- Automatically install ComfyUI on AWS EC2 instance
- Expose ComfyUI endpoint("ComfyUIPotal" in cloudformation's Outputs) through EC2 public domain name with dedicated port
- You need to get ssh key-pair through "GetSSHKeyCommand" in cloudformation's Outputs first if you want to access EC2 instance
- Default instance type is g6e.xlarge, you can change with others
- Make sure you follow the AWS CDK Prerequisites before you build the project.
- Clone this project and change the directory to the root folder of the project, and run below commands:
$ npm install -g aws-cdk
$ npm install
$ cdk bootstrap
- Run commands as below:
$ cdk synth
$ cdk deploy
$ cdk destroy
- ComfyUI files are under /home/ubuntu/ComfyUI directory
- The scripts will automatically download sdxl base and refiner models for you
- Default command in CDK scripts for running SD-ComfyUI is "nohup python main.py --listen --port 8080 > ./sd-comfyui.log 2>&1 &", you can kill that process and run your own
- You can use "tail -f /home/ubuntu/ComfyUI/sd-comfyui.log" to get real time logs for ComfyUI
- Regarding how to use ComfyUI, read its official repo