A Clojure library designed to provide GraphQL implementation.
- Simplified APIs
- Rewrite schema and query validator for simplicity and robostness.
- Separate parser and validator for schema and query.
- High performance java parser
Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:
[graphql-clj "0.2.5"]
(def schema-str "type User {
name: String
age: Int
type QueryRoot {
user: User
schema {
query: QueryRoot
(defn resolver-fn [type-name field-name]
(get-in {"QueryRoot" {"user" (fn [context parent args]
{:name "test user name"
:age 30})}}
[type-name field-name]))
(require '[graphql-clj.executor :as executor])
(def query-str "query {user {name age}}")
(executor/execute nil schema-str resolver-fn query-str)
;; => {:data {"user" {"name" "test user name", "age" 30}}}
(require '[graphql-clj.schema-validator :as schema-validator])
(require '[graphql-clj.query-validator :as query-validator])
;; Consider memoizing the result of parsing and validating the query before execution
(def validated-schema (schema-validator/validate-schema schema-str)) ; throw ex-info with ex-data {:errors errors}
(def validated-query (query-validator/validate-query validated-schema query-str)) ; return [errors validated-ast]
(executor/execute nil validated-schema resolver-fn validated-query)
;; => {:data {"user" {"name" "test user name", "age" 30}}}
- Separated parser api for schema and query
parser/parse-schema for schema parsing
parser/parse-query-document for query parsing
- Simplified validator api, it can take query string and schema string now.
graphql-clj.schema-validator/validate-schema replaces validator/validate-schema
graphql-clj.query-validator/validate-query replaces validator/validate-statement
- executor/execute function can take string and validated result for both schema and query string.
$ lein install
$ lein deploy clojars
$ lein test
Copyright © 2016 Lei Wang
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.