = 0.01

w0 = 0.0

# Initial conditions
initial_state = oqupy.operators.spin_dm('z-')
initial_field = np.sqrt(0.05)

# Computational parameters
# N.B. Not sensible values!
ts = 400 # steady-state time
tp = 100 # time to measure field period from (should really be in steady-state by tp)
tf = 600 # final time
rotating_frame_freq = None # record rotating frame freq. (used below)
dt = 0.5
dkmax = 20
epsrel = 10**(-4)

local_times = [0.0]
local_fields = [initial_field]
def store_local_field(t, a):
if not np.isclose(t, local_times[-1]+dt):
# in input parsing random times are passed to field_eom, avoid recording
# these
if t > local_times[-1]:

# Measure period of oscillation and adjust global variables w0 and wc
# For multiple systems would need to adjust each w0
def move_to_rotating_frame():
global rotating_frame_freq, w0, wc
start_step = round(tp/dt)
end_step = None
field_samples = local_fields[start_step:end_step]
# Array of periods measured in steps, taking each period as the time between 3 intercepts of the horizontal axis
period_steps = []
# count number of intercepts
intercepts = 0
# on first intercept, record number of steps
recorded_step = 0
# determine where sign of real part of field changes (assume evolution continuous)
sign_changes = np.diff(np.sign(np.real(field_samples)))
for step, change in enumerate(sign_changes):
# If sign changes, we have an intercept
if change != 0:
# record step of first intercept (3 intercepts make 1 period)
if intercepts==1:
if intercepts==3:
# Period is difference between step of third intercept and step of first intercept
# reset counter; hopefully measure multiple periods and average to minimise numerical error
# due to timestep not exactly aligning with intercepts
num_periods = len(period_steps)
if num_periods == 0:
# Nothing to do; no periods measured (field not oscillatory)
print('\nNo field oscillations recorded between t={} and t={}'.format(tp, ts))
rotating_frame_freq = 0.0
elif num_periods <= 5:
print('\nOnly {} periods recorded between t={} and t={} - rotating frame '\
'frequency may be inaccurate.'.format(num_periods, tp, ts))
# average period in units time (not steps)
average_period = dt * np.average(period_steps)
lasing_angular_freq = 2*np.pi / average_period
phi0 = np.angle(field_samples[-2])
phi1 = np.angle(field_samples[-1])
# whether phase is increasing or decreasing
lasing_direction = np.sign(phi1-phi0)
# np.angle has discontinuity on negative Im axis, so above fails if phi0 in upper left quadrant and phi1 in bottom left
if phi1<-np.pi/2 and phi0>np.pi/2:
lasing_direction = -1
# add corresponding angular frequency from both w0 and wc. This should result in a stationary solution
# (add as alpha rotates at negative of rotating frame freq)
rotating_frame_freq = lasing_direction*lasing_angular_freq
w0 += rotating_frame_freq # MUTLI-SYSTEM GENERALISATION ?
wc += rotating_frame_freq
print('Adjusted w0 and wc by rotating_frame_freq {:.3f}'.format(rotating_frame_freq))

# Functions passed to tempo
def field_eom(t, state, a):
if rotating_frame_freq is None:
# need to keep a local copy of field so can calculate period of
# oscillation later. TODO: implement in OQuPy itself
store_local_field(t, a)
if t >= ts:
# In steady-state, move to rotating frame and stop evolving field
if rotating_frame_freq is None:
return 0.0
expect_val = np.matmul(sigma_m, state).trace()
return -(1j * wc + kappa) * a - 0.5j * gn * expect_val
def H_MF(t, a):
return 0.5 * w0 * sigma_z +\
0.5 * gn * (a * sigma_p + np.conj(a) * sigma_m)

system = oqupy.TimeDependentSystemWithField(H_MF,
gammas = [lambda t: gam_down, lambda t: gam_up],
lindblad_operators = [lambda t: sigma_m, lambda t: sigma_p]
correlations = oqupy.PowerLawSD(alpha=a,
bath = oqupy.Bath(0.5 * sigma_z, correlations)

pt_tempo_parameters = oqupy.TempoParameters(

# compute PT to final time tf
process_tensor = oqupy.pt_tempo_compute(bath=bath,

# Control objects for two-time correlator measurement
control_sm = oqupy.Control(dim)
control_sp = oqupy.Control(dim)
# N.B. ts must be a float otherwise (if int) interpreted as timestep
control_sm.add_single(float(ts), op.left_super(sigma_m))
control_sp.add_single(float(ts), op.left_super(sigma_p))

# Two sets of dynamics, one for each two-time correlator
dynamics_sm = oqupy.compute_dynamics_with_field(
times, sp = dynamics_sm.expectations(oqupy.operators.sigma('+')/2, real=False)
ts_index = next((i for i, t in enumerate(times) if t >= ts), None)
corr_times = times[ts_index:] - ts
spsm = sp[ts_index:]
first_rotating_frame_freq = rotating_frame_freq
# reset rotating frame frequency and local storage variables
rotating_frame_freq = None
local_times = [0.0]
local_fields = [initial_field]
dynamics_sp = oqupy.compute_dynamics_with_field(
times, sm = dynamics_sp.expectations(oqupy.operators.sigma('-')/2, real=False)
smsp = sm[ts_index:] # <sigma^-(t) sigma^+(0)>
# consistency check
assert rotating_frame_freq == first_rotating_frame_freq
assert len(smsp) == len(spsm) == len(corr_times)

# save truncated times, correlators and parameters used by
save_dic = {
'times': corr_times,
'spsm': spsm,
'smsp': smsp,
'params': {
'dt': dt,
'wc': wc,
'w0': w0,
'rotating_frame_freq': rotating_frame_freq,
'kappa': kappa,
'gn': gn,
with open(datafp, 'wb') as fb:
pickle.dump(save_dic, fb)
print('Times and correlator values saved to {}'.format(datafp))

# Plot fields and polarisation
times, s_z = dynamics_sm.expectations(oqupy.operators.sigma('z')/2, real=True)
times, fields = dynamics_sm.field_expectations()
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(9,10))
axes[0].plot(times, s_z)
axes[1].plot(times, np.real(fields))
axes[1].axvline(x=tp, c='g') # corresponds to time measure period from
axes[1].axvline(x=ts, c='r') # corresponds to time measure correlators from
fig.savefig(dynamics_plotfp, bbox_inches='tight')

Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions examples/mean-field_correlations/
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Script to calculate spectral weight and photoluminescence from two-time correlators"""

import pickle, sys

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.rc('font', **{'size':14})
plt.rc('text.latex', preamble=r'\usepackage{amsmath}')

# input file
inputfp = 'data/dynamics_correlators.pkl'

# load
with open(inputfp, 'rb') as fb:
data = pickle.load(fb)
times = data['times']
spsm = data['spsm']
smsp = data['smsp']
params = data['params']

dt = params['dt']
# calculations in rotating frame, plot in original frame
wc_rotating = params['wc'] + params['rotating_frame_freq']
w0_rotating = params['w0'] + params['rotating_frame_freq']
nus = 2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(len(times), d=dt))
plot_nus = 1e3 * (nus - params['rotating_frame_freq']) # units meV

# calculate self-energies
fft_smsp = np.fft.fftshift(dt * np.fft.ifft(smsp, norm='forward'))
fft_spsm_conjugate = np.fft.fftshift(dt * np.fft.ifft(np.conjugate(spsm), norm='forward'))
# Sigma^{-+}
energy_mp = -(1j/4)*params['gn']**2*(fft_smsp-fft_spsm_conjugate)
# Sigma^{--}
energy_mm = -(1j/2)*params['gn']**2*(np.real(fft_smsp+fft_spsm_conjugate))

# calculate unperturbed Green's functions
# inverse of non-interacting retarded function
def D0RI(nu):
return nu-wc_rotating+1j*params['kappa']
# N.B. DOIK = - DORI * DOK * DOA happens to be a constant
def D0IK(nu):
return 2j * params['kappa']

# calculate interacting green's functions
inverse_retarded = D0RI(nus) - energy_mp
keldysh_inverse = D0IK(nus) - energy_mm
retarded = 1/inverse_retarded
advanced = np.conjugate(retarded)
keldysh = - retarded * keldysh_inverse * advanced

# calculate pl and spectral weight
#pl = (1j/2) * (keldysh - retarded + advanced)
# use explicit formula for PL in terms of self energies
pl = (np.imag(energy_mp) - 0.5*np.imag(energy_mm)) \
/ np.abs((nus - wc_rotating) + 1j * params['kappa'] - energy_mp)**2
# spectral weight
spectral_weight = -2*np.imag(retarded)

# Plot correlators, spectral weight, photoluminescence
fig1, axes1 = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(9,6), sharex=True)
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9,4))
fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9,4))

axes1[0].plot(times, np.real(smsp), label=r'\(\text{Re}\langle \sigma^-(t) \sigma^+(0) \rangle\)')
axes1[0].plot(times, np.imag(smsp), label=r'\(\text{Im}\langle \sigma^-(t) \sigma^+(0) \rangle\)')
axes1[1].plot(times, np.real(spsm), label=r'\(\text{Re}\langle \sigma^+(t) \sigma^-(0) \rangle\)')
axes1[1].plot(times, np.imag(spsm), label=r'\(\text{Im}\langle \sigma^+(t) \sigma^-(0) \rangle\)')
ax2.set_ylabel(r'\(\varrho\)', rotation=0, labelpad=20)
ax2.plot(plot_nus, spectral_weight)
ax3.set_ylabel(r'\(\mathcal{L}\)', rotation=0, labelpad=20)
ax3.plot(plot_nus, pl)
fig1.savefig('figures/correlators.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
fig2.savefig('figures/spectral_weight.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
fig3.savefig('figures/photoluminescence.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

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